Like so many of my blogging friendships, the details of “discovering” Jenny are blurry at best. I may have first stumbled upon her site during NaBloPoMo? Or maybe I saw her name show up repeatedly in another comment section? Regardless of the how, why, or when, I am so grateful we discovered each other.

On the surface, it might appear that we don’t have much in common. Jenny lives in sunny Florida (forever trying to outrun the heat), and I’m in Nova Scotia (forever complaining about the cold). Jenny is a serious runner – like “ultramarathoner serious” – and I start to get cranky after about 3 km. But she is wise and compassionate and funny so, naturally, I was drawn to her; also, she loves Earl Grey tea, Harry Potter, libraries, waffles, and naps (so suddenly we have lots in common!).
In a word, I find Jenny genuine. It’s a delight to read along as she shares all the ups and downs of life, complete with plenty of sage advice.
Thanks for guesting posting, today, Jenny! (Next on the docket: a Nova Scotia meetup?!)
Q. If you could eat only one meal on repeat for a week, what would you choose?
A. This is a tough one – I think I would quickly come to regret any meal I chose. But breakfast is my favorite meal, so I’m going to say waffles, with Earl Grey tea. I think I could get through a week eating that meal! [Oh waffles, how I love thee…]

Q. Do you have a favourite marathon (or other formal race!) experience? Why does it stand out?
A. My favorite race experience is, without question, the 50K trail race I ran last April. I’ve wanted to run an ultramarathon for a very long time. In my late 20s and early 30s I traveled a lot which made it hard to plan for a race – then I got married and had my kids – then I had a string of injuries – but I never gave up on that dream. I finally realized there would never be a perfect time to do it, so I signed up for the 50K. It was an amazing experience that I still think about every day (race recap is here). It just goes to show, you’re never too old and it’s never too late!
Q. List five things that would happen as part of your idealized “perfect day”.
A. I would start with a long trail run, and I’ll have to control the weather here – let’s make it 58 degrees and sunny. Then I would move on to breakfast, which would be – obviously – waffles and tea. The third thing would be reading on the couch, followed by a couch nap with my cat (now it would be raining outside). And lastly, a delicious dinner with my family, including my son, which would be cooked by SOMEONE ELSE. That would be my perfect day!
Q. Share a weird/random/true fact – any odd skills or unusual experiences?
A. Recently, while I was writing my posts about The Pledge of Allegiance and patriotism, I revisited an odd skill I have, which is that I can quickly recite (or sing, if you’d rather) all fifty United States in alphabetical order.
I was ten years old in 1976, which was our bicentennial, and it was a big deal! We had bicentennial quarters and learned patriotic songs in music class. One of the songs was “Fifty Nifty United States” where the lyrics listed each state, and it’s stuck with me to this day.
Strangely, this skill rarely has any use! Not only can I list them, but I could quickly tell you how many states begin with an “N” or “W.” As I said- this hardly ever comes up, unfortunately.
Q. What is your most treasured possession?
A. I really had to think about this one. I like my possessions, but it would be hard to say I “treasure” any of them. My Crazy Pumpkin Lady mug? No, that can’t be it. My running shoes? Well, no, because I replace them frequently. The answer I finally came up with is…my library card!
Ha, that makes me sound very nerdy, doesn’t it? Well, I LOVE reading, and every time I leave the library with a stack of books I’m astonished that I’m getting them for free. I definitely couldn’t afford to buy all the books I read. Of course, I have to return them, but what would I do with all these books when I’m done reading them, anyway? It’s the perfect system. [Best. answer. ever!]
Q. If you could only wear one colour for the rest of your life, which colour would you choose?
A. The color I seem to gravitate to most these days is gray, but that’s much too boring for the one color for the rest of my life. So I’m going to choose – and this would be to the astonishment and possible chagrin of my friends and family – teal! My daughter says turquoise is the universal color that looks good on everyone, but I’ve always liked its cousin, teal, better.
Q. What international destination – that you’ve never visited – do you most want to see?
A. Nova Scotia, of course!!! [Ding, ding, ding, ding. This is the correct answer! And no I didn’t coerce Jenny into saying this…]
Thanks so much for guest posting today, Jenny <3
Your turn. Any questions for Jenny? Have you ever run an ultramarathon? What’s your most treasured possession? Do you have a cat? If so…do you nap with your cat (feel free to insert other pet)? Do you love waffles (please note the only acceptable answer is YES!)?
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Thanks for guest posting today, Jenny! Sorry it took so long to get your spot ready – what with my mini blog disaster – but it was worth the wait <3
Ha, I’m laughing at your responses to my answers! Glad I got the last question right (I meant it though!) Thanks SO MUCH for having me on your incredible blog!!! I’m honored : )
Colleen Martin
Running that distance is so inspiring! Wow, I’m sore from my 6 miler this weekend, but I know it’s showing up each day that matters. I love waffles and earl grey tea too, now you’ve got me craving them 🙂
I know – I cannot imagine running this far EVER.
If I ever manage to host a blogger meetup, you know what will be on the menu <3
Jenny’s running and training is an inspiration to all of us. Whenever I’m getting grumpy about working out – generally because my bad leg is annoying me – I just think about all of Jenny’s injuries and how she’s doing these long training runs in the Florida heat and then I just finish my set of lunges. LOL.
I do have a cat and I do enjoy a nap with her on my lap. Generally she IS the reason for the nap because I’ll be reading or something and she’ll come up and sit on the book and she’s warm and fluffy and the next thing I know, half an hour has passed!
Ha! I laughed out loud at your “finish my set of lunges” comment.
I think I would love to nap with a pet. Alas, if we took Meatball out for a nap he would almost certainly escape into some tiny crevice never to be seen again. When the kids were young I sometimes would nap with them and that was pretty sweet, but the only one still napping in my household is me!
I love this friendship! Jenny, what do you think about when running for so long? Are you in a state of “flow” or do you listen to podcasts or do you listen to the trail? I would be so in my head, haha!
What a great question for Jenny. I know she listens to lots of podcasts; I cannot concentrate to a podcast if I’m running, so it has to be music or nothing…
And I can’t remember @Jenny: do you listen to podcasts when you race?
On my regular training runs I love listening to podcasts, and if I’m struggling at the end I’ll put on music (unless it’s dark- then I don’t have headphones in at all.) To answer Elisabeth’s question- I don’t normally listen to podcasts when I race, but in my 50k last year I did listen to music during the second half.
I loved the library card answer! When my mom was a kid and would get in trouble, her punishment was the loss of her library card for x amount of time. Thankfully she felt that was cruel and unusual punishment, and did not do that to us!
Cruel punishment indeed! At my library they don’t require me to show my library card (maybe because I’m there so often? though I think they’ll do this for everyone?) and will just look me up in the system. So if someone steals my library card…I have a word around for getting books!
I’m curious if Jenny has a favorite waffle recipe!!
Her post today spills all the details!
Tobia | craftaliciousme
This was so fun to read. And the treasured possession question is a tough one. I have no answer right now. But Jenny answer: spot on. Waffles are amazing but I rarely do them at home.
Bee, I usually make up a recipe involving oats, banana and protein powder. But I do have a couple “real” recipes and I answered your question in my latest blog post!
Wasn’t “library card” a brilliant answer!!!!
Nicole MacPherson
The library card! What a great answer!
I do have a question for Jenny but it has nothing to do with running or napping! I wondered if she still plays trumpet, or any other musical instrument, just for fun? I know her whole family is musical and that was her previous career. And while I’m on it – what instruments does she play?
Waffles are so yummy, I haven’t had one in eons. Must dust off that waffle maker (also, highly appreciate her “meal that someone else cooked” – I so relate!
Ohhh. Great question.
Yes, yes, yes to the library card. Spot on!
And I agree with everyone here, Jenny’s running is inspirational.
I’m in awe of all her workouts – running and so much dedication to the gym!
And I think everyone here agrees that “library card” was a genius answer!!!
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
I’m jealous of your ability to sing the 50 nifty states from memory! Well, never get mad when you can get even so maybe I’ve found my next project.
I’m such a library nerd that I still have my childhood library card.
That is SO cool you still have your childhood library card. I definitely do not, but what a blast from the past that would be.
I’m sad my kids only know the scanning of books; I loved watching the librarian pull the back card out, stamp it, file it, stamp my book. Even when the kids were little that’s how my library did it, but now it’s all electronic and while I get it…it still makes me long for the “good ol’ days.”
I just thought of another question. I know you’ve answered this on your own blog at some point, Jenny, but I forget the answer:
How do you get “action” shots of yourself while exercising? All your running shots, for instance: do you lean your phone up against a tree and then run by? Doesn’t it mess with your pace? Do you do it at the very end of your run? Ditto at the gym.
Also, where do you store your phone while working out? In a pocket? Your hand? I assume not at the gym while lifting weights!
Kyria @ Travel Spot
This was so fun! I read Jenny’s blog but this is a fun way to get to know more about her! For instance, library card!! Best answer ever. I am a huge fan of the library card and don’t know what I would do without it.
Jenny, if you think you loved the 50k, I am really excited to hear how you feel about the 50 miler! I remember doing my first 50 and wondering how the heck I was going to get through those (almost 20!) extra miles, but they go by faster than you think and it is amazing what the body can do. I know you are going to do great and have fun and will learn things about yourself that you did now know before, which is always interesting!
I am looking forward to going to your site now to get your waffle recipe!
I am in awe of her genius answer!
And I’m in awe of the fact anyone can run that far. For fun! And love it!
Hi Elizabeth and Jenny! This was such a pleasant post. Jenny, I love your blog, it’s always inspiring even if I’ve had to give up running, and I’m so glad you invited me into the fitness/running blog community.
That’s such a good point about the library. I used to always buy books but now I have very little time to read and very little space to store books, and I’ve promised myself to only buy books on Apple to read on my iPad. But if I read more I’d totally get myself to the library!
And I think it’s super cool to sing (in my world of music passion, obviously always sing instead of recite!) the 50 states from memory! Perhaps I should get inspired to do the same with all the counties of Ireland. 😀
Jenny’s blog is such a delight – I’m thrilled each time I see something new from her in Feedly.
I was at our library on Sunday – such a happy place in the life of a reader <3
Darlene Cardillo
I love her blog too and she is just as genuine in person. Yes, I did meet her.
Great answers. I love to read and my perfect day is reading a book looking at the water (lake or ocean). I prefer French Toastto waffles but I love them too. And right now Starbucks Pumpkin cream Chai!!
I can’t ever imagine an ultra. I’m stressed out enough training for 26.2.
I have to laugh when people say they can’t imagine doing a particular length of race. My sister started with 5Ks and swore she would NEVER do more. Then it was 10Ks. Then a half (again, she swore she had NO interest in a marathon). Then, of course, she did marathons. Then ultramarathons, and now ironmans.
That said, I think I can confidently say I will NEVER run an ultra.
Good luck with your marathon – the NYC one, is it?!
I love Chai and Pumpkin Cream Chai sounds heavenly…
i love her 5 elements for a perfect day, mine will be similar. 🙂
Lisa’s Yarns
Genuine is a great description for Jenny. I have only known her for just over a year. I feel a kinship with her because she had kids later in life like I did. I don’t know many people who started their families later so it’s nice to know someone who is a bit further down the road of a similar path of life.
We sort of have a cat but she mostly lives with my MIL. When she lived with us, she would nap on me but I would not nap with her, like in our bed. She really prefers Phil so would only nap with me when I had a heated blanket on my lap or if Phil wasn’t home.
You and Jenny might be appalled to learn that we don’t own a waffle maker!! Phil isn’t a bit sweet breakfast person so we didn’t get one when we got married.
She’s just…magnetic. In the sweetest possible way. She (and Nicole) feel like they are my friend/sister/mother all at the same time.
We “sort of have a cat” – that makes me laugh, but you’ve described the arrangement before.
Waffles make life worth living, IMO, but I’ll overlook this deficiency in your life. To be fair, I only bought a waffle iron 5ish years ago. I tend to love all breakfast foods, sweet or not!
I wish I was better about remembering when or where I first discovered sweet friends on the Internet but mostly, I don’t… maybe because it feels like they were always there somehow?
I’ve been reading Jenny’s blog for a while now and I also don’t remember when I first discovered her but her blog definitely made it to my “favorites list” in my reader.
I obviously feel like I have some things in common with Jenny because she’s an avid runner… well, more so than me, because that ultramarathon is damn impressive and I am so freakin’ excited for her that she checked that goal of her bucket list. What a huge accomplishment!
I also feel her genuineness and humor come through in every post and I am always looking forward to reading more from her.
I know – I found a lot of people through you and Sarah Hart Unger. But how did I find you first? Sometimes I do try to piece it all together, but regardless I’m so happy we have this community <3
I adore Jenny's blog and I get so genuinely happy every time I see a new post from her in Feedly.
Favourite Things: November 2023 Edition – The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
[…] Jenny (Runner’s Fly), Laura Vanderkam, Sarah Hart-Unger (Shubox), NGS (The Time for Change), Sarah Jedd (Harry Times), Ally (The Spectacled Bean), Nicole (Girl in a Boyhouse), and San (The In Between Is Mine). […]