It’s time for another round of Favourite Things. I have an eclectic mix today: some food, some outdoor furniture, some traffic decisions – and more!
Let’s get this party started…

I have long loved granola atop a delicious helping of yogurt, but have recently upped the ante with a protein-packed version.
First I put a big spoonful of peanut butter into the bottom of a bowl. If it’s not the drippy natural kind, put it in the microwave for 15 seconds to get soft and melty.
Then I add 1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt (plain yogurt works, too, but there’s not as much protein/it doesn’t satiate me as well as the Greek variety), 1/4 cup granola (Kashi makes a high-protein variety), a sprinkle of flax, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, raisins, walnuts and, if I’m feeling extra fun, a sprinkle of chocolate chips. Mix it all together. I make up little dishes of all the ingredients (with granola, raisins, chia seeds etc), so I just have to dump that into the bowl, grab my yogurt and things are good to go.
Yum. I just love it. The flavours, the textures. Delicious and satisfying!
Every time my hair gets to a certain length it drives me crazy and I go to the hairdresser and get it chopped off and that feels amazing and then it starts to grow out and it’s too short to go up in a bun or ponytail but too long to be a cinch to manage…and that also drives me crazy.
What can I say? I am hard. to. please.
My hair is currently in the perfect middle ground – the right length to sweep up in a bun, but it’s not overly tedious to wear it down.
I think I need to stop going short. I really appreciate having the option of putting my hair in a bun at all the times. The key is to always, always blow dry my hair. If I let it air dry because I’m feeling lazy, things go crazy with volume and curls and knots. Ten minutes (or less) of drying time every few days is 100% worth it.
Somehow I always feel, psychologically, like the cost of my once-a-yearish haircut is only justified if I get things cut off. This is ridiculous. It’s okay to go more frequently and keep it managed in such a way that it better serves my day-to-day life.
I talk a big talk, but I can totally see myself caving at my next appointment, throwing my hands in the air and saying: Cut it all off. Do not let me do this, friends!
*I started this post BEFORE the hammock accident. Do I still love it? Yes. Do I wish I hadn’t spent a day last week visiting a children’s hospital to remove a cast? Yes.

We are the proud owners of a hammock! Is it the most comfortable option? Probably not, but I wanted something I could put up and take down in minutes, was lightweight, and didn’t require any extra equipment.
Check, check, check.
It packs up into a bag the size and weight of a small bag of sugar. And it’s a nice place to hang out on a warm day, basking in the shade of the trees.
We live in a community that doesn’t have a single traffic light. NOT A ONE. This is mostly lovely and I appreciate living in a small town that still manages to tick so many amenity boxes, but…navigating can be a nuisance.
Over the course of a few days, the public works department implemented several new one-way streets and converted a series of two-way stops into four-way stops. It’s a relatively small change but it makes SUCH A difference. I love, love, love the four-way stops in particular.

I am not a podcast person. I’ve tried. It’s a combination of not generally being alone for long periods of time and/or having work where I can’t concentrate with anything but non-lyrical inputs. I listen haphazardly to my favourites – primarily Best of Both Worlds and The Girl Next Door Podcast – and that’s fine.
For some reason I circled back around to The Lazy Genius Podcast. I’ve listened to various episodes over the years, but now I am hooked. I just feel so…seen? Supported? I WANT TO BE KENDRA’S FRIEND. It’s self-help but in the most empowering, non-judgemental way possible. She talks parenting. She talks time management. She talks marriage and friendship. She talks holidays. She talks routine and rhythms and meal-planning and homework and….a little bit of everything and I love it.
They are crunchy and so easy to prep for dipping in hummus (our two favourites are Lantana Sriracha Carrot Hummus and Summer Fresh Dill Pickle Hummus).

I should have bought a set years ago, but I am now the proud owner of two medium-sized mesh bags for washing delicates in the laundry.
This is especially helpful for separating out John’s favourite wool socks (Darn Tough brand) which CANNOT end up in the dryer. I just leave a mesh bag beside our laundry basket and fill it with whatever needs to be washed and/or handled differently. The medium size is much larger than I expected, FYI.
Okay, this isn’t the nicest topic, but we have had two toilets that caused much grief. One was literally broken; the flushing mechanism was held together with CABLE TIES. It was in our basement bathroom which already looks like something straight out of a Stephen King book.
And then, the main-floor bathroom – which is used almost exclusively by the kids – has been the bane of our existence for years. It is a low-flow, top flushing number that gets plugged all. the. time. It looked like a very nice, high-end toilet, but it functioned like, well, crap.
We bought two of the cheapest toilets at Home Depot, they have been installed, everything flushes well and the basement bathroom (though the toilet was installed at a slightly crooked angle; I am trying to be a big girl about this and not care it’s off kilter an inch) looks a tiny bit less sketchy.
Your turn. What are your recent favourites? Do you own a hammock? Tell me your favourite FILLING snack – something that tastes good and keeps your satiated for a long time (without a sugar crash)? Do you use a delicates bag in your washing machine? Favourite podcast?
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Jan Coates
I love the new toilets because they’re a bit higher – so practical. And I’ve been making granola for years: 4 cups oatmeal, 1 cup chopped nuts, 1/2 cup olive oil, 1/2 cup maple syrup, cinnamon, vanilla, bake at 325 for 25 minutes. SO YUMMY! It’s all I eat, and I always look forward to breakfast (with yogurt, blueberries, and oat milk).
That granola sounds delish.
We didn’t get the extra high toilets and I regret it a little bit? I think it is much easier in the long run…but they were more expensive and we both know how cheap I can be!
I love podcasts! You mentioned two of my current favorites- Girl Next Door and Best of Both Worlds (btw Sarah from BOBW has her own podcast called Best Laid Plans, which is also fun.) And I do like Lazy Genius, although I haven’t listened to her lately. Thanks for the reminder!
Your yogurt/granola snack sounds delicious. Lately I’ve been coming home from work hungry and reaching for chips or popcorn. I’m going to try a modified version of yours- there actually is vegan greek yogurt (my husband eats it and we might even have some in the fridge right now) and I’ll have to get granola. I”ll report back!
I love hammocks but we don’t have one. To be honest, the only place I’d want to set it up right now would be in the living room with the AC blasting, so maybe it’s not a good option for me.
Fair enough with the hammock in Florida!!! It’s hard for me to even imagine living with that level of extreme heat.
Best Laid Plans is awesome; I always feel so guilty not being a dedicated podcast listener. I think, too, there are certain seasons for certain podcasts? Right now, the Lazy Genius just feels like a gentle, helpful landing place.
Popcorn is delicious and I haven’t had any in the house in a long time (it’s not something I reach for AND it’s not good for A’s braces), but I think that would be a nice snacking option for me.
Nicole MacPherson
No traffic lights!!! I will stop saying I live in a small town now, even though there are cows and horses near my walking routes. I’m blown away – no traffic lights! I don’t know why I’m fixating on this.
I also love mini cucumbers, so delicious and crunchy. I have yet to try that dill pickle hummus, so thanks for the reminder to look for it.
New toilets – it’s a weird topic but what is worse than a non-functioning toilet? Before we started the reno on this house, it was just where we stayed when we visited my in-laws, and the single toilet flushed reliably maybe 1/4 to 1/3 of the time. In 2019 the toilet backed up into the shower while *I* was in the shower and I said that is IT, I cannot stay here anymore. That’s how we started the reno, and then after that, we added the second floor, and now we live here! It all started with a toilet.
Okay, I LOVE this story. NOT the fact your toilet backed up in your shower WHEN YOU WERE IN IT (I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT HAPPENED TO YOU)…BUT, that the launch point for your incredible renovation was all because of toilet! A new-to-me Nicole fact.
Yup. No traffic lights. Only stop signs and, now, a few extra stop signs 😉
We have a hammock that we take camping and I loooooove it. The twelve year old even sleeps in it because she doesn’t like sharing a tent with everyone. Unfortunately our yard at home doesn’t have any trees- good for not having to rake in the fall, but bad for wanting to hammock- plus it’s super buggy so I only get to enjoy our hammock while camping.
I’ve been trying to lean into the protein+fiber (w/o too many carbs) snacking and breakfast too, so ideally yogurt or cottage cheese with fruit, apples and peanut butter, hard boiled eggs, nuts, and meat sticks. But I’m going to be honest it’s been a lot of chips and chocolate and gummy Nerds lately.
Love that you don’t have any leaves to rake in the fall, but not having trees makes it harder to get one of the inexpensive, folds-up-small hammocks.
Cottage cheese really bothers my stomach – I have a slight dairy intolerance – and they don’t seem to have lactose-free versions? But so many people have been raving about the cottage cheese + fruit combos I need to dig a little deeper to find some alternatives.
Hey, chips and chocolate and gummy Nerds have their place!
Ooh, that yogurt & granola combo looks delish. I love the crunch and texture!
At some point I would love to add a hammock to our yard. I trust there will be a season for that — right now I think it would end up as a toddler catapult. In what may seem ironic, we are planning to get a trampoline for the big kids — but that has a net enclosure that can be zipped to keep the toddler out at least when big kids are jumping. And I also desperately want a picnic table big enough for all of us to sit out in our yard. We have a tiny back deck with a tiny table and two chairs, so if we have people over or just want to eat outside ourselves, we end up balancing paper plates in our laps and sitting in lawn chairs. It’s fine but I’m ready for a more comfortable solution!
LOVE LOVE LOVE Kendra. I agree that her tips are just so helpful and friendly. I just listened to her episode about “deciding once” and love the idea that you can PURPOSELY PLAN leftovers/takeout/cereal for dinner in a season of life when that’s what is feasible, and not feel like you’re failing!
Even though you’re not a big podcast listener, I think you’d enjoy the Ask Lisa: The Psychology of Parenting podcast (she wrote The Emotional Lives of Teenagers), which is fantastic. Her episodes are all about parenting teens from an evidence-based psychology perspective. She doesn’t really focus on any particular faith background which of course is an important part of how we are raising our kids, but gives such helpful, nuanced and granular tips and scripts for how to handle situations with teens. Also I just find her voice soothing, which is helpful in a podcast!
Trampolines are SUCH a hit with my kids. Your plans for the back yard sound lovely; it helps to have a space that “works” for the family both in terms of flow and also having the things you need.
I feel like Kendra show so much love and grace and flexibility. It just all feels so attainable and…lovely. I am EXCITED for her book this fall.
I read The Emotional Lives of Teenagers and liked it; I’ll have to give this show a listen. I’ve downloaded a few episodes to my Spotify account this very minute so I don’t forget. Also, love the idea of a soothing voice because IT REALLY MATTERS!
Lisa's Yarns
I might need to try to mimic your yogurt bowl situation. I have to take an antacid an hour before eating breakfast so I can take my new NSAID after eating and not get heart burn. But I generally get up at 6 and we leave the house by 7, so I can’t wait and hour and still eat at home. But I don’t want to warm up oatmeal at work because then I would need to bring some milk to work (I add milk to my pre-cooked oatmeal that I make in a big batch each weekend to thin it out a bit). But that yogurt bowl is something I could eat at work pretty easily.
Definitely DO NOT CUT YOUR HAIR SHORTER THAN YOU LIKE. I had to learn that lesson, too. Now when I get my hair cut Phil is often like, “really? You cut your hair?” I go more often as I need to get my hair colored to mask the gray so that is definitely noticeable but she just cleans up the ends and I do not cut it above my shoulders.
My favorite thing of late is my new Hokas that I bought in May. My old ones were getting so old!
Your Hoka’s look amazing and I know you mentioned they made it feel like running on clouds. I mean…what’s better than that?
Yes, I need to make sure I don’t cut my hair too short the next time. I do love it for a few weeks but then it just seems to take forever to grow out!
I use a mesh bag for my sports bras and some of my dresses. But we definitely put my husband’s Darn Tough socks in the dryer.
Filling snack? Almonds. I almost always turn to almonds.
I listen to podcasts, but I think our tastes diverge on podcasts. I don’t like self-help types of podcasts and basically just want podcasts to tell me a story to entertain me.
Almonds! Delicious. I tend to reach for cashews more readily (they’re also softer, so A can eat them with her braces), but should buy almonds again.
I am so charmed to learn that your town has no stoplights! I grew up in the middle of nowhere, but even my town had somewhere between 6 and 12 traffic lights. (None of them operated at night though — they would just blink red or yellow.)
Finding the right hair length is so tricky! I am envious of your ten-minute drying time. I feel like it takes 15-20 minutes to get all my hair dry, which is brutal when it’s hot outside. I do it as seldom as possible.
My favorite filling snack is a boring old smoothie. I have been drinking one for breakfast most days: 30 grams of protein and the only added sugar is a teaspoon of honey.
6-12 traffic lights?! In the middle of nowhere. That sounds like a metropolis to me!!
A smoothie is not boring and what a great reminder that it can be a snack, not just a meal. I do this for the kids after school quite regularly, but don’t think to make it a snack for me. Healthy, delicious, and just the right level of “filling” between meals if I’m feeling hungry. It’s also easy to make a small smoothie in our little hand blender, so it can literally just be a handful of fruit, water and protein powder. Done!
Oh, that granola yogurt combo sounds amazing. I am a big fan of plain Greek yogurt with granola (preferrably homemade) and will definitely give this a try.
I want to be a podcast listener, but alas, I am not. Occasionally, I find the time to listen in, but I could never keep up with a regular listening schedule of one, let alone multiple podcasts. I’d much rather read. People tell me that I should listen to podcasts when I work out (and I guess that would be a great window of time to do it, since I don’t have a commute or anything like that, but since I usually do Peloton workouts, I always listen to the instructors + music and don’t have time for the podcasts).
I also would really love a hammock for my backyard. One of these days I am going to pull the trigger (although I need one with a stand because we have now trees or something where I could hang it otherwise).
I am 100% with you on not being a regular listener! I feel like blogging is all I can handle. (And I’m not even on social media!) But in this season, the Lazy Genius is just such a wonderful addition to my repertoire.
I cannot listen to podcasts when I’m doing anything other than walking. I’ve tried to run with a podcast and cannot concentrate on either activity – listening or running – properly.
Good luck with the hammock hunt!
I’m with you on the yogurt granola snack. I make a high protein granola and add it to skyr and usually some berries, too. Filling, delicious, and great textures.
I like those medium mesh bags. I only have small ones but a medium one would be so useful for bigger items.
The medium mesh bag is wayyyy bigger than I expected, but it works fine and I guess I’m glad to have one with extra room. But it is BIG. There were some combo packs – a small + a medium – and if I had it to do over again, I’d likely go that route.
I have an hour commute each day plus I walk or run most days, so that’s all podcasting and audiobook time! I also listen while cooking or cleaning if no one is around and trying to talk to me. I weeded for a couple hours Monday and got pretty for into Kristin Hannah’s newest book! I enjoy many that others listed and also “what should I read next” though it fills up my TBR!
I got a very nice hammock with a stand last year for Mother’s Day and was carefully rolling it and storing in the garage when not in use and the mice chewed a big hole in it. So now I just leave it outside in the weather! Ugh!
I love delicates bags! I put bras and sweaters in mine.
I’ll have to try your yogurt combination! I love the idea of peanut butter. I usually buy Greek yogurt but my Aldi was out and tried regular this week and bleh! I can’t believe I ate this before Greek came along! Will need to doctor up to finish the container.
Wow – that is a lot of great podcasting time. It is so wonderful to be able to fill that time that could easily just evaporate with something that is entertaining or even stimulating mentally (depending on the topic/type of podcast).
Mice! Argh. We had that happen to camping chairs a few years ago. I do really like that this hammock is small enough to fit right back into the drawstring bag (which is actually attached to the hammock itself – so convenient), so I bring it in every time we use it so it doesn’t get full of dirt etc.
Greek is definitely superior to plain yogurt!
I think I would listen to podcasts a LOT less if I didn’t live alone. It’s a nice way to fill the silences (I know, I know, you’re like, “Silence. What an amazing thing!”) so I just always have one going when I’m doing things around my apartment. I love Lazy Genius’s newsletter! She makes me laugh. 🙂
Are you like me and think, “Ugh, I am paying for a haircut so I might as well make it count!” Because that’s how I am and why I’m constantly doing something different with my hair all the time, lol. It’s so expensive so I don’t want to get something simple!
Right! If I’m spending the money I want it to look like I had something done! But then I tend to regret that decision in the not-so-distant-future.
Silence is golden and you are 100% right that I crave it and don’t necessarily get as much as I would like? Also, most podcasts make me think. When I listen, I can zone in and out and they make me think, but not usually T-H-I-N-K.
Ally Bean
I love four way stops, too. Sadly I live somewhere that is turning them all into roundabouts that I despise, very dangerous. No hammock for us, we don’t have anywhere outside the house that’s flat enough to put one safely.
We also don’t have any roundabouts in town, but we have a few one town over and I kinda love how quickly traffic goes through them, but they’re also extremely small. BIG roundabouts fill me with dread and angst.
I love your favourite things posts!
And I am SO INTO the Lazy Genius right now. We don’t have “maycember” here in the UK as much BUT I relate to so much of what she talks about! And I’ve been listening to Didn’t I Just Feed you a bit recently too. But also I *love* girl next door podcast because it just makes me happy and want to be a better person.
I did not realize you had thick wavy hair like me but can I say – KEEP IT LONGER! Every time I think of cutting it short I get terrified at the idea of not being able to pull it into a bun or a ponytail. in a perfect world I would “do” my hair and leave it down… but I don’t right now. I love the bun.
we have TONS of delicates bags. I used to use them to corral baby socks but now I just lose baby socks. However I use them for clothes that can’t go in the drier, to remind myself to pull the bags out before chucking everything into the drier. I also use them for actual delicates. I have a bunch of different sizes and they are one of my go-to baby presents for people because I find them so helpful for little baby things (and also nursing bras)
The Girl Next Door Podcast gives such lovely vibes!
I think The Lazy Genius just really fits with my current season of life. It’s a very flexible, gentle – yet extremely practical – guide for decision making and leading an intentional life. I am SO excited about her planning book this fall.
I have never owned delicates bags until now, but GENIUS for baby socks! GENIUS!
We do have a hammock and I love it – even if I don’t use it that often.
I’m not a big podcast person either, but I have it so that Kendra’s podcast pops up in my reader and instead of listening, I usually just download the transcript that she usually puts in the show notes and read it instead. I wish she’d been around when my son was small – definitely would have made me feel seen, understood and given me some helpful tools! Fun fact, she lives near here! I keep expecting to see her around town – hasn’t happened yet.
L was home sick yesterday and spent at least 4 hours in the hammock. It really is a wonderful option right now, and I feel like has already “paid” for itself and then some.
I didn’t know you could download the transcript and went in after your comment and it’s SO EASY! Thanks for pointing this out.
You’ll have to let me know if you spot her “in the wild!”
I am now slightly worried about the fact that I’ve always put my Darn Tough wool socks in the dryer! But I guess they are surviving just fine so maybe it’s not a huge deal? Enlighten me!
I’m sure it’s fine? We find that when they go in the dryer they shrink/get tight and don’t last as well. I *think* the package says to air dry them? Occasionally I missed one and it would go through the dryer and John found they were never the same after. I think that Engie mentions they dry Darn Tough socks in a dryer as well! But using the delicates bag to keep them separate makes my laundry life a whole lot easier!
It looks like we are haircut twins. I don’t enjoy getting my hair cut, and I also feel like it’s not “worth it” unless I’m getting a few inches off. I’ve also sworn off hair that’s too short to put in a pony tail – but like you I reserve the right to change my mind.
I recently upgraded from just having one delicates bag to having three and I wish I’d gotten the extras sooner!
Last but not least – yay for new toilets! Life is too short to have sketchy plumbing.
Life IS too short for sketchy plumbing.
Happy Things Friday: 31 May - The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
[…] a recovering sick child rocked contentedly for hours (like 4 or 5!) in the hammock. We have already gotten our money out of this purchase and then […]