I get excited about all my guest posters, but I am positively giddy today to welcome Suzanne! Awarder of gold-star supernovas! Encourager extraordinaire! And a blogger who I have the honour of calling my friend.
Suzanne is a writer, mother (to “Carla”), and wife. She blogs regularly at Life of a Doctor’s Wife – shall I offer a confetti of gold stars to whoever can guess what her spouse does for a living? She is a freelance writer and editor who loves to write – and read – fiction.
Suzanne does not like oatmeal, eggs, or tomatoes, but she posts the most mouth-watering menus (Dinners This Week). With regard to food, the most important thing you need to know is Suzanne is the one we all have to thank for sharing perhaps the Best Cookie Recipe on the Planet. My family says Thank You from the bottom of their hearts.
She is witty and kind and reading a new post from her is like settling in for a warm hug from a dear friend. I am simply delighted she agreed to stop by my little corner of the internet. Grab a cup of something delicious and settle in to enjoy her “interview”…
Q. What aspect of your current life would most surprise 20-year-old Suzanne?
Twenty-year-old Suzanne would most definitely be shocked to find out that I have a child! Shocked and probably appalled. At twenty, I was CERTAIN that I would never have kids. I did not see myself as a mother. I did not want kids. I did not like kids. I was extremely bratty and know-it-all-y about the whole thing! It is so funny to look back on that young girl now and see how wrong she was. I cannot imagine my life without my sparkly, sings-at-all-hours-of-the-day, make-a-room-brighter-just-by-being-in-it kid.
Q. What seemingly βlittleβ moment have you observed or been a part of lately that brought a disproportionate amount of joy?
Can I cheat [Yes! You may! Please do!] and offer two examples? They are both top of mind. 1. I was out with a friend, chatting and walking, and just as we were about to part ways, she asked if I was sure there wasnβt more going on. I admitted that Iβve been stressed about some things and she asked if I wanted a hug. Um, yes?! This is something I offer my kid all the time when sheβs struggling, but I had never thought to offer a hug to another adult. Or to ask for one! It was such a lovely, thoughtful, intuitive moment and it made me feel so warm and fuzzy and grateful toward this friend. 2. I was, again, out walking and I heard this absolute cacophonous din of birdsong in a nearby clump of trees. The closer I got, the louder the sound grew. There must have been thousands of birds, chattering away, but I couldnβt see a single wing or beak! They were completely hidden by the leaves which gave the impression that the trees had burst forth into singing. It was magical!

Q. Do you have a go-to reset when youβre feeling overwhelmed or struggling to stay focused?
While Iβm not perfect about implementing this strategy, my number one mood booster/reset button is to go outside and take a walk. It doesnβt have to be a long walk! The weather doesnβt have to be good! It just needs to be time in nature, moving my body, breathing the fresh air. This activity rarely fails to help set me on a better path. And even if it doesnβt provide a true reset to whatever is going on, it at least gives me a break from Real Life, and thatβs valuable too.
Q. If you could add (or subtract) one habitual behaviour in your life, what would it be?
Right now, I am really wishing I could add regular strength training back into my life. Earlier this year, I got into a groove of lifting weights two or three times a week, and I loved it. I felt so strong and capable. My bones and muscles were so pleasantly tired and sore afterward. And there is something about lifting weights, for me, that drives all other thoughts out of my head (which is a welcome state of being!). Iβm on hiatus now while I settle into a new house and a new routine, but I am really looking forward to reincorporating that habit back into my life.
Q. If you could eat only one meal on repeat for a week, what would you choose?
No one who knows me will be surprised to learn that I would 100% choose to eat tacos on repeat for a week. Or ten weeks. They are the perfect food! And it doesnβt really matter what kind of tacos they are β fish or ground beef, mushroom or pork or Brussels sprouts β I am an equal opportunity taco fan.
Q. What international destination – that youβve never visited – do you most want to see?
One of the places I would love to visit someday is Egypt. I would be so interested to experience the pyramids up close β Iβve heard itβs awe-inspiring! It would be so fascinating to experience a place with so much history.
Q. If you could snap your fingers and have all the capabilities necessary to excel in any career or hobby (e.g. if your wish was to be a famous rockstar, youβd magically have the necessary vocal/instrumental skills), what would you choose and why?
This is such a tough question! While there are quite a few things that come to mind (police officer! spy! writer! auto mechanic! chemist!), I think I would choose physician. I feel like I would feel so much more confident in dealing with potential emergencies, and I would feel much calmer as a parent, and I would feel so good about being able to truly help people. Plus, I am assuming that βall the capabilities necessary to excelβ includes no more queasiness over bodily fluids and no more wooziness at the mere mention of blood!
Q. What is your most treasured possession?
When it comes to most treasured possessions, I have a practical answer and a sentimental answer. (Whoops β I am really doing a terrible job of answering the question as it is posed!) [For the purposes of this blogging guest series, this deserves a gold star, not a demerit!] Practically speaking, my most treasured possession is my laptop. It has all my writing on it (although I do have a backup, I promise!) and holds so many years of work. I would hate to lose it. If we are talking about sentimental treasures, the one that pops to mind is a landscape painted by my mother. Itβs of the land near the house I grew up in, and it captures the colors of the wheat and the winter sky so perfectly. I would be so bereft if that painting were to be damaged or lost!

Q. Did you have any pets as a child?
While I donβt currently have any pets, I grew up with a TON of animals. When I was in elementary school, I had a hamster, and my brother had a Betta fish named Sushi that survived for a ridiculously long time. We lived in the country and one of my fatherβs childhood dreams was to have horses, so we had horses. His work partner also had horses, and sometimes a horse or two would come stay in our pastures, so we might have anywhere from one to five horses running around. My horse was a stubborn Appaloosa with reddish mane, tale, and eyelashes and the softest grey muzzle in the world. We also always had dogs. Sometimes, families in town would realize they couldnβt have a dog because they needed more exercise than the people could offer, or they barked too much, or they were too energeticβ¦ so they came to live in the country at our house. They really got to live their best lives as outside dogs, roaming around unfenced. We got to experience all sorts of breeds this way, from Collie to German Shepherd, Golden Retriever to Irish Setter, Cocker Spaniel to Brittany Spaniel and more. We also had a ton of barn cats that I adored. It was such a delight when a cat would have a litter of kittens (far less frequently than you might think β I believe we had three litters in 18 years), and I would eagerly go visit them and name all the kittens and cuddle them until we could find them homes. In one litter, the mother cat had a tortoiseshell coat and the father was all black, but the kittens were a wild range of colors and patterns! One kitten looked like a seal point Siamese. Another was white with grey polka dots. I loved naming the cats β they all had human names like Kimberly and Cooper and Rebecca. Only once did we have an indoor cat, a feisty grey tabby who lived for nearly eighteen years.
Q. Savoury or sweet?
Savory all day, every day. Itβs not that I donβt enjoy sweets; I do. But when I have cravings they are for things like nachos. Ruffles with sour cream dip. Cheese and crackers (hot tip: Trader Joeβs has a carmelized onion cheddar that is KILLER). Pizza. Tacos. I could go on and on; I love food. As a kid, I would get off the bus, trudge up the half-mile-long hill to my house, and make myself a salad of iceberg lettuce, carrots, red onion, and Italian dressing. Doesnβt get much better than that. [You may be, perhaps, the first child I’ve heard of that considers a salad to be comfort food!]
Q. If you could trade places with someone for a week, who would you want to switch with and why?
I feel like there are all sorts of celebrities whose lives would be fun to live briefly. But if I had to pick one person, I would love to trade places with my husband for a week. He is SO different from me, and I would be so interested to see what itβs like inside his brain. (I bet it is very calm and serene in there!) It would also be really neat to see what itβs like to a) be male and b) be a physician. I bet people would treat me SO differently than they do now! Plus, if weβre trading places, he would get to see what itβs like to be in my brainβ¦ and maybe he would have new insights into why I am the way that I am!
Thanks so much for giving me the opportunity to make a guest appearance on your blog, Elisabeth! Your gorgeous photos and optimistic perspective always brighten my day. π
Well that was Fun with a capital “F.” Thanks for guesting here today, Suzanne, and for all the joy you bring to our blogging community.
Your turn. Any questions for Suzanne? Are you Team Savoury or Sweet? Did anyone else have horses growing up? Who would you want to trade places with for a day? Are you someone who likes to give/receive hugs?
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Kyria @ Travel Spot
It is so fun getting to know you better Suzanne! I always wanted a horse when I was a kid; of course I had no idea what that entailed, from buying one to caring for one! Did you have to care for the horses or was that more your parent’s domain? If so, what would you say to a 9 year old who told you that they wanted a horse?
Thanks, Kyria! Caring for the horses was one of my main chores. (Although I admit that my father did a LOT of the work for me.) This involved brushing them regularly and cleaning their hooves, feeding them, and cleaning out the barn. They had a water trough that circulated clean water for them, but I lived in a very cold part of the US, so mornings in winter before school I had to go make sure the water hadn’t iced over. Sometimes I would be running late and would run to the barn with wet hair, and my hair would get icy. Cleaning out the barn was hard work — lots of sweeping and shoveling and pushing a wheelbarrow. But I have always found the scent of horse manure to be very comforting! A nine-year-old who wants horses needs to know that it’s a lot of hard work and you can’t ever take a day off because the horses need you every day. But horses are such wonderful creatures, with amazing personalities, so the work can be very rewarding.
Ha – I’d say no π
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
Elisabeth, it’s so fun to come over to your house and find Suzanne here!
My thoughts are that a genuine hug is priceless, yes to tacos in all forms, being able to snap my fingers and become a doctor sounds pretty sweet (have the skills without going to medical school plus not being squeamish about “stuff”), and yes absolutely if our house was burning down I’d put a high priority on taking my laptop with me. Not that it couldn’t be replaced but it really is the gateway to many things that I value.
I want to transport myself to your childhood home and out with the dogs and cats.
Hi Birchie!!! Yes, it would be especially nice to bypass all the squeamish aspects of pursuing medicine! Woo hoo for fellow taco fans. π
Aww. Can I just say I love that you call this little space “my house.” It does feel like we all show up in our PJs for a nice chin wag <3
Nicole MacPherson
I just love that woman and it was so exciting to see her here, and to see her horses! I knew she had horses. I knew she had cats. But I had no idea she ALSO had dogs roaming around, her childhood sounds magical.
I think we all can laugh a little at our bratty 20 year old selves! We had it all figured out back then.
I am absolutely a hugger, maybe too much! Also on Team Savoury, all the way!
This was such a delight first thing in the morning!
HI NICOLE!!! Yes, so many dogs! We had some really wonderful canine friends. It was truly a magical childhood.
It does not surprise me one bit you’re a hugger, Nicole.
Hooray for Suzanne! Yes, she is famous in the blogging world for introducing us to the fall spiced chocolate chip cookies (hmm, I should make those again soon!)
It was fun to read about Suzanne’s childhood living in the country- how many of us dreamed of a childhood like that, with horses and dogs roaming around? And kittens!!! It sounds amazing.
It’s funny that 20-year-old Suzanne didn’t like kids- I never would have guessed, based on her relationship with her daughter now. I was kind of like that when I was younger too- it wasn’t exactly that I actively didn’t want kids (eventually) but I just didn’t really enjoy them. Like I didn’t really get excited about babies or toddlers (like I do now.) Funny how we change!
Those cookies are SO. GOOD.
It is so funny how much we change! I never would have looked twice at a baby back then — except maybe to move away. But now I would hold any baby at any time. Give me all the babies!
Give me all the babies…if I can hand them back and don’t have to get up in the middle of the night!
Suzanne! So good to see you here!
Those horses! The sky! What a lovely way to grow up!
I am so confused by Team Savory? Like, you’d rather have some chips than a cupcake? Is that real? How are taste buds so different?!
I’d take chips over a cupcake!! I mean, I love cupcakes, too. But chips would win for sure. I think that’s why I love squares that have a salty base (like shortbread), some caramel (sweet), and peanuts (salted). The best of both worlds!
YES. I would take chips over a cupcake probably 28 days of the month. Often after dinner, my husband will want something sweet and I will want more dinner!
I want more dinner AND then something sweet!
Lisa's Yarns
1. My younger sister was VERY SURE she was never going to have kids when she was a teen. She actually wrote up a contract with my dad that she would not have kids and the contract expired in 20 years or something like that. If she broke the contract, she’d pay my dad something like $100. If she didn’t, he would pay her $100. She broke the contract and has 2 beautiful girls although they did wait until they were married for something like 8-9 years before having kids (but got married at 21 so she was still very young when they started a family).
2. There a tree in our neighborhood with SO MANY LOUD BIRDS! Similarly, you can not see them (this happens in the summer and fall when it is full of leaves). It is very strange and I wonder what attracts the birds to this specific tree!
Now onto the questions at the end of the post. I am also team savory! I like sweets but much prefer savory! We did not have horses growing up although we did have a cow for a brief period of time as it was an FFA project for my brother. Kind of odd, huh? We lived next to a field so it felt very farm-like but my parents were not farmers. I can’t think of anyone I would want to switch places with as boring as that answer is!!
I love that you wouldn’t switch places with anyone, Lisa! I think that says that you have built exactly the life you want, which is beautiful!
Love the contract your sister made with your dad. Did she end up paying him the $100???
Lisa's Yarns
I think my dad let her off on the $100 because he was thrilled to have another grandchild on the way!
And funnily, this podcast I listen to (the popcast) just had a discussion about “switching places” and they talked about how weird it would get when it came time to go to the bathroom or shower. Like – wait, what is this body part/body I now have?? It kind of ruined the whole body switching thing for me to be honest!! π I would like to maybe switch places with Lisa of December 2022 because she was going on a vacation to Mexico which was just what I needed. It’s trickier to go away now that Paul is in school (and I know everyone says it’s fine to take them out of school, but if they miss more than X days, apparently it becomes problematic…). TLDR – for simplicity and to avoid seeing things I can’t unsee, I guess I’ll stay in my body? π
You had a COW? That is very random and definitely a Lisa fact I DID NOT KNOW.
Wonderful to read about Suzanne! Your horses are so beautiful.. I am team whatever- sweet, savory- gimme! π
Thanks, Daria! Being on team whatever is smart — best of all worlds.
These guest posts are so delightful! Suzanne, your childhood growing up with all those animals sounds like something out of a book!
I am 100% team savory/crunchy with the exception of ice cream from our local shop (itβs all made in house and they have stupendous seasonal flavors) and a peanut butter cheesecake that my manager makes once a year.
Trading places with my husband would be very interesting. Our personalities are fairly similar, and after 13 years of marriage and 4 kids, I feel like I already know what itβs like to be himβ¦ But of course I donβt actually!
It was a pretty idyllic childhood, but I feel like I maybe gave off the impression that all these critters were roaming around at once and that’s false! We had maybe two or three dogs at a time, no more than that. Maybe a couple of cats. It wasn’t a full out menagerie. But we did always have animals and it was lots of fun.
That’s still a LOT of animals at once! Wow. Three dogs at one time (to someone who has never owned a dog or a cat or, shockingly enough, a horse) sounds like A LOT.
You had me at peanut butter cheesecake.
ccr in MA
I have a friend who gives great hugs, which I miss now that we’re not living near each other. We were texting recently about my mom’s health stuff and she said she was sending me “a fierce hug” and I could feel it!
Awww. Love the idea of a “fierce” hug. My mom loves to hug and she is a “rocking hugger” which I really adore. It’s double comfort – a hug and the gentle rocking motion from childhood. I find myself doing it a lot with my kids too (if we’re standing while I hug them). If they’re particularly upset I suddenly notice I’m rocking back and forth while we’re hugging.
I have a friend who gives fierce hugs and it’s always such a comfort to me.
I’m not even kidding when I say that I wondered randomly today, “I wonder if Elisabeth is going to interview Suzanne one of the days.” And here she is!
Like Suzanne, I was pretty certain I didn’t want a child…but a flip got switched once I got married. Funny how that happens.
Oh yay! Perfect timing.
It was EXACTLY like a switch being flipped! I don’t think I have ever felt so completely ruled by biology before or since.
I *know* I hit submit; but my comment disappeared.
I was literally wondering this morning when you might interview Suzanne. And her she is!
Like Suzanne, I was pretty adamant that I wouldn’t be having kids. Then a flip got switched not long after we were married. Funny how that happens.
Sorry – my blog sometimes has caching issues and it can take a while for comments to show up (I deleted your third attempt because they had all come through!). It’s a nuisance, but I can’t seem to find a fix π
Thanks for cleaning up after me!
YOU HAD HORSES! OMG, AND dogs, AND cats! My suburban youth included a couple of cats and an AMAZING dog, but gosh, it would have been so wonderful to have them all right there. Sorry for all of the YELLING but you got me excited.
Team savory. Iβm not anti sweet, but itβs rarely something I crave. Chips vs. Cupcake is a no brainer, Iβm not a fan of cake anyway. Ice cream I can get behind once in awhile.
It never really occurred to me that by trading places with someone, you would be in their headspace. Fascinating concept!
Chips are just…so good. My favourite desserts have both salt AND sweet.
Yes, I agree that I’m not anti-sweet.
And I feel like being inside someone else’s head would be SO fascinating. What is it like to be NOT in my own brain?!
Love this π
Team Sweet, tho
I love this series! Suzanne, I love your winding responses – they are how I think π I am on the side where I can have a savory food on its own and be so very happy, but if I have a sweet food, I need something savory on the side to make it less sweet. My favorite meal/treat as a teenager was extra-thick cinnamon toast paired with extra crunchy salty french fries….
Thick cinnamon raisin toast is one of my new FAVOURITES. So delicious. With just a skiff of butter. YUM.
Yay, so happy to read more from you here, Suzanne. There’s still so much more to learn π YOU HAD HORSES. I think everyone here is pretty amazed by that (and I’ll chime in and say that I also went through a big “horse phase” when I was young and always wanted my own horse. I spent a summer in a horse camp and I carry around the photo of “my” horse from back then – a Shetland Pony LOL – in my wallet :)).
And something else we have in common: I’ll take savory over sweet snacks any day. I also like cake and ice cream, but more often than not I crave savory snacks!
I also loved your “little moment”… offering someone a hug (and “asking” not just giving!) is a huge gesture! I am a huger (if people want to be hug) and feel that it can offer such a tremendous comfort and connection.
Aww. I want to see that picture, San!!!
I’m sorry to be arriving so late, but I knew this interview happened and I just carved out time to get over here to check it out. This was so fun. I’m envious of the horses and all the pets. When I was a kid, this would’ve been my dream.
I’m a sweet tooth, 100%. When Coach and I got married, he was like WHERE DO YOU KEEP THE CHIPS? I was like CHIPS? I didn’t even buy those back then.
A woman I just met for the first time offered me a hug last week. It was amazing. I wept. I’d been telling her about all that has been happening – she’d heard of the basketball nightmare, because she happens to live in our district and she was very supportive when she heard it was happening to us.
Great interview. I’m remembering that I want to make taco salad for dinner one night this week.
Chips might just be my love language…
And yay for hugs. Human touch is so powerful and I think less and less common for a variety of reasons. But it does A LOT for us physiologically and emotionally <3
Thank you for helping us get to know some of our favorite bloggers a bit better, Elisabeth. You have fantastic questions and it’s so much fun to see how they all have answered!
Suzanne, I think you know by now that most of us are wildly jealous of your childhood with wide-open spaces, animals, and opportunities to do things that most of us have never even tried! I was so curious about how your upbringing might have affected how you adjusted/felt/not sure of the word when you went to college and then chose your path, afterwards. Did you ever think that you’d go back where you grew up?
Team savory all the way here. I’ll even take a saltine or a pretzel over chocolate a lot of the time. Or a mint. I love ice cream – but I prefer savory.
Guest Post: Welcome Back Lisa!! - The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
[…] tacos! [Suzanne said the same thing!! You’re twinning. Tacos are […]