I’m so conditioned to post every week that it feels positively wonky to be consolidating fourteen days of Happy Things. As per usual I kept a list of things making me smile in my weekly planner spread and am here to share the scoop.
*(Don’t forget – if you happen to like coffee or chocolate – to enter yesterday’s giveaway; comments/entries are open until next Tuesday, March 5th).
John and I got away for 24 blissful (child-free) hours. We went to Halifax for an overnight getaway; nothing too fancy or exciting, but we ate delicious food – sushi at an incredible little spot tucked away on an unassuming street plus a steak dinner – spent hours relaxing at the hotel, and fit in some thrifting.

I took exactly one picture on our vacation and it was of one of the outfits I wore because I am starting to plan clothes for Barcelona and thought I’d like to take this combo along. Demerit for not getting a single picture with my spouse or our delicious food while we scooted away together.
*I lied.
I just discovered I took another picture – here’s a funny sign I saw at a thrift store which I texted to Kae for a laugh.

Last year A was scheduled to go to a weekend winter camp and then we got a huge snowstorm and frigid temperatures and it was cancelled. This year the forecast wasn’t looking great (rain, snow, and freezing rain), but everything worked out in the end and she had THE. BEST. TIME. She was a bit nervous but ended up being in a cabin with a close friend and she loved everything about the experience.
So did we. Going from two kids down to one is a surprisingly big shift, especially when their personalities are SO different. We had a very delightful few days home with just L and everyone was happy. Win, win, win.

I will be doing a Demerits and Gold Stars post next week and skiing will be high on my Gold Stars list! Last Monday the kids had a day off school (Heritage/Family Day here in Canada). L hasn’t been skiing regularly and, as a general rule, doesn’t love it. Like his mother, he is NOT a fan of the cold. But when I had all the gear ready for A to go, he insisted he’d like to join too. Since I’m cheap and he doesn’t have a season’s pass, we just went for the morning and it was perfect. Someone had gifted us a few sets of toe warmers so I gave each kid a set and I think it made a huge difference in his staying power. A went off and did her own thing, and L and I hung together all morning.

The crowds were…insane. Mid-morning the ski hill ran out of rentals! We had to wait in very long lines, but that was okay.

The next night I was back at the hill with A. The kids’ school organizes trips once a week, but they overlap with drama practice. She has been desperate to go so she can ski with her school friends and, as luck would have it, drama ended up being cancelled! She had so much fun, but I was kinda miserable. It was SO cold and she wanted nothing to do with me (#TweenMom) so I skied on my own and was very ready to leave when the time came but I’m glad we went. She had a blast with her friends and it was worth the potential frostbite to see her in her element.
I love this space. It makes me so happy. John has the lights set up with a fancy plug so it comes on each morning BEFORE I LEAVE MY BEDROOM. Speaking of little joys. It makes me happy every single day to see twinkle lights seconds after getting out of bed.

And for poops and giggles…here’s what it looked like the day we moved in.

- One of A’s friends came over after church for an impromptu lunch and then they laughed all afternoon. It gets so much easier to entertain your kids as they get older because you bring a friend over and THEY ENTERTAIN EACH OTHER.

- The noise of mini sticks in the hallway is hard to describe in words. So loud. Also a Happy Thing – choosing not to paint the hallway since moving in so I don’t care, in the slightest, about the hundreds of mini-stick black marks all over the wall (you can’t really tell in this picture but in person they are quite something!).
- The marquee jokes at a local farmer’s market this month. Week 1. What kind of party does an apple throw? A gala. Week 2. What is Darth Vader’s favourite type of apple? Empire. Week 3. Who makes the best homemade apple pie? Granny Smith. I hope they keep up these little jokes/puns…forever!
- Sleeping one night for TWELVE hours.
- A customer service rep going above and beyond to help us with an issue.
- Delicious homemade spaghetti (prepared by John) with roasted broccoli.
- Bedtime yoga.
- Sunshine.
- Waking up and discovering it is LIGHT OUTSIDE. Spring really is coming.

- An impromptu coffee and chat at my parents. The simplicity of the mug, the creamy coffee, and the sunshine streaming in through the window all made me smile.
- Cold water.

- Skiing with L – it was a really special experience.
- My favourite run at the ski hill was FINALLY open. I went down it so many times and each was thrilling.
- Having a library card.
- Going to the library.
- Looking at the new pile of books on my bedside table – so much possibility!
- Feeling excited to go away with my spouse! Being in love is a delight.
- Outfit combos my kids come up with – I either need to laugh about some of the combinations or I’d cry. Occasionally I put my foot down if we’re going out somewhere, but the colour and pattern combos can be WILD.
- Hot tea sipped slowly.
- Freshly laundered clothes.
- The cutest card and sweetest Valentine’s note from Suzanne. Receiving this snail mail made me smile!!

- Having meals planned ahead for the week and all the ingredients I need in the fridge.
- Our small group at church – I love this time and I love these people.
- Crossing things off lists.
Your turn. What have you been up to these two weeks? I hope everyone has a few happy things to share, but laments are welcomed as well!
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Nicole MacPherson
I always look forward to these posts, Elisabeth! Fridays are always my favourite day of the week and your posts are a lovely start to it!
I love your mantle. It is so fun to watch the changes! Back in Calgary, R hooked up the Christmas lights on the garage so that when I got up in the morning, they would come on, and I would be able to see them out the kitchen window and, back in the day, when I would get home at 6 from yoga. Your mantle reminded me of that, I haven’t thought of it for a while.
Yay for a romantic getaway! That outfit is perfect on you and you must take it with you to Barcelona. YOU MUST!!!
Skiing in crowds feels stressful BUT how fun to get out there in the fresh air! I am heading out to snowshoe later this morning!
This is the first year I’ve done anything other than just Christmas decor on the mantle but it’s so easy.
Hope the snowshoeing was amazing.
Colleen Martin
Happy Friday!! I love that you can just go skiing in the winter like we can just go to the beach in the summer. So fun
I’m glad you got a nice getaway together, isn’t it so important? I wish it could happen more often! Your outfit is exactly what I would wear, and it looks great on you.
I’d take the beach over the ski hill, just sayin’
I love Happy Things Friday! I’m really impressed with your skiing. First of all, you’re braving the cold. Second, I think it takes courage- I wouldn’t trust myself on skis. Something very bad would happen. Third- you’re getting some great exercise. It deserves a triple gold star.
I LOVE the mantel decorations! In my last comment I said you’ve inspired me to get out my Easter decorations, and now I realize I need to add twinkle lights as well.
That “diddly squat” sign literally made me laugh out loud.
Triple gold stars? I like the way you think, Jenny!
Twinkle lights are CRITICAL to me feeling cozy.
Isn’t the diddly squat hilarious?
Your mantle is so pretty! I love how you painted the brick. That was something I always wanted to do at our old house but never got around to. It looks so nice!
Yay for skiing! We have had so few opportunities to ski this year and I miss it dreadfully. Love that you have been taking advantage of it this year.
Your date sounds heavenly. So nice to spend time ALONE together. And I love your outfit — in part because I have nearly the same thing! We could be twinsies!
Happy things here today: not having to drive my kid to school, feeling INFINITELY BETTER than I did yesterday, and fresh muffins!
I’m not sure if we’ll get skiing again this year. The weather is not great. We got A LOT of rain and it’s to be warm next week. Darn. So I’m extra glad we fit things in when we did!!!
I almost never own anything in white, so I think I’m especially partial to it because it makes me feel very grown up and glamorous to have anything white!
I’m so glad you’re feeling better after that awful cold situation. And fresh muffins – yes, please!
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
Okay, I have never heard it said “poop and giggles” before, but I am totally going to steal that.
Yay for the overnight couples’ getaway!
Diddly squats! It’s what Cool Bloggers do before the Cool Bloggers’ Treadmill Workout – which you brought into the Cool Blogger’s Circle.
Steal away.
I feel like “Cool Bloggers” needs official merch?
Ally Bean
“Waking up and discovering it is LIGHT OUTSIDE” = yes, yes, yes! That is my happy thing lately. Trying to ignore the fact that DST starts in 10 days. Glad you had a good adult break from the kiddos.
Don’t remind me about the TIME CHANGE. Argh. I hate time changes and really do hope that sometime soon they will be done away with for good.
So happy you got to go away with John. It’s nice to have your parents close by right now, isn’t it? I don’t blame you for not taking any pictures but just soaking up the time together.
Your mantle is amazing and I love that you painted it. It looks a lot nicer in white.
And obviously, I couldn’t be more excited about all the skiing you’ve been doing… I cannot wait to get on the slopes again myself and I am so happy you’re enjoying the time with A and L on the slopes so much!
The weather has been the pits this week, but I’m hoping we can fit in a few more runs in the 2024 season!
Kyria @ Travel Spot
Diddly squats! That is what I am doing today instead of getting out for a run, because it is raining here again. Boo. I went skiing with my Dad recently and it was a lot of fun! Your daughter may not appreciate it at the moment, but she will later on! I am just glad my Dad is still able to go skiing, but actually he is also really good! I was impressed with the old man
Yay for skiing with loved ones.
And good luck with those squats
Diddly or otherwise…
Lisa’s Yarns
I love your mantle! And it looks so much better with the brick painted white! We have white painted brick as well and I love how it looks! Our mantle is not as festive as yours, though. I should up my game there!
Highs for the last couple of weeks were my shouldless day, a fun book club meeting and celebrating Paul’s birthday! February was kind of blah but it’s generally a blah month for us as we are all so ready for longer days of sunshine and reliably warm weather! But now we are one month closer to better weather!
Your 24 hour getaway sounded amazing!!
January and February are just not my favourite months. It feels very blah with the weather, the post-Christmas crash etc. Onward and upward and what a great weekend celebrating Paul <3
So much skiing for you guys lately! That’s so fun. Someone in your comments mentioned it’s like us going to the beach, but I am SO lazy about going to the beach, lol. Getting my beach bag together and trying to find parking and dealing with crowds and getting sand everywhere… ugh. I should take more advantage, though!
I love your mantle all dressed up for Easter. How fun!
Ha! I would take the beach over the ski hill any day! It’s the same thing for me, though. All the sand, crowds, parking, taking food – it’s the same with skiing it’s just cold and it’s big bulky gear that gets all wet. BUT IT’S WORTH IT (she tells herself over and over again…)
Aw, Elisabeth! I love your happy posts. Such joy here, and your Easter mantle is darling.
I love all of this. Your mantle is so pretty, and yay for getting away for the night. Clearly you were having too good a time to take photos. I’ve just got back from our holiday and it was fantastic.
Yay for holidays. I’m so glad you had a nice time <3