If you hadn’t noticed, it is November. NOVEMBER. I am a scratchy record stuck on repeat, but good gracious this year is speeding by.
I’m wrapping up a lovely week of working from my parents’ lakeside home in New Brunswick. Not surprisingly, most of my Happy Things revolve around that experience.
I’ll admit it always feels bittersweet when I return to my teenage home. There is the bitterness of realizing that everything could change in an instant and of knowing that – eventually – things will certainly change. But then there is the sweetness of being able to celebrate the fact that, for now, that eventually hasn’t come.
Last week I mentioned flipping the narrative about birthday parties. It feels like our kids have a never-ending stream of party invitations (Belle received two more this week!). Sometimes it seems to be a bit of an (expensive) nuisance. But if I consider the situation from a different perspective, those invites represent thriving friendships.
So while there is a hint of bitterness that comes from understanding that the years left with my parents will never, ever feel like enough, what a gift to be able celebrate that in the here and now, we’re together.

Buckle up! It’s time for Happy Things.
Sitting by the wood stove first thing on a frosty morning. The red, plaid flannel sheets Mom put on my bed. Snuggling under a fluffy blanket on the couch watching episodes of All Creatures Great and Small together each evening. Long, lingering chats over cups of coffee; my mom doesn’t drink coffee, so my dad appreciates having a companion. Each morning at their place I wake up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. It is quite lovely.

I didn’t fit in any long walks this week, but the time spent outside was wonderful. Mom and I took short walks most days on a nearby paved road; Dad and I always walked through the woods. He loves the woods and I’m pretty sure I love the woods because I love him and naturally gravitated toward walking in the woods since it was a great source of connection with him over the years.

My favourite walk was a new-to-me 4 km trail that we hiked on Thursday. The weather was warm, there wasn’t any wind, and the trail was blanketed with leaves as far as the eye could see. At one point, we came to a lake and there were hundreds of ducks that provided a soundtrack for our rest break at the water’s edge. It was one of those special moments where you pinch yourself and thank God for the beauty of nature.

This was definitely one of my happiest walks from 2024.
Later that same day, we fit in another new-to-me hike. There are a series of rest benches along the way, each with a bell to alert nearby bears to any human presence.

In addition to walks at the lake, I fit in some lovely walks with John before leaving home. We even managed to spot some late-blooming cosmos flowers.

I started this week tired. Lately, I’ve gotten into the routine of waking up early and jumping into work tasks. The first day at my parents’ house, I woke up early and spent several hours working. The second day, I looked at the clock at 5:15 am and told myself No early morning work. I rolled over and kept sleeping until 7:30 am.
More generally, waking up in a dark room (save for a skylight view of an oak tree) with no breakfast to monitor or book bags to help pack or cats (ahem, I mean kids) to herd was incredible.

Soup and stew and baked potatoes and apple crisp and cinnamon raisin toast with peanut butter. I love coming home to Mom’s cooking. Comforting and delicious, it feels great to be a daughter again and get a break from being a mom!
One day we went to visit two widowed ladies who have been family friends for decades. One woman is famous for her baked goods, and our family has always been partial to her coconut cream pie. I am salivating looking at this picture. It was so good. Mmmmm.

On a whim, en route to my parents’ house, I stopped by my alma matter and managed to see one of my closest friends from university days (she was a lab mate of mine who now works in the Biology Department) and my Honour’s supervisor. We’ve stayed in touch over the years and both this friend and my supervisor were at our wedding! I love how old friendships can sit dormant (it has been almost 15 years since I last saw my former supervisor) and then rekindle so easily. It was fun to reminisce and even though we only had time for a short visit, it made my heart happy!
I wasn’t there, but the weather was perfect, the kids had a blast, and it was a very “successful” event for everyone involved. Indy collected 272 treats, including 7 full-size bars! Yikes.

- Indy’s Halloween-themed choir concert. It was adorable and shorter than expected which, quite honestly, on a Sunday afternoon when I wanted to be home in PJs, was a very Happy Thing.
- Watching the F1 race as a family on Sunday afternoon. I like that this is something we love watching together.
- The final leaves of 2024. They’re really starting to drop and fade, but my they were glorious while they lasted!

- Setting up my 2025 planner. I went to listen to my mom’s choir rehearsal and managed to get all birthdays, relevant school dates, and a few other already-scheduled events recorded for 2025. It was so fun to play with stickers and formatting and not feel rushed for time.

And that’s a wrap. Happy weekending. I’ll be back tomorrow – even though it’s Saturday – since I’m participating in NaBloPoMo. In tomorrow’s post I’ll share all the deets and pictures for the final roundup of The Cool Bloggers Walking Club! If you have any photos you’d like to submit, send them now or forever hold your peace.
Your turn. Tell me about your Halloween! What’s your favourite type of pie? Would you rather walk on pavement road, or through a woods trail? Are there any recipes from your childhood you still make regularly as an adult?
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Tobia | craftaliciousme
Your visit to your parents sounds so wonderful. And I know I am a scratched record myself when saying you live in such a beautiful part of this world. Truly.
I wonder… you both wear high visible vests and I wo der why that is? hunting season? Also that bell for the bears… so strange to me… but then no bears in Germany.
The amount of Halloween candy is crazy. We had all shutters down and no lights on hiding from all the trick or treaters ringing our doorbell. I am the old witch lady when it come to that.
It is hunting season! There are a lot of black bears close to where my parents live, so the bells are a great idea (black bears tend to stay away from humans if they make plenty of noise).
We had wind and cooling weather, so our Halloween weather was decent. I wore hat and gloves taking my son around. I like giving out candy. And we live in a neighborhood with good sidewalks and streetlights, so kids from all over town come here. The weather discourage later trick or treaters, so I turned off our light half hour early.
And I’ve been making chocolate chip cookies from childhood- they make me think of my mom, and they’re my favorite comfort food.
I grew up having to drive from rural house to rural house, so I say my kids don’t know how good they’ve got it to be able to walk up and down a few streets to get their candy!
We turn off our lights early, too. Nothing good happens after 8:30 pm on Halloween, I don’t think?
Chocolate chip cookies are my mom’s favourite, too. But, shhhh, don’t tell her I like my recipe better than hers.
Ally Bean
Halloween was wet, but warm. Only 90 kids came to the door which is much fewer than usual. Already looking forward to next year.
Lemon meringue is my favorite pie.
Good luck with NaBloPoMo. It’ll be fun to see what you write about.
Wow, that’s still a lot of kids!
I haven’t had lemon meringue pie in a few years (I never make pie myself, only buy it – usually pecan for my husband or pumpkin for me), but a really good slice of pie is delicious. I think strawberry/rhubarb might be my absolute favourite?
Trail! I want to walk on a trail! Your walks look beautiful, and the time with your parents is priceless. Glad the kids had fun on Halloween- my daughter also got over 200 pieces of candy (arg! Why???) It looks like a lot of people give out chips in your area- here, it’s all candy. Well except for me- I gave out Halloween pretzels (but with some candy as well so my house doesn’t get TP’d). I love the M&M costumes!
Jenny, I want you to be able to walk with me on the trail.
That’s a lot of candy! Yes, chips (regular; blergh) are a very common item here. My dad loves regular chips, so we usually fill a Christmas gift bag full of these pint-sized bags and give it to him as a stocking present.
One of Belle’s friends had all the T-shirts from another year, so her costume cost us ZERO dollars. Loved that. Indy’s costume was thrifted (of course!); I think it was about $8. He loves all things Spiderman, so it was perfect.
ccr in MA
What beautiful photos! I’m glad you can cherish this time with your parents. My favorite pie is probably cherry, with vanilla ice cream of course. But cream pies are delicious too.
I don’t have more walk photos to send, but the walking club has inspired me to try to walk more regularly. I’ve been feeling more creaky in the hips lately, thanks menopause, and I have to try something.
You know, I don’t think I’ve ever had cherry pie? But it sounds yummy. I really should make an effort to try it the next time I have the opportunity…
Hooray for regular walking!
I think it is so sweet that you still spend time 1-1 with your parents! What a beautiful thing to hope for with my own children..
I absolutely love Halloween, just for the community aspect of talking to your neighbors etc. My 3 and 4 year old trick or treated for about an hour before asking to go back home. We actually have quite a few older kids with legit scary costumes so even I was a little creeped out.
Yes! I hope my own kids want to return home in their adulthood. I think it says a lot about a relationship if you crave going back to your childhood home.
Creepy costumes are NOT my thing. We shut off our lights by 8:30 at the latest. You know how I feel about Halloween, so I was not disappointed to miss it, but the weather was great and the kids had a great time with friends!
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I am so glad that you enjoyed your rejuvenating time with your folks. I have a question about the candy. In the photo with Indy and the full sized bars, I see a very organized area of candy. Who did that and why? I need to learn more organizing tricks so am curious what the process is. Also PS great haul! My Dad used to buy our candy from us, which I loved, because I don’t love candy but I did like saving money! Win-win!
Also, I am doing NoBloPoMo for the first time and am looking forward to going full steam ahead this month! See you soon! XO.
We always organize the candy. I did it as a kid and have carried on the tradition with my kids (I think John might have done this too?) We count how many full-sized bars, how many bags of chips, etc there are!
I think we have a few dentists locally that will buy back candy. Some of it I throw out. Anything gross or that noone likes. Most of the regular chips go to my dad, and then we just portion the rest out. Into the winter, dessert after a meal – even with company – will often be a mini chocolate bar pulled out from the lingering Halloween stash.
The Halloween haul is puzzling to me. So many potato chips! We don’t usually hand out potato chips in the States. Is it common in Canada? I’d be curious what other holiday differences there are since I tend to think of our countries as relatively homogenous in many ways, despite your extra vowels and celebrating Thanksgiving in October (which is INGENIOUS – our Thanksgiving and Christmas are too close together). ANYWAY. I know I got distracted by the wrong thing here.
Yay for NaBloPoMo! Happy walks! Happy visits with friends! Happy sleeping in!
Yup. Chips (in mini-bags) are very common. Sadly, it’s usually regular chips which none of us really like (so maybe that’s a good thing for my heart health). We generally put them all in a gift bag and give them to my father for Christmas.
Hmmm. I’m not sure what other differences we would have. Thanksgiving is much, much lower-key in Canada. We tend to have turkey at both holidays; some people have ham, but it wouldn’t be the biggest seller at either holiday.
Our elections don’t happen on a specific date (I think it has to be a Monday, and we have a limited – less than 2 month – campaign period…so that is VERY different).
I love our extra “u’s” and appreciate in my guest post you left them in…
I had the exact same thought about how many bags of chips there are on that table! My daughter got a bag of popcorn which I thought was genius. At my new house/neighborhood I hope there will be trick or treaters next year and I’ll give that out to be healthy(ish). We currently get zero trick or treaters (more rural area) and I’m bummed about that.
My parents are very rural and get zero trick-or-treaters.
Chips are so, so common. We also sometimes get toothbrushes, raisins, pencils, glow sticks, and applesauce squeeze tubes which are healthy(ish) adjacent. But most of it is pure sugar. Sigh…but also, it’s very fun for them I suppose and we eat it slowly over months and months.
The pictures at the start of your post are how I always want to think of fall – the colors and the sky and just everything are that very feeling I get when I think about it!
We had a good (if unseasonably warm) Halloween and Lil Momma loved being Wednesday (Adams) on a (Halloween) Thursday. Apple pie forever and ever here; it’s tied at the top of my favorite desserts. Woods trail for my walks (but better if it isn’t too muddy, haha). I still make my mother’s Chex/party mix and try to make a different recipe of my grandmother’s each Christmas.
Happy NaBloPoMo!!
It has been such a glorious fall. Beautiful colours, nice weather. It is exactly what I wanted and needed this season to be.
Apple pie would be very far down my list, but I wonder if that’s because I grew up with not-so-great apple pie? I do love a good apple crisp, though!
We make a party mix (Nuts and Bolts) for Christmas. More specifically, my mom mostly makes it. I’ve made it before, but prefer to let her do it!
Yay for the time with your parents. I’m very jealous of that Taki’s chip bag that I spy in the Halloween haul!
We were nervous about how Doggo would do with all of the Halloween intruders, so we timed her walk for the start of trick or treat. I went out with her while Hubs held down the fort. She was a little spooked by all of the people out on the street, but she did well. She wasn’t happy when people came up to our door, but Hubs and I alternated one person answering the door and the other staying with the dog to calm her down. The boys went out to trick or treat, but they ended up mainly hanging out with their friends. Meanwhile Hubs and I watched Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein (yes on weeknight but it worked because both movies are pretty short). All in all it was a good night!
I like a mix of pavement and trails. I love the variety in surfaces when I go out into the woods – I’m thinking of last weekend’s hike where there was trail, there were boardwalks, there were bridges, and yikes! even a ladder at one point in the trail.
I don’t know if I’ve ever had Taki’s? I think they’re spicy? If so, I’d likely be a hard pass…I have such delicate little tastebuds. Sigh.
Sounds like a fun night. I can imagine being overwhelmed by the whole experience from the perspective of a dog! It’s a lot to absorb as an adult!
That ladder was quite something. I don’t think I’ve ever climbed a ladder on a trail before. I agree with you though; it’s fun to have different terrains. If none of it is muddy, I’ll likely be happy. I am not a fan of slipping and sliding through mud puddles.
I just sent you some photos from my morning walks. 🙂
We had 1 trick or treater, and she was looking for her mom, who was delivering a package that had gone to her house by mistake. I sent most of the candy with my husband for his office, or else I will eat it all. I saved a few though.
I was very touched by your phrasing about your parents, that there is a bitterness to knowing that you won’t have them forever. That anticipatory grief can really rob the here and now of its joy. I had that with my mom, she was very sick and it was very scary, but I didn’t have it before she got sick. I had it with Mulder, especially when his Lymphoma came back. I tried SO HARD to just enjoy the time I had with him, but it was all so poignant and painful, I really failed in that respect. The other side of that coin, of course, is that because of that bitterness, you do not take them for granted. Which is wonderful. I’m so glad that you have this beautiful place to go, and that you are able to go alone, and have that time together with them. That is truly, truly a gift. Also, wow, those woods! Stunning, I would love to walk there, it’s beautiful.
It is really hard to balance the wanting to “be present” and “enjoy the moment” while also honouring the fact that my brain realizes this won’t last forever. I think as a kid, it’s much easier to surrender to the moment because you don’t really think about the fact that everything will pass away over time. I also think I have a melancholy/realist perspective on life, too, so I’m sure that adds to it.
But it really has been a wonderful week and I’m very grateful to have had this time and made these memories.
My parents had zero trick-or-treaters.
Those pictures of the woods made me feel homesick a little. We don’t have fall like this around here and it just made my heart ache for crisp fall air and a walk in my hometown woods – woods over road all the way!
Our neighboring street goes all out for Halloween so I went on a little walk by myself and it was so fun to see everyone dressed up. The kids made their own plans and at stretches I had the house full of teenage boys before they headed out, too. I kind of want to make bigger plans for our house, too for next year. Maybe I can rope in my growing kids?
I think fall is the only season I would truly miss if I moved to a more temperate climate. I just love fall. Everything about it is cozy and inviting and lovely.
I know my kids would like to decorate more than we do, but it is just NOT my thing. I’ll be curious to see what they do when they’re grown. Will they want to go “all out” since I didn’t do much in terms of decor at Halloween when they were kids?
Michelle G.
How nice that you could get away and enjoy time with your parents! I’ll join in with all the other US bloggers in being surprised about all the chips! I love your very stylish, classy hunters’ orange vest, and you’re smart to wear it out in the woods. We had zero trick or treaters as usual. We’re enough off the beaten path that it wouldn’t be worth the effort.
Ha! Stylish and classy? The picture must be blurry. It looks like something out of the Beverly Hillbillies.
My parents are the same; they haven’t had a single trick-or-treater in YEARS.
Chips are very, very common, at least where we live in Atlantic Canada. Unfortunately (fortunately) they’re mostly regular which I don’t like, so they don’t tempt me much. We give most of them to my dad as he likes regular chips.
Lisa's Yarns
I remember you saying in the past that people give out chips so I was not surprised to see that in the candy haul but that would be an incredibly random thing to hand out there. I feel like the chips must get so smushed in the bag of candy? But maybe kids don’t care if their chips are banged up. PB cups were the most popular treat the boys received by a landslide, followed by Snickers!
I am a bit of a contrarian on the whole “year has flown by” commentary. It kind of feels like the 11th month of the year and while it has gone fast, it’s been jam packed with so much stuff. And I am so glad that Taco turns 4 in early December because we are closer to putting the toddler years behind us. Thank. God. 🙂
Nope. The chips have tons of extra air in them. I’ve never found they get too smushed? I love PB cups.
Lisa, I never felt like years zoomed by when I had kids in the toddler or early elementary-school years. Time dragged on like I was on a penal treadmill. It gets better, friend!! So I 100% support you being contrarian about it.
Love the M&Ms– so cute!
The best part? Someone else had all the T-shirts so the costume cost ZERO dollars!
Gorgeous photos, lots to be grateful for! Makes we want to visit the East coast again at some point. I love that you’re visiting home – our firstborn will be leaving home in the next couple of short months, to begin the next phase of life with his partner. He’ll be a 6 hour flight away. I am excited for him, we love his girlfriend, but it is bittersweet for me as his Mom.
It’s hard to say goodbye to bygone stages in relationships. I think that’s why my parents love when I come home alone now. It has been 20+ years since I was regularly at home, so it feels so unique to us now. What used to be normal is now extra special <3
That is some serious Halloween loot. I definitely would prefer to walk in a forest vs walking on a sidewalk. There’s a great forest preserve near our home, and I never make the effort to go there to run. I guess it’s because I’m usually on a time crunch. Run and make it home in time for tots being dropped off, etc.
How great that you were able to spend a week at your parents’ home. I so appreciate how you enjoyed feeling like a daughter instead of a mom. My folks live around the corner, so I don’t ever stay with them. One of my sisters stays there quiet often, and she’s very controlling and territorial. Her near-constant presence has caused me to steer clear, which is unfortunate. I’m not the only one who picks up on that vibe. My kids feel it too and they dislike visiting when she’s there.
Also, my mom has Alzheimer’s and my dad is 84. I think the days of feeling pampered or having my mom cook or bake for me are in the past. I’m in a position now where I’m trying to meet my parents’ needs. I bring them dinners a few times a week, or I bake my dad pumpkin bread. It’s hard, but I do feel fortunate that they are still with us and I’m really blessed that they are so close to me.
I love how relaxed life feels in the forest. I do a lot of walking on pavement but with cars rushing past and people zooming by on bikes it automatically feels more rushed (to me). I feel like I exhale when I step into the woods.
Family dynamics can be so hard. I have some very challenging ones in my life; thankfully, it doesn’t include my parents, and being with them has been wonderful.
I’m so sorry you’re at the point of care-taking for your parents. That’s such a hard, sad, and exhausting role-reversal. I’ve watched my own parents go through it with their parents (my grandparents), and it is overwhelming to think about what may be ahead in the journey. But here, now, I’m sleeping in my teenage bedroom and eating familiar foods and it is so lovely!
Beautiful photos! I relate to the feeling of coming home to your parents house, something that’s always been there but will not always be in the future. đź’• I visit my parents today and its both joyfull and sad as they are getting older.
Happy NaBloPoMo wishes from Sweden.
It is an odd combination of emotions. It’s nice to know others can relate.
Hello from Canada <3
I really love that people give out potato chips in Canada. It’s a smart idea – a little easier on the teeth than all that candy, maybe?
I didn’t do anything for Halloween. I was going to go over to a friend’s house but opted to stay home. I’m not a big Halloween lover so that was all right with me!
I truly cannot believe it’s November already!!
It surprises me you don’t love Halloween. Well, that makes two of us. This year I get all the perks. No trick-or-treating, but you can bet I’m going to raid the kids candy stash when I get home.
Oh Elisabeth, what a wonderful time with your parents. I loved everything about it… the coffee smell in the morning and having coffee with your dad, the walks with your parents, the feeling of being a kid again at your parents’ house and being relieved of parental duties. And you timed this well by being away for Halloween, hehe.
We had trick-or-treaters at our new home on Thursday, but I got home late from work (around 7 pm) and a lot of kids had come through already. I did put out more candy though 🙂 I am glad I thought of getting some on my last grocery run.
You would love it at my parents’ place. The coffee, the lake, the woods! I mean…what’s not to love? Unless you like to shop because they are quite remote so shopping is not really an option.
It didn’t occur to me til a few years ago, that the reason I like visiting my parents even though we don’t always have the best relationship, is because my mom still takes care of all the cooking, cleaning, etc. It is a true mental break for me in that regard (I have four kids ages 3-9). Even if the meals aren’t my favorite- I don’t have to cook them! I do help with dishes though 🙂
I am not a fan of Halloween either. We let the kids dress up and we go to one or two trunk or treats- do you have those in your area? Usually they are at a church or community center. It feels like a good compromise between doing nothing, and going all out. I also do zero decorating. Not my thing.
It is so true. When I’m home, my brain is constantly churning about things that need to be done or could be done. Or I walk by something and see it needs tidying. I don’t have to do that at my parents place. I don’t care if the laundry basket is full or the tub needs cleaning because they have their own rhythms.
I help with physical labour (and dishes), but not having to manage kid schedules or sort laundry is a true gift <3
I feel like there are some trunk or treat options, but we have never done them and they've never been something that has overtly come across our paths. I know our church doesn't do it. I know years ago they used to have something at our local mall where kids could dress up and walk through and stores would hand out candy. I don't think that is done anymore (our mall has gotten pretty sparse lately).
Fabulous photos of your walks, something I miss, like forest bathing amongst the pines. Here in Quebec City, I have to make do with my local park. Do treasure these days with your parents, I know I miss mine, especially at this time of year.
And coconut cream pie? Oh, how I wish …
As they get older, each year and visit seems more and more precious <3
I love spending time down at my parents place too, and enjoying my mum’s cooking again. Usually now we try to share the cooking around because it’s a bit much for mum, but it’s still better than having to do it all myself like at home. Time with parents does feel very previous as the years roll on.
Yes to all of this…Time is so precious with those we love, but I think it becomes more tangible as we see them age and no longer be able to do all the things they once could.
The bear bell benches cracked me up. Were there issues with bears there or are the bells strictly a preventative measure? I’ve seen wild bears in other places but no live wild bears in NB, yet. (Just some roadkill ones sadly.) But I did recently see my first moose – it was so majestic and instead of fulfilling my longtime desire to see a moose it made me deeply crave seeing more because it was incredible. That’s my happy thing, I guess!
There are a lot of bears in the area where my parents live in NB. I don’t think I’ve ever heard reports of any of them being aggressive, so I think it’s a safety precaution. But I know that it is good practice to make lots of noise when walking through the woods because that will usually keep black bears away!
I’ve seen two moose in NB. Once on the Mirimichi River and the other time…out in my parents’ backyard! That one was especially surprising.
How nice your visit at your childhood home was! We don’t celebrate halloween, but I did get my chickens 2 pumkins ”to carve” and I did light some candles in the big one a couple of nights.
My favorite pie is bluberry! Mmm, here in Sweden our blueberries are smaller then yours and blue on the inside as well. Back in the day they used them to color clothes, actually. That coconut pie looks like a fluffy dream!
For family recipes I do have a gingerbread cookie one, my kids are the 6th generation to bake after the same recipe. I got it from my paternal grandma (or farmor as we say here) and she got it from her maternal grandmother Maja (the word for maternal grandmother is mormor). We bake our gingerbread cookies really thin and I have really fond memories from our traditional baking with grandma every year. I also have my dads waffle batter recipe which is great.
Wow. What an interesting fact about blueberries. I know beets are often used for dying as well (which makes sense since any time I handle beets my hands end up bright pink!).
I had a blueberry pie earlier this year and if someone had asked me if I liked blueberry pie before that I would have said no. But I think that’s just because I hadn’t had a blueberry pie in decades. It was delicious!!!
I love that you can still visit your teenaged home; what a blessing! The photos are just lovely and I’d be hard pressed to ever leave. Coffee with dad, walks with mom, homemade dinners? YES PLEASE!
Love the M & M’s costumes.
It was such a lovely, special week and I know my parents really appreciated the help and companionship and I loved (loved, loved, loved) taking a step back from home/parenting responsibilities.