If you want to see a visual representation of the term Busy, look no further than Colleen. A full-time working mama to seven – SEVEN! – children who also runs a family business with her husband and kiddos (The Ice Cream Cottage). Oh, and she loves to read, work out, and travel.
Um, yes, she has just a few things on her proverbial plate at any given time.
Colleen regularly writes about faith, work, life, and parenting experiences on her blog and each post is pure joy to read. (She also creates some of the absolute best gift guides around the holiday season, so be watching for those ahead of next Christmas!)
Welcome to my little corner of the internet, Colleen. I’m so glad you could be here today!
Q. What aspect of your current life/career would most surprise 20-year-old Colleen?

I always wanted to be a wife and a mom with lots of kids – so that part is not surprising. What is surprising is that I also managed to get my MBA and have an unintended full-time career in accounting and open a family business. I always thought I would stay at home with the kids and then work part-time once they were older, but finances required a different path. I truly believe that because my husband and I are equals in terms of providing for our family, we were able to also equally share the roles of child-rearing, cooking and cleaning, etc. It has made us such a team and there are no jobs that are HIS or HERS just OURS.
Q. Do you have a go-to reset when you’re feeling overwhelmed or struggling to stay focused?
I have to be active! Working out definitely clears my mind, and helps me solve all of my problems. I always feel empowered and ready for the challenge after a good workout.
Q. If you could add (or subtract) one habitual behaviour in your life, what would it be?
I would add an early morning routine with exercise and prayer before work. I admire people who do this, but it is so hard to drag myself out of bed that early. I have been trying to do it twice a week as part of my 2024 resolution. [Me too. I am just…so not a morning person. *Giant sigh*]
Q. What’s one piece of advice you wish you had heard (or understood) at an earlier age?
Embarrassingly, I think it took me a very long time to realize that other people think differently than me. That other’s experiences in life lead them to opinions and conclusions different from mine and that doesn’t mean that anybody is right or wrong, but just that we are all unique. Going away to college and having a Caribbean roommate and friends from other countries as well as traveling throughout Europe opened my eyes so much!
Q. What was your favourite purchase (under $200) in 2023?
Toss up between my electric blanket and my foot massager – getting cozy and winding down each evening has been amazing and gosh darn it, we deserve it! [I can get behind both of these!]
Q. If you could eat only one meal on repeat for a week, what would you choose?
A big salad with crispy chicken strips and blue cheese dressing.
Q. What song is most likely to put a smile on your face?
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat soundtrack – I know 95% of the words and love blasting it.
Q. What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Soooo many 🙂 Currently I’m realizing I crave privacy more and more, so it’s annoying to get dressed at the same time as my husband, or get barged in on by children when I’m in the bathroom. Like just give me a few minutes to do my thing, ya know? [I only have two kids and I still know.]
Q. What international destination – that you’ve never visited – do you most want to see?
Switzerland! I could have visited while studying in Austria but I ran out of weekends and I regret that I didn’t plan better.
Q. If you could snap your fingers and have all the capabilities necessary to excel in any career or hobby (e.g. if your wish was to be a famous rockstar, you’d magically have the necessary vocal/instrumental skills), what would you choose and why?
For sure I would be a backup singer and dancer.
Q. List five things that would happen as part of your idealized “perfect day”.
Workout, swim/hot tub, brunch, explore a new town, dinner out with the whole family.
Q. Share a weird/random/true fact – any odd skills or unusual experiences?
I can remember words to songs from my teenage years but can’t remember hardly anything else in my adult life. Those lyrics are just taking up prime real estate in my brain and need to go.
Q. What is your most treasured possession?

Obviously my family 🙂
Q. If you could only wear one colour for the rest of your life, which colour would you choose?
Navy blue
Q. If you were on a desert island and could only bring three items, which three items would you bring?
OK you said “items” not “people or animals” so I would bring water, sunscreen and a flare gun to get rescued. [Smart!]
Q. Did you have any pets as a child?
Yes we had a golden retriever named Ginger, then a cairn terrier named Scottie, as well as goldfish. One of my fish was named Elvis and he lived for so long, every time I came home from college I was surprised to find him alive! [My childhood goldfish literally did not survive for a full 24 hours. It was very short-lived pet ownership.]
Q. If you were doing it for fun – and money was no object/didn’t factor into your decision – what would your dream job be?
Stay at home mom and personal trainer/nutritionist.
Q. What’s something (food, skill, adventure, etc.) you’ve always wanted to try, but haven’t yet?
SO many things! Sushi (but I’m allergic to avocado so I get scared), water skiing, jet skiing, calligraphy, professional photography. [Wait. You’re allergic to avocados?! I’ve never heard of an allergy to avocadoes before. How sad…but also, yes, often hard to avoid with sushi. I can send you deets on how to easily make your own sushi at home!!!]
Q. What is the best gift you’ve ever received?
My first baby was born on my 24th birthday, can’t beat that gift!
Q. What is your favourite time of day?
Late evening, when work is over and the kitchen is cleaned, the little kids are in bed and we can watch tv and talk with the older kids.
Q. Tell us something about your personality you think might surprise readers!
I am very shy. I think people sometimes mistake my shyness for being snobby or aloof, which really bothers me because I am also very sensitive. [This is me. From the shyness being seen as aloofness which makes me feel awful/paranoid about what other people think.]
Q. What is the first thing you do in the morning/last thing you do at night?
First thing in the morning is to think about what I’m going to wear as I lay in bed. Last thing is to say goodnight and I love you to my husband.
Q. What words would your friends use to describe you/your personality?
I hope my close friends would describe me as fun and empathetic and loyal.
Q. If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
Warning: Says It Like It Is.
Q. Best decision in 2023?

This one has two answers – sorry! Opening our family business – The Ice Cream Cottage – and going on a big family vacation to Florida over Christmas break.
Thanks for having me, Elisabeth! I am so glad I found your blog and love reading every post and looking through every beautiful photo.
This was fun! Thanks for visiting today, Colleen.
Your turn. Any burning questions for Colleen? Do you say it like it is? Favourite ice cream flavour? Are you allergic to any foods – if so, which ones? Best gift you’ve ever received?
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This is so relatable 🙂 The bathroom privacy! YES! The crispy chicken salad! Love it. (And I would not so secretly love a couple more kids )
I can totally picture you with 7+ kids, Sarah!
Meanwhile, I often feel like I’m drowning with 2 (though I’ve been told after 3, it about evens out which I find VERY HARD TO BELIEVE).
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I can totally relate to the shy thing; I often get mistaken for a snob or a B word, but I am actually a nice person who just doesn’t always say the right thing (or anything)! I love hearing about your adventures Colleen, and what a fun photo of you all with the dolphin!
My favorite type of ice cream is probably vanilla. I know that may be boring to some but it is just good! I may branch out and get coconut, avocado or eggnog if it is the season, but I don’t really want any chunks aside from plain chocolate chips.
Wait – avocado…ice cream? For real? I mean, I add it to smoothies, so I guess I can see it.
Vanilla is hard to beat, but a really good peanut butter flavour would have to be my absolute FAVOURITE. Not with a chocolate base, it has to be a PB base with some chocolate mixed in. I’m practically drooling over here.
Jan Coates
Wow – I can’t even imagine 7 kids! And I love the Joseph music, too. When he was 12, Liam was young Joseph in a production at the Atlantic Theatre Festival. Even though it was 22 years ago, I have such a clear image of him walking out onto that big stage and singing “Any Dream Will Do.” Proud mama:)
Awww. I wonder if that was a Stage Prophet’s show? And that Liam was the lead character – wow!
I am allergic to whey protein and it causes me all sorts of worries (especially since powdered cheese and milk can be hidden in so many things, sigh). I loved the Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat shoutout! For at least one commute a week, I drive without any music or podcasts to just let my brain bubble in the background; however, every now and then I end up singing the title song from this show (either in my head or out loud!) and it always surprises me when I realize it’s happening. It’s just so lovely and has a great build 😉
I think I saw it once in a local production but I definitely don’t remember a single thing about the musical score. Gotta fix that: stat!
I’m very sad for Colleen that she’s allergic to avocado- how tragic!!! And, understanding that people think differently than we do is something that can be very hard to grasp- some people never get it.
I’ve actually ever read Colleen’s blog (what is wrong with me???) so I’m heading over there right now!
I realize there are allergies to just about everything (maybe actually everything?), but I had never heard of one to avocado before! Speaking of which…I have one I need to use up today!
Colleen Martin
@Sarah – I always tell people that 3 kids was the hardest then it gets easier 🙂 Lots of kids is lots of fun!
@Kyria – Vanilla is the most popular flavor! Followed by coffee, but that’s because we are in New England. I love that you said “I am actually a nice person that doesn’t say the right thing, or anything” – Yes yes yes!
@Jan – OMG if one of my kids was even a supporting cast member in a Joseph production, I would die. You should be soooo proud of Liam and his lead role!!
@Lindsay – Whey protein would be a very hard allergy 🙁 Those Joseph songs just hold up year after year! My kids love them too.
@Jenny – Thank you for checking out my little ole blog 🙂
Ally Bean
I hear you about going away to college and then traveling in Europe. Those experiences interacting with different people opened my eyes too. Great answer. Also, I could wear navy blue for the rest of my days, too. For a neutral it is not so harsh as black, not as dreary as gray, it’s just right!
I also love the look of navy (and forest green). You’re right – they’re classic, but not quite as harsh/dreary of some of the other dark tones.
I admire and envy people with a house full of kids. I wanted more but I was worried I couldn’t handle it (a couple of later-diagnosed issues would have made it really difficult). It’s just so cool to see what comes out every time. 🙂
One of my daughter’s close friends is allergic to avocado and finding out was really unpleasant.
A family business called The Ice Cream Cottage sounds like just about the best family business ever.
Also shy and overly sensitive over here. And soooo awkward in group situations.
I think it would be shades of green to wear forever for me. Black is safer, but would get old.
I’ve found two…a lot. That said, I have heard from MANY people that after 2 (or 3) it is about the same amount of work. Which I simply cannot fathom!
Lisa’s Yarns
7 kids! I can’t imagine! I am 1 of 5 and thought I would want a big family not once I started having kids (late in life a 37) it was clear that 2 was the right size for us.
Whether I say it like it is depends on who I am around. If it’s people I know well and trust, I totally say it like it is. But otherwise I am usually trying to be diplomatic and not ruffle feathers… so I spend a lot of time at work biting my tongue and wishing I could just call it like I see it.
My favorite ice cream is moose tracks which is vanilla with choc and caramel and peanut butter cups. I wish my husband did not buy it because it is irresistible to me.
You know how I feel about two (for the record, I always assumed I would have 4 kiddos since that’s the family size I grew up in).
I also love Moose Tracks. Anything with PB in it will get me every time.
Colleen Martin
@Ally Bean – Somehow I was assigned roommates from the Caribbean and then the Philippines. I was instantly one of two Americans in the tight International friend group, and I LOVED it. So much to learn, especially coming from my little Cape Cod bubble!!
@Allison – It’s so interesting to see how families end up! Even though I wanted a big family, all of my kids were surprises in the sense that we weren’t trying to have one at that time. Ha!
@Lisa – Yes I had my seven kids from age 24 to 37 so you were just starting out when I was wrapping up 🙂 We love moosetracks here too, it’s irresistible.
I had no idea each kid was a “surprise!”
My mom was 38 when she had me and wow – I was a GIANT SURPRISE.
Oh, man, being sort of shy/introverted and having people think you’re aloof is the worst! I have a thing where I compartmentalize, too, so if I’m upset about one thing in my life, I try to not focus on that thing when I’m doing other things in my life and then people think I’m cold about the thing I’m upset about! I feel like I just can’t win sometimes!
I like coffee and butter pecan ice cream. I mean, I’ll take *most* flavors of ice cream as long as they aren’t chocolately. Chocolate ice cream is an aberration to me!
I also don’t love chocolate ice cream!
What is it about bloggers being introverted? So many of us can relate to this. I 100% know of people that think I’m a total snob/aloof, but I’M JUST SHY AND INTROVERTED. If I wasn’t so shy about it, I would actually say that out loud. Once I know people well enough to not feel introverted, I no longer need to let them know. Like, I love people…but it’s hard for me to make the first step because of introversion.
Wow, I am so impressed with all the balls you juggle. I will definitely be adding your blog to my reading list!
I do NOT say it like it is, but I think this is a skill I need to learn.
I can’t believe she finds time for so much exercise!! A sheet of gold stars.
Grateful Kae
Oh, this is timely- I just recently clicked through to Colleen’s blog from yours, Elisabeth, a couple weeks ago! I am so in awe of big families because most of the time I feel MAXED OUT with the 2 kids we have. Haha. I suppose if I had more we’d figure it out… but wow. It seems overwhelming, so my hats off to you, Colleen!
My husband is the oldest of 6 though, and his baby brother was definitely a surprise. He and my husband are something like 21 years apart. When my husband went to the hospital to see his mom when his brother was born, one of the nurses in the hallway asked if he was the father. (My father-in-law wasn’t there at the moment.) OMG! Talk about a young man’s worst nightmare. hahaha. He was like, Umm, NO, that is my mom in there and my baby brother! lol. My boys now kind of like it though that they have an uncle who is so close in age to them… Ethan is 15 and their uncle is only 21 right now.
I am also maxed out at 2, but everyone I know with big families assures me it isn’t that much harder with more…how?!!!
Ha – that story about Ivan and his younger brother is HILARIOUS. AND MORTIFYING. My sister is 13 years older than me and it really is a unique dynamic when you’re so much older/younger than a sibling.
Oh this was so fun! Hi Colleen!!!! I am also blown away by the avocado allergy. Such a bummer!
And I love your answer about being an equal partner with your husband. That is so special.
Hello Colleen! I am a big fan of Colleen’s blog. I enjoy reading all of her adventures with her big family. She’s an inspiration and I wish she lived closer. (Only in part because I’d be a regular customer of her ice cream shop, ha). If Colleen lived nearby, I know we’d hang out a lot.
I love navy – it’s so classic. I did not know you were allergic to avocado. I’m not allergic to a food, but I have celiac so it feels like I’m allergic to gluten. I’m a big fan of mint chocolate chip or moose tracks, which seems to have a big following in these comments.
I’ve read about how you describe yourself as an introvert on your blog, and it just doesn’t seem possible. I imagine you completely opposite.
I like to think I say it like it is. It gets me in trouble sometimes.
I love the dolphin family photo. So cute. This was a great interview.
I really, really wish The Ice Cream Cottage would open up a shop in my town <3
Colleen Martin
@NGS – I so agree with the chocolate ice cream! I will eat almost anything with a vanilla or coffee base, but chocolate and fruit are no-nos. I’d rather just eat the chocolate or fruit 🙂
@Katie – I’m not sure you need to start saying it like it is…it often gets me in trouble! I’m quick to apologize though, because hurting people’s feelings is the worst.
@Grateful Kae – You would definitely figure it out if you had more…they come one at a time (well unless you have twins!) and everybody adjusts and hearts grow bigger and you just can’t even remember them not being there 🙂 I think parents feel maxed out no matter what number they have. I can remember feeling that way with one, two, three, etc. And thank you for visiting my blog!!
@Suzanne – It’s taken many years of discussions and role dividing to come to peace with it. I definitely felt resentful in the beginning and he definitely stepped up to take away some of my duties and it’s made us such a team. Overcoming those issues only made us stronger and I can see that now.
@Ernie – Oh yeah we would sit and eat ice cream and have so much to talk about! Mint chip is my husband’s favorite flavor! I think a lot of bloggers are introverts (it seems by these comments anyway) and we are much more comfortable writing than speaking!
Agreed! I do NOT like fruit ice cream, but some people just go crazy over it. Ditto chocolate.
Yay, two of my favourite bloggers in the same space! Switzerland is on my travel bucket list too. We had planned to take a trip there (along with some surrounding countries) in the summer of 2020 and… well, you know the rest of the story.
Colleen, I could totally see you being a personal trainer and I think you’d be very good at it. I also really appreciate the way you and Phil handle responsibilities both at work and in the home, while still being intentional about family time. It seems that you’ve struck a good balance!
My favourite ice cream flavor is Dublin Mudslide — a Ben & Jerry’s concoction with coffee ice cream, Irish cream, and chocolate chunks. It’s ridiculously good and I only buy it for personal consumption a few times per year. 😉
Wow – that does sound like quite the ice cream. I still stick with the very best flavours involve peanut butter, but a subtle coffee flavour is DELISH.
What a wonderful interview with Colleen! I will have to check out her blog! I have no idea how she has time to blog, too, with everything else she’s juggling. Impressive!
Colleen Martin
@Kate – You’re one of my fave bloggers too 🙂 And oh my goodness, why have I never had that flavor before? I’m thinking St. Patrick’s Day would call for it!
@San – Thank you for checking out my blog, I am a reader of yours and always impressed with your workouts, very inspiring to me 🙂
Tobia | craftaliciousme
Always fun to read about new blogs. Thank you Elisabeth for hosting.
Colleen your ice cream cottage is so cute. I wished it was in my neighborhood. I would be a permanent visitor.
I know! I want an Ice Cream Cottage to open up in my little town in Nova Scotia (it would be a hit!).