My next guest needs no introduction. Nicole is a darling of the blogging world and a dear friend. She has “visited” here before and when my old site went *poof* she agreed to come back and answer a WHOLE NEW set of questions. You’re in for a reading treat today.
Nicole is a ray of sunshine in the online community. She brings joy and cheer to every post and comment and oozes optimism in her general approach to life. Nicole blogs regularly at Girl in a Boy House and recently moved to Kelowna with her husband, two sons, and loveable canine Rex.
While we’ve never met in person (I’m hoping to rectify that – we currently live on opposite coasts of Canada), I sometimes think this has been a case of opposites attracting. First, Nicole is a Morning Person. Like a get-up-every-single-morning-before-dawn sort of morning person. Second, she willingly splashes water on her face twice daily (TWICE?!). Early mornings and water on my face happen to be two of my most loathed experiences. So we’re different, but also the same, a dynamic which makes the world of friendships go round.
If you’ve never read Nicole’s blog, I encourage you to head on over to find all sorts of delightful posts about shopping carts, her dog Rex, vegan eating, book reviews, gnomes, and nail-biting trips to the mechanic shop. It’s an eclectic mix, folks.
Now grab a cozy blanket, a steaming cup of something delicious, and settle in…
Q. Did you have any pets as a child? Have you always loved dogs?
I have always loved dogs, and what’s not to love? They’re fun and furry. We had a dog when I was a child, his name was Spike. He was a small black terripoo, and he was very cute.
Q. If you were doing it for fun – and money was no object/didn’t factor into your decision – what would your dream job be?
I would be a Broadway star! Perhaps a Schuyler sister! I would love to be able to perform like that.
Q. What’s something (food, skill, adventure, etc) you’ve always wanted to try, but haven’t yet?
I have always wanted to ride in a hot air balloon!
When I was a little girl they used to have hot air balloon races in Calgary, and I would sit on the front lawn and watch. I remember the Dairy Queen balloon was shaped like an ice cream cone. I would love to be in one myself, and while I’m dreaming, I would like to do it over the Serengeti!
Q. What’s your favourite article of clothing in your wardrobe? Favourite pair of shoes? Favourite “accessory”? Bonus points if you share pictures!

Oh boy, it’s hard to choose, I have so many favourites! I love a cute black dress, I love a long drapey sweater. I get a lot of mileage out of my Mott and Bow jeans and my lululemon City Sleek pants for comfortable style. As for shoes I love cute Skechers but I also love a tall boot. And strappy sandals! I love living where there are seasons so I can wear all these things. As for accessories, my favourites are my lotus flower silver necklace, my Pandora bracelets, and my rings: my husband gave me a beautiful solitaire for my fortieth birthday, and an anniversary ring for our tenth.

Q. What’s your favourite yoga pose?! And do you do yoga every single day of the year?
I am not sure if I have just one favourite pose! I do yoga every single day; sometimes my yoga practice is vigorous with lots of vinyasa, and sometimes it’s restorative and slow. Sometimes it’s just a seated stretch and a long meditation. Sometimes it’s a five minute savasana! But I always do something to reset.
Q. If you could give new parents one piece of advice, what would you say?
I would quote my friend Allison and say “There will be a time after this.” I think it works for the challenging phases, to help get through them, but also it’s a good reminder for the GOOD phases. There will be a time after this, so let’s remember this time.

Q. What is the best gift you’ve ever received?
Since he’s lying on my feet right now, I will say Rex. He came from a loving home that sadly couldn’t keep him, and WE were the ones chosen to care for him. I am grateful for that every day. My heart was broken when my beloved Barkley died, and Rex has brought me so much joy.

Q. Is there a skill you’d love to master?
Honestly, no! There are lots of things I would like to be able to do – anything visually artistic, or singing – but I don’t think I have the requisite talent, so no amount of practice would get me there.

Q. Of all the places – near and far – that you’ve been able to visit, what is your favourite spot on earth?
I have three favourites! Maui is the most beautiful place I have ever been to, it is truly paradise. Nearer to home, the Rocky Mountains, and specifically Banff and Lake Louise, are absolutely magical. And, of course, my home! [This post has all sorts of spectacular pictures of her new home in Kelowna.]
Q. Other than gnomes, do you have any collections?
Black sweaters! Ha! I probably have about twenty of them, with black dresses being the next runner up. But a more fun collection would be the charms for my Pandora bracelets. I have four bracelets total, and every charm was a gift and has special meaning.
Q. How and when did you meet your best friend?
I met my best friend Tara on the first day of ninth grade. She was new, and in my homeroom, and I bounced up to her and said “Hi! I love your hair!” and we’ve been friends ever since. We’ve gone through all our life stages together, including having semi-empty nests. [This story SCREAMS Nicole! Love it <3]
Q. What is your favourite time of day?
Early early morning. I love early mornings and I always have. There is just something magical about that quiet, peaceful time of day. It is so fresh, with a whole new day ahead.

Q. What are your Top Three favourite features of your new house?
I love our deck with such a gorgeous view, I will never get tired of it. I also absolutely love having three bathrooms, a laundry room and a dedicated office, but the biggest joy is having a guest room! I have never been able to really host overnight company before.
Q. What is the first thing you do in the morning/last thing you do at night?
First thing in the morning, after coffee/ water/ morning ablutions, I like to read or write a little, then I read a poem and do my yoga practice. Last thing at night, I do something similar – I wash all my makeup off and put on all my creams and serums, and then I read on the couch until I feel like I’m slipping into a coma.
Q. Does your family have any unusual and/or especially treasured Christmas traditions?
My kids love that I have invented Tiny Secret Festive Season, which runs November 1-11. After that, it’s ON. I love baking cookies and the boys and I always decorate gingerbread people. Mine always look just like regular gingerbread people, but the boys’ are always insane and no one ever wants to eat them. On Christmas Eve we always watch Elf, and sometime during the month of December we watch Christmas Vacation.
This was so fun, Nicole! Thanks for coming back for Round #2.
Your turn. Any questions for Nicole? Are you an early-morning person or a night owl? Does anyone else collect Pandora charms? Do you have a guest room in your home or apartment/what’s your favourite feature about your home? Have you ever flown in a hot-air balloon? What’s your favourite Christmas tradition?
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I am SO HAPPY to have found Nicole through your blog. Great answers!
Ooohhh. I didn’t know you “found” Nicole through me. Happy days <3
Yay, Niclole!! SO happy to have met her through your blog 🙂
Nicole MacPherson
Sarah, I feel the same way! xoxo
The darling of the blog world indeed. And that photo of Nicole opening her ring is perfection.
Nicole, would you ever do a post on all your Pandora charms? I would love to see the collection and learn the meaning behind them!
So fun to Rex AND Barkley in this post! So much fluffy happy doggy joy!
Great question! I would love a post all about her Pandora collection <3
Nicole MacPherson
Oooh that would be a fun post idea! Okay! Thanks Suzanne!
Kyria @ Travel Spot
Nicole, you and I are team morning, all the way! I love the early morning quiet, the routine and the feeling of a new day started (rather than being abruptly shot out into a day half over). My Mom is also like this and sometimes we text each other at 4 in the morning… I also love this time for running, as the streets are empty and I have the entire world to myself. It is special.
I cannot imagine texting ANYONE at 4 am. I really am so jealous of you both, though!
Nicole MacPherson
It’s just such a special time of the day! I sometimes text people at early hours, and then hope that they have Do Not Disturb on because I’d feel bad if I woke them up! But sometimes, that’s when I remember to text.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
Nicole – I use the delayed text function and I text them back and then set it for 8 in the morning so it will go out then! It is a lifesaver, as I don’t have to remember to text them later (which I will inevitably forget) but I don’t text people at strange times (except my Mom of course).
Hooray! Nicole is DEFINITELY a ray of sunshine. I love all the photos in this post.
I love staying up late at night, but I also love early mornings (is there a name for that?) I think the view from Nicole’s deck could turn anyone into a morning person- who wouldn’t want to get up for that? I was kind of disappointed that she doesn’t have a favorite yoga pose, but the pictures of Rex and Barkley made up for it.
That deck is ah-mazing. What a view. I’m not sure if it would be enough to turn the tide on my feelings toward mornings, but I’d give it a try 🙂
Nicole MacPherson
I think the name for that is “Jenny Needs More Sleep!” Lol! Thanks Jenny! You’re so sweet. Choosing a favourite yoga pose is like choosing a favourite child, I just can’t! They are all great!
Ally Bean
Hey there Nicole! I love this interview and can understand why Rex is extra special to you. I’ve been to Banff Springs once and adored it, so happy to know it is one of your favorite magical places. The deck on your new house is amazing. Glad you’re enjoying it.
Nicole MacPherson
Ahhh the Banff Springs is so gorgeous! I love it there. It’s a really special place in a really special place!
Colleen Martin
Loved reading this, every time a post from Nicole pops up I smile and head over to read it real fast 🙂 I also get tons of good book recs from her!
Nicole MacPherson
Awww, that’s so nice, Colleen! Thank you! xo
I have NOT flown in a hot-air balloon, but I think that next summer going to a hot-air balloon festival is high on my to-do list. We have several well-regarded festivals in my state and it’s silly that I haven’t been to one! I have a fear of heights, so I don’t know if I’d LOVE it, but maybe I would try it if given an opportunity.
Barkley and Rex are such gorgeous dogs. I’m so happy Nicole has been willing to share them with all of us!
I’m not afraid of flying in a commercial airplane, but the thought of a hot air balloon makes me wary, I will admit! Not sure why. Something about being out in the open and exposed. But I think I’d probably wind up LOVING it and what an experience!
Nicole MacPherson
Oh my goodness, I’m dying of excitement on your behalf. Shall I come there and go with you? I’d love to go to the festival!
ccr in MA
Right now I am really envying your guest room! Ha, of all things to take from this lovely post, but my office/craft room is also the guest room and we don’t have guests often enough to prevent the Creep of Stuff into all spaces. I hate clearing it out, even when I love the guest coming.
The Creep of Stuff is so real. So. Real.
Nicole MacPherson
Thanks so much, C! I love it too. I love having the bookshelves in there and I also love just having guests!
Michelle G.
Elisabeth, I met YOU when you interviewed Nicole the first time! And then your blog disappeared! Luckily, Nicole was able to direct me to your new blog. Whew! It was nice to read another interview with Nicole. She is an absolute gem who knows how to make everyone feel special and important.
You hit the nail on the head – she really does make everyone feel special and important. You encapsulate her personality perfectly!
So glad you “found” me through Nicole’s previous guest post. The whole deleted blog thing was a debacle, but in the rearview mirror now 🙂
Nicole MacPherson
*blushes forever* you guys!! Thank you, Michelle and Elisabeth, what a very kind and sweet thing to say! xoxoxo
Ah, always happy to read about and from Nicole – she’s a ray of sunshine indeed, and witty! I love her humor.
My niece just got into Pandora bracelets and I’d love to see your collection of charms, too.
Nicole and I have a lot in common: the love for early mornings, sweaty Peloton sessions, and fashion style (at least I always feel like I’d be happy to wear exactly what Nicole wears in her photos).
I live vicariously through Nicole’s beautiful new house (we live in a one-bedroom duplex and no, we don’t have a view like that, let alone a guest room to have overnight guests. I am currently looking into buying a sleeper couch for the living room so I don’t have to sleep on an air mattress when we have the occasional guest(s) over). And I love Nicole’s dogs: I loved Barkley and I also love Rex. They’re both the type of dogs I’d love to have in another life.
Nicole, do you have a favorite Peloton yoga instructor? If so, who is it and why?
She’s HILARIOUS! Which is often exactly what I need to read these days.
Nicole MacPherson
Thanks so much, San, I feel like we are kindred spirits as well!
I do have a favourite instructor! My very favourite is Leanne Hainsby. I just love her “sparkly” energy, and her music and class plans are always so good. She was my very first instructor – a 45 minute disco ride – and I like to take her classes at least a couple times a week. She puts me in a great mood.
That picture of Nicole opening her ring is pure perfection!
And yes, I would also like to know more about your Pandora bracelet collection.
Nicole MacPherson
Thank you Gigi! I will definitely have to write a post about my bracelets!
Me: “Today I will visit new friend Elisabeth’s blog”. Also me: “it’s Nicole, I visit her like EVERY DAY. Oh, well, she quoted me so that’s okay.” I love Nicole. We’ve only been able to get together a couple of times, but those three hours of the day when we’re both awake and alert were magical.
Ha! I think I’d not overlap much with Nicole since I am NOT a morning person. She needs to come East because then she’d wake up later due to “jet lag” and we might start morning at the same time. I am NEVER happy to be up before 7:00 am.
Nicole MacPherson
Love you Allison! xoxoxoxo It’s a travesty I haven’t seen you for NINE YEARS!!!
I love Nicole’s blog! Nicole, I love that after you lost your sweet Barkley, you were able to open your heart to the joy that is Rex. I know how hard that is.
I love that picture of Nicole opening that gorgeous ring, too!
Nicole MacPherson
Thanks J, you know exactly what it is to lose a beloved fuzzy friend. Barkley was a one in a million dog, for sure, and I think about him all the time.
I’m not sure how long ago I started reading Nicole’s blog, but it is always delightful and funny. I so appreciate her awesome book reviews. These photos are amazing. I especially like the pic with the ring. Your deck is amazing. Breath-taking. I do not have a guest room, but I will when the kids move out.
Nicole MacPherson
Thanks so much Ernie. I was trying to think how long we have been reading each other’s blogs. I guess…2019? or 2018? I can’t remember!
Me yesterday: “I am going to visit my new blog friend Elisabeth.” Also me yesterday: “wait, this is Nicole. I already visit her, like, every day. But she’s awesome, so FINE. Oh, she quoted me, that’s nice.”
I am a late-nighter and Nicole is an early-morninger, so the couple of times we’ve been able to hang out were magical for the three hours we were both awake and alert.
Sorry – something wonky is happening with comments and they are taking a while to show up. I’m so sorry. Not sure what’s going on, but it was worse than normal on Nicole’s post. It has something to do with caching issues? I’ll try to sort it out sometime soon!
Nicole MacPherson
Love love love you Allison! xoxoxo
Oh, Nicole – you are such a bright light in the blogging community and my main regret is that I did not follow you earlier! I finally did, earlier this year, and seeing your posts makes me happy. You absolutely shine with your love for life, your family, and your community. <3
Yes, yes, and yes!
Nicole MacPherson
Oh Anne, thank you so much! What a lovely thing to say. xo
Tobia | craftaliciousme
That porch view is amazing.
I’ve not read Nicoles blog yet so I will put that on my reader to do – after NabloPo though.
Thank you for introducing her blog to me.
Ohhh. It is a GREAT blog. You’ll love it 🙂
Nicole MacPherson
Hi Tobia! Nice to meet you!
Lisa’s Yarns
Nicole is SO delightful! She’s just such a ray of sunlight!!
I am a morning person but not a SUPER early morning person. I am NOT a night owl. My favorite Christmas tradition is probably the Christmas Eve party we go to at Phil’s cousins. Our Christmas celebration is pretty quiet otherwise as it’s just us 4 and my MIL. I am used to big family celebrations being from a family of 5 kids with lots of extended family. So that party fills me up on big family fun and our children are so loved on by the hosts. We have a guest suite in our basement and I LOVE IT! It doubles as an office for me so it’s a room that gets used a lot. But it is so nice to have a dedicated space for guests away from where I sleep. It had an en-suite bathroom so it’s very nice and private and guests really like it I think – at least my parents do!!
That sounds like such a fun Christmas Eve! I can see why you look forward to it!
Nicole MacPherson
Lisa, your Christmas sounds absolutely delightful! xoxo
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[…] guest needs no introduction – and she’s actually “visited” me here before – but I’ll give her a quick one […]