First, three cheers for today’s guest – Coco – for so recently setting her marathon PR! A sub-4 race…along the streets of Paris!! It doesn’t get much more exciting than that. (Not that I’d know…)

Coco, her husband – who happens to be her seat mate from the fourth grade – and their two daughters currently live in Jakarta, but her job has led them all over the globe. When they’re not working, running, or cooking – this is a family that TRAVELS. Paris! Shanghai! Borneo! Bali! El Nido! (And many more.)
I’m so happy to be hosting Coco in this space today; I know many of you already follow along with her adventures, but the following questions may provide you with extra insight into the person behind the screen.
Take it away, Coco!
Q. What aspect of your current life would most surprise 20-year-old Coco?

I used to think I wouldn’t like motherhood; it turns out I love being my girls’ mom. I don’t find it hard work as I get so much out of it. They keep growing, evolving, surprising me, and most important of all, they show me what unconditional love is. [Parenting is VERY hard work for me! I don’t think I’m doing it “wrong” I just think different personality combinations and life circumstances play a big role. All this to say, motherhood is very rewarding, but if you’re reading here today and struggling in this role, please don’t feel discouraged – it can feel hard because it often is hard!]
Q. In 100 words or less, describe your job.
I work in development. Through economic analysis, we try to inform and influence policymakers of developing countries to provide better public services, to improve the quality of life of the population, to protect the poor and vulnerable in a liveable planet. It’s quite a broad objective, thus the focus of my day-to-day work evolves over time and changes when I go to another country depending on what the country needs.
Q. Do you have a go-to reset when you’re feeling overwhelmed or struggling to stay focused?
When I can’t focus on doing something, I stop almost immediately. I move my body, talk to my loved ones – with no guilt. I know I’ll be more productive after having a mental break. [I have some lessons to learn here!]
Q. If you could add (or subtract) one habitual behaviour in your life, what would it be?
I’d like to have more patience with my kids. When I’m tired, distracted, if they do something that I don’t like, I often lose patience and respond with an unfriendly tone, sometimes yelling.
Q. If you could eat only one meal on repeat for a week, what would you choose?
My favorite foods are extremely simple: corn, kabocha, oatmeal, stir fry vegetables with tofu. I have them every week and never get sick of them.
Q. What international destination – that you’ve never visited – do you most want to see?
Currently New Zealand and we are planning to go there this December. I’d like to explore Latin America with my family. I’ve visited many countries there but it would be a different experience taking the family along.
Q. Of all the places you’ve lived, what has been your favourite?
I like all the cities I’ve lived (Shanghai, Buenos Aires, DC, Manila, Jakarta) and it’s hard to choose one. For retirement, we are thinking of spending a few months in Shanghai and Buenos Aires for sure.
Q. List five things that would happen as part of your idealized “perfect day”.
A good, long run with cool weather, a solid block of reading time, being outdoors with the girls, a good catch up with my friends, a massage. [Substitute the long run for a long walk, and SIGN ME UP!]
Q. Favourite marathon experience and why?

Definitely Paris because I took the family with me, they got to experience the racing vibe in a beautiful city, and we had a full week of holidays after the race. A recipe for a “perfect” marathon experience to be replicated in future races.
Q. Share a weird/random/true fact – any odd skills or unusual experiences?
I started working in my teens as an attendant at a souvenir store, then at 16 I worked as a translator in an immigration office when I was living in Argentina. Oh – although I grew up in Argentina, I never dated non-Chinese.
Q. What is your most treasured possession?
Physical/digital possession: photos. Mental possession: memories of my loved ones and the experiences we share. [I really appreciate Coco’s distinction between physical and mental/emotional possessions. Such a great reminder…]
Q. If you could only wear one colour for the rest of your life, which colour would you choose?

Q. If you were on a desert island and could only bring three items, which three items would you bring?

Kindle, photo album?, notebook with pencil.
Q. If you were doing it for fun – and money was no object/didn’t factor into your decision – what would your dream job be?
I think I have my dream job. It gives me purpose, it challenges me intellectually, it keeps me curious to learn, it allows me to meet amazing people, and it gives us a comfortable life. I wouldn’t want to have a job to pursue my hobbies. I like keeping them separate. Some may say that not staying in one place for long means a lot of changes and lack of constant community. This is true and this is something as a family we are willing to sacrifice to get to know the world more and to become more resilient and grateful.
Q. What is your favourite time of day?
Definitely my morning quiet time – from when I wake up to when I head out to run or meet the family. [Coco is another early – like, very early – morning person.]
Q. Tell us something about your personality you think might surprise readers!
I am an open book and I hope my blog is authentic to reflect that. Like many bloggers, I am introverted and need solo time. One surprise thing? Maybe that I never lived “young” as I never went out to night clubs, never drank, never smoked, always went to bed early. That was quite boring as a teenager but now into my 40s, it’s normal, even healthy.
Q. What is the first thing you do in the morning/last thing you do at night?
First thing, 90% of the time I check my Oura Ring stats (I know… not a great habit and sometimes when it affects me mentally during training, I’d stop that). Last thing, read on my Kindle in bed.
Q. What words would your friends use to describe you/your personality?
Disciplined, efficient, straight-shooter, too healthy 🙂
Thanks so much for guest posting, today – this was fun!
Your turn. Any questions for Coco? Favourite city (or place) you’ve lived in your lifetime? First paid – or volunteer – job? Do you print pictures off to make physical albums or photobooks, or are all your pictures stored digitally?
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This was fun! I read Coco’s blog but I definitely discovered some new things about her. She met her husband in fourth grade??? And her answer to the color question- white is a brave choice! I can think of many reasons that wouldn’t be my answer. I also love the answer to the “treasured possessions” question. And now I’m off to read her latest blog post!
I thought the same thing. I LOVE white. Love, love, love it…but I can’t keep it clean to save my life. Hence my answer being navy blue or black 🙂
I would also not be able to pull off wearing white from day to day. I just got a white lace tee over the weekend, so we’ll see how long I can keep it looking nice.
I cannot keep whites “white.” But it is such a great colour. I recently couldn’t resist buying a really nice, plain BRIGHT WHITE T-shirt at a thrift store (seriously, how could a used shirt still be white) and I am washing it with such tender care but I know in a few months it will almost certainly have stains and look dingy! But it looks fabulous for now…
Lisa's Yarns
This was really fun to read as I am new-ish to CoCo’s blog so learned some new things – like she met her husband in primary school!!! I wonder if I will ever think of parenting as easy… I am super challenged by toddlers so until we have a toddler I think parenting will probably be the thing that challenges me the most in my life…
I haven’t lived very many places – really only my hometown and college towns in ND, Minneapolis, Charlotte, and I suppose you could count my study abroad in Australia but that felt so “temporary” – I also briefly lived in Steamboat Springs, CO during a summer and 2 winter breaks and I LOVED it there. But I think of living somewhere as at least 1 year, of the places I’ve truly lived, Minneapolis is my favorite. I don’t love the weather but I love so much else about what the city has to offer. But when we retire, I don’t think I could live here year-round. We’d need to go somewhere during the winter months because I loathe the cold.
First paid job besides babysitting was teaching piano when I was in HS. I lived in a tiny town and the English teacher that taught piano on the side wanted to be done when she started a family, so I took on her students plus the 2 I had started with with another teacher stopped teaching in the area. It was pretty fun and made me be responsible.
I was good about printing photos when I was working on the boys’ baby books but i fell off the wagon and Taco’s album has so little completed which I feel bad about… But I make a printed photobook each year!
I’m with you on wanting to escape the cold. December 26th to the end of April, I would gladly live somewhere much warmer. Or, at the very least, a place that never has snow or ice!!
I had no idea you had taught piano! I am team Photobook!
Colleen Martin
Wow, Coco’s dedication to health isn’t boring, it’s inspiring! Good for her, and thanks for doing these interview posts Elisabeth…I love meeting new people!
So fun to get to know more about Coco! I really admire the confidence, courage, and flexibility required to live all over the world. What a fantastic experience for the kids!
What a stellar performance in the marathon!!! It sounds fabulous.
I walked by a moving van yesterday and I thought of you, Suzanne, and the move you made last year! Moving is SO overwhelming and I can’t imagine doing it regularly (though I guess you get “used to it” in a way).
When we moved into our current home (our first, we had always been in small, rented apartments before), it only took a few loads in a 4×4 truck. Now we would need a moving van proper and the thought makes me want to start hyperventilating!
Grateful Kae
Woohoo, love this and love Coco!!! Great post! I’ve been reading Coco’s blog now for 4 years and she is definitely high on my list of “real” friends I’ve met through blogging!! She’s so great! Love following her different lifestyle abroad and I also admire her discipline and “straight shooterness” 🙂 I feel like I’ve watched her girls grow up so much in these last few years from little ones to now basically almost teens (in a non-creepy way, lol!). Can’t wait to meet her in person someday- and I will! 🙂
I think I found Coco’s blog through you (or did I find you through Coco, who I found through SHU). I’m not quite sure what happened first, but you are always intertwined for me in memory with Coco!
Thank you Elizabeth for having me here! You always ask the most brilliant questions! It took me days to write down the answers. I feel like you are building a community of like minded people in the blogger world, which is fantastic. I hope one day I get to meet many of you in person!
Thanks so much for guest posting here today, Coco <3
I think I started reading Coco’s blog last last year for NaBloPoMo, and I love peeking into her life. Her job sounds amazing, and so rewarding and worthwhile. I like the thoughtful answer to the ‘dream job’ question, and keeping hobbies separate from work.
Isn’t it wonderful to have a job that so perfectly matches up with skills and interest.
I although thought her “dream job” answer was very insightful.
The motivation this woman has is incredible. I wanna be Coco when I grow up!! But, in all seriousness, Coco is awesome. So very nice to read more in depth about such a wonderful human being.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I read Coco’s blog, but did not know some of these things about her! I found it interesting that she met her hubby in 4th grade, but also that despite living in many places, she has always dated Chinese guys! I guess we all have our type! Also I love the first comment about being a parent; you make it sound so easy, Coco!
I loved living in Istanbul, but it was only for a few months, so maybe by Lisa’s definition it doesn’t count. However, it was so different from what I was used to, from the call to prayer to the architecture to the people, who were so nice, to the customs, like mint tea with the sugar cube, or reading tea leaves, or buying pistachios from the bazaar. I even joined a book club! It was lovely and eye-opening for sure.
Wow – that is just fantastic and so cool and immersive that you joined a book club in Istanbul! You are my adventuring hero!!
I loved reading more about you, Coco, and I am so freakin’ proud of you for your marathon PR! Hooray!
I love white t-shirts (looks so clean crisp) but it’s a brave choice of a color to wear for the rest of your life. Haha.
Every time I wear a white shirt…I get a spot or stain within…an hour? Sigh. I LOVE the look of white, but am not graceful or refined enough to keep it clean.
Somehow, I have missed Coco’s blog in all of my forays into the blogosphere! Now I have extra incentive to check it out.
I, too, would never choose white as a preferred color for clothing. I avoid it like the plague. Grey and black, please! 🙂