We’ve almost made it through February.
I know I’m starting to sound like a broken record but…the world has felt so dark, cold, and inhospitable lately. Literally and figuratively. I’m hoping for brighter news (and weather) in March. But, even now, there are lots of FIGs on offer in everyday life.
This post is going live a bit later than expected. What a busy weekend; nothing bad, just lots of moving parts and a jam-packed schedule. What a delight to finally stop moving and sit down to read about all the wonderful FIGs others have been noticing. Some of the people participating in this project are dealing with tremendously challenging circumstances – job insecurity, the loss of a beloved pet, family members battling cancer, complicated parental advocacy.
I am truly humbled and honoured that in the midst of personal turmoil, so many have been willing to join this gratitude initiative.
Thank you!!!
- Sophie | Iced lattes + an impromptu Taylor Swift dance party
- Joy | A crackling fire on a snow day + green rain boots
- Engie | Puppy eyes + bowling
- Common Household Mom | Dry leaves + political Valentines
- Sarah | Double batches of chocolate chip cookies + books about murder
- Diane | The F.I.G. Collective (and me! <3) + remote car starters [you really should click through and read all her FIGs; it’s a great post!]
- Lisa | A kid vomiting in the toilet [it’s better than the bed or floor] + Green Eggs and Ham
- Allison | Friends that boost dead car batteries + CAA
- Jenny | Valentine’s slippers + cilantro sauce
- Julie | A flowering tree + tuna melts
- Lindsay | Couch/tea/book [if you know, you know!] + homemade ice cream
- Sophie | Room reorganization + fun in a swimming pool
- ccr | “Knitting” friends + pretty light fixtures
- San | Sunset at the beach + dill pickles
- Noemi | Dog Man + fresh-from-the-oven bagels
- Suzanne | A “Things To Do Before We Get a Cat” list + a missing favourite sweatshirt is located!
- Stephany | DIY bracelets + fun mail
- Allison (again!) | Turkey and mashed potatoes + curling
- Engie | Breaking things [it’s okay, she was at a smash room] + bubble waffle cones + no more radioactive litter
- Daria | Etsy purchases + warmer weather
- Katy | Time with family + chocolate chip banana bread
This week’s special shout-out goes to Noemi who had LITERALLY JUST STEPPED IN DOG FECES before publishing her FIG post. Now that’s dedication!
mbmom11 reached out – admitting it was a week relatively devoid of FIGs – to share one lighthearted moment “…this morning my cat found her fluff made it hard to get a drink. She was very determined and finally managed it.”

In the midst of this bleak midwinter, Engie also managed to identify an unusual FIG – “…this fire hydrant shows that we still have emergency fire services and the space around the hydrant was cleared of snow, so someone took the time to ensure the safety of everyone in the neighborhood.”

Here’s a selection from the week:
15 Feb (Saturday)
- 121 | Fresh, crunchy, sweet grapes. [These were sooooo good.]
- 123 | Seeing traffic pull over for the police cars headed to an accident. It always gives me chills to watch people respond properly for emergency vehicles. [You can see why I immediately related to Engie’s fire hydrant FIG.]
- 125 | Noise-cancelling headphones.
- 126 | Hiring Belle to mop floors.
16 Feb (Sunday)

- 127 | Amazing sleep (8 hr 22 min).
- 128 | Great coffee.
- 129 | Church.

- 130 | Walk with kids. The fresh air felt good.
- 131 | A long, hot shower.
- 132 | Delicious savoury waffle.
- 133 | Indy’s silly song that made me laugh hysterically. [And still does days later.]
17 Feb (Monday)
- 136 | Coffee with Dad (and Mom)
- 137 | A home. Four walls. Warmth and safety.
- 138 | Internet.

- 139 | Book Club (and The Blue Castle).
- 140 | Freshly brushed teeth.
18 Feb (Tuesday)
- 141 | Snow days with friends. What a life my kids have…
- 142 | Butter chicken, rice, roasted peppers, cauliflower.
- 143 | Clean sheets.
19 Feb (Wednesday)
- 146 | Electrical upgrades done! Let there be light.
- 148 | Food. Money to buy it and help putting it away.
- 150 | Indy singing his choir songs to me at bedtime.

- 153 | Tried Dr. Pepper.
- 154 | Sunshine.
- 156 | It’s light at suppertime.
20 Feb (Thursday)
- 159 | The granola bar I ate on the chair lift. I was very hungry and it hit the spot.
- 160 | Skiing in near-perfect conditions.

- 163 | Dinner guests bringing tulips!
21 Feb (Friday)
- 167 | Belle’s slippers – I’m wearing them now.
- 168 | The new bathroom fan works!

- 169| Blueberries added to my (already) beloved cottage cheese concoction.
- 170 | Texts from friends.
- 172 | The robin I heard out the window this morning.
And that concludes our third week of FIG collection. Now it’s your turn.
- I’m assuming most of us have stepped in dog poo before (tell me if you haven’t!)…but how many people have been hit by poop from a bird flying above in the sky? This has never happened to me, but it has happened to both my mother and my uncle.
- What’s your favourite berry? I’d have to pick raspberries, but these blueberries have really been hitting the spot.
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My favorite FIG is the vomiting in the toilet. It’s great when the kids have figured it out.
I’ll bop around the internet and read all these FIGs!
An odd FIG, but tremendously relatable for every parent. Cleaning vomit off the floor or bed or couch is just…*shudder*
Happy bopping; I hope you get little jolts of joy from all the FIGs.
Yay for FIGs. I had meant to write up my week 3 but woke up with a cold. I’m keeping up with my printable though!
Week 3: brownies; power came back on in only 15 minutes!; professional photographers; lunch out with my husband; another snow day; farm fresh eggs; cozy mysteries; discount on pastry at Panera; sunshine X 2; Bible study companions; reading in bed; lobster bisque
I’m ready to fill in my last week! This has helped me keep a positive outlook all month, and it has been so fun to read everyone else’s FIGs, too.
I’d love to see a picture of your printable at the end of the month! I’m so happy some people have used it!
I mean…brownies. How could those not be a FIG? Yum. Though I love all your FIGs and it’s so fun to see them listed rapid-fire like that as well. Such an eclectic mix – thanks for sharing <3
One downside to pets is that they NEVER barf in the toilet, and often will actively run away from the wood or tile floors toward the carpet. Also with the poop. The day my daughter woke me up by saying, “Mama, I threw up”, and when I asked her where, she said, “In the toilet.” That was the day that I knew that kids are better than pets. And you know I love me some pets.
I love blueberries, but raspberries win every single time. I LURVE them extra.
Lol that you finally tried Dr. Pepper (meh) and oh goodness, I’m behind on my reading for CBBC, I wonder if I can get caught up before tomorrow morning???
The day my daughter woke me up by saying, “Mama, I threw up”, and when I asked her where, she said, “In the toilet.” That was the day that I knew that kids are better than pets. And you know I love me some pets.
This made me LAUGH! I remember the time my daughter woke me up and had managed to make it to her trash can to throw up and it was like someone had given me a LV bag or something. I was ELATED.
Aren’t raspberries just the best mix of tart and sweet. And the red is such a cheerful colour.
Participating in the F.I.G. Collective this month (and reading everybody else’s little moments of joy and gratitude) has been a wonderful and reassuring ritual in the midst of a lot of turmoil.
I am so happy to hear you’ve been skiing (I have been vicariously living through your skiing posts). Internet is also on my list of F.I.G.s always. It connects me with so many lovely people.
I love raspberries and I think they’re my favorite berries, although I also love strawberries (when they’re firm and sweet!) and cherries (are they considered berries? I am not sure and have heard different opinions.)
I love the word “reassuring” – and I feel the same way. It’s a safe place to land each day, being able to spot SOMETHING positive.
Are cherries a berry? I think they’re stone fruit (berries have edible seeds)?? I loooove raspberries, but a perfect strawberry is pretty hard to beat. Blackberries are definitely my least-favourite.
Team Strawberry, but blueberries in pancakes, yogurt, and oatmeal are, of course, the GOAT.
I don’t like blueberries in pancakes – they go all mushy and weird tasting – but I think I am in the minority since that is the go-to pancake berry!
Berries are hit or miss for me (I hate when they turn out to be sour!) but a really, really good blackberry is my favorite. And yes, I HAVE been hit by a bird pooping in the sky! Thanks for reminding of that incident : )
I can’t wait to read everyone’s FIGS!!!
Ha! Blackberries are my LEAST favourite. I just find they’re too seedy.
Oh no! A bird poop attack. Yikes. I think one of my kids’ preschool teachers said it has happened to her TWICE. Not fun.
I had a weekend full of gratitude, but have not managed to work any into my recent posts. Coach got a stomach bug and it has taken him days to recover. I’m grateful no one else has gotten it, but after reading Lisa’s post this am . . . I worry we are not out of the woods yet.
I got crapped on by a feathery friend while on spring break in Florida a few years ago. My bare shoulder. At least it wasn’t on my bathing suit or my clothes and I could wipe it off.
There are so many bugs circulating the globe right now it seems 🙁 Hope everyone else stays healthy.
Gross!!!! I’m glad you can see a positive in the situation (you could easily wipe it off) but still…gross!
Lisa's Yarns
I sure wish I could say Taco has the same making-it-to-the-toilet/bucket skills… but at 4 that is a bridge too far. Sigh. I’m glad Phil heard him and got him to the toilet so it was less bad than it could have been. :/ I sleep with ear plugs so that’s why I wasn’t Johnny on the spot at 4am. Sigh.
I’m grateful I am not traveling this week as I would not feel good about getting on an airplane right now since I feel like a ticking time bomb.
I have not been pooped on by a bird! I hope to keep that trend going!
I am always happy to not be the “first responder” when vomit is involved. Thankfully, it’s getting less and less onerous as the kids get older and handle more and more of it themselves.
Favorite berry is such a hard question. A good strawberry can’t be beat. But I like a raspberry fresh off the bush. Sheesh. This is a tough one.
I have been pooped on by bird more than once. I must have bad luck! (I actually chalk it up to the fact that I spend a lot of time outdoors.)
I suppose the more time outside the more chance of being pooped upon. Thankfully, I’ve managed a lot of time outside with NO POOP incidents, but perhaps I have now jinxed myself.
Strawberries for the win! It’s strawberry season here in Florida (and I’m minutes away from some of the best strawberry fields!) so I am enjoying all of the strawberries I can.
I have not been pooped on by a bird, but I have been pooped on by an owl! And it was in front of my entire fourth-grade class, so you can imagine how embarrassed I was about that! (We were at some nature center and a woman was walking around with an owl. Of course, it had to be the time the owl was by me and I was petting it that it pooped right on the front of my jeans. UGH.
(Stephany…birds are owls)
Now that Stephany mentions that though, and I consider the difference between a pet or tame bird vs. being out in nature and randomly pooped upon, I suspect I’ve been pooped on at least a few times, we had a parrot named Grandma when I was a kid. We didn’t name him, he came with that name.
Can we all just stop for a moment and ponder the fact it’s STRAWBERRY SEASON WHERE YOU LIVE AND MY DRIVEWAY IS CURRENTLY COVERED IN 4 INCHES OF ICE.
Blueberries! I love blueberries. My 8 year old calls them “smart pills” because he once had a teacher tell him blue foods made you smarter.
Reading people’s FIGS always makes me laugh. I love how people are finding FIGS even in the absurdities of life.
Engie always has such profound FIGS!
Smart pills. That is too funny! Love it.
And yes, the range of FIGs is hilarious. From the profound to the silly. I think it’s wonderful to appreciate the whole spectrum which really highlights that there are little and big joys to be found in just about every facet of life.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
Yay for (almost) making it through February! You have to love a short month, especially in winter. They should have done June, July, Aug and Sept as 31 days and the rest could be 30, or even the rest except for Dec could e 30 and then Dec could be 28! Who made this schedule anyway?
I love that you never tried Dr. Pepper, and have to say that as someone who tried it many years ago and did not love it, I thought it was cute that you did it! Growing up we always had to drink a glass of water before we had anything else (and usually we did NOT have anything else), but soda was never my jam. Even now I am a water with dinner person and I was talking to a friend the other day and he was saying that his Mom made him drink milk with dinner and when he went to college he had a revelation that he did not have to do it anymore and that he did not even really like milk! Hah! I don’t really like milk, or soda.
Anyway, FIGs! I am going to put the second “half” out soon, but am loving the roundups. I am kind of lurking lately, but am here for it! I swear!
I transitioned from drinking milk (what my father ALWAYS drank with meals until about a decade ago) to water when I went to collage and I have never looked back. I do enjoy a sparkling water most days, but good ol’ water is my absolute favourite beverage. Closely followed by coffee (or Earl Grey if I’m at Charts).
Figgy Friday! – Runners Fly
[…] time for the FIGs of the week! A huge thank you to Elisabeth and her Finding Joy in Gratitude (FIG) Collective. This month would have been pretty bleak without it (can we continue it into […]
Yes, I have been pooped on by a bird while riding bike on a rail trail in college. True story: I was wearing this shirt at the time: https://www.cardcow.com/911277/how-birds-see-world-gary-larson-far-side/. My friend and I could not stop laughing!
That might be the most ironic thing I’ve ever heard! Yikes! I guess you made an especially good target?! Glad you could laugh about it!
No to the bird poop for myself, but had to help my childhood best friend wash bird poop out of her (permed, of course) hair when we were at the beach together decades ago. The memory made me laugh – thank you for that!
Those tulips… <3 A sign of spring!
Oh my goodness – IN PERMED HAIR sounds absolutely terrible…
What a dear friend you were to help.
Tobia | craftaliciousme
I have been pooped on by a bird multiple times. Unfortunately.
So has the husband exactly when the pizza was served. Luckily the restaurant made a new one for him.
I can taste the crunchy grapes and am now craving some.
Oh my goodness! Really??? That’s horrible (though I am very relieved the restaurant provided fresh pizza)!