First – a very Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends in America. While you’re eating turkey and watching parades it’s just…a regular Thursday in my part of the world. I hope the food is delicious, the naps are restorative, and the time spent with family or friends is amazing. (If this is a tough Thanksgiving season for you, the Frugal Girl has an excellent post on the topic.)
Now on to Demerits and Gold Stars. I have a list – lots of fodder on both sides so let’s get started.

- On shoes. I was full of enthusiasm when I bought into the On running shoe hype, but I have ended up extremely underwhelmed. For starters, these shoes wore out shockingly fast. Maybe if I kept all my movements inside they’d be okay, but I bought these in April, rarely wore them in July and August, and the treads are completely gone, the fabric backing on the heel has worn off and I am already on the hunt for new sneakers. So they’ve had like…4 months of regular use and all they have been used for is walking (on a mix of sidewalk and crusher-dust trail; no running, no hiking). I wrote the warranty department and they told me what I was seeing was normal wear and tear. They offered me 20% off to buy a NEW pair of On sneakers. NO THANKS! I am tremendously brand loyal when I receive good customer service, and I was less than impressed by On’s; they will not be getting any more of my business. I think it’s time to go back to Asics. Any Asics wearers reading today – what’s your go-to style?
- Videoing the contents of our house. For insurance purposes I’ve been meaning to video the contents of our house. For years. There is no good excuse for this demerit. It would take far less time to video things versus cataloguing contents with a spreadsheet or pictures. It’s one of those projects that could get done at any time…so it gets done at no time. But I want to make this a priority as I feel like an ounce of prevention would be worth a pound of cure?
- Forgetting coupons. I rarely use coupons these days as it feels like such a hassle (and there are fewer coupons in general, at least where I live). But…I had a coupon from a local grocery store where if I spent $50, I would get $5 off my purchase. As one might imagine, spending $50 at the grocery store these days takes about one millisecond and/or three items. I had two of these coupons, spent over $100 and forgot to use either coupon and didn’t get a chance to use them before they expired. *Facepalm*
- Electric toothbrushes for the kids. Both kids have electric toothbrushes and Belle actually has two (she got one from the orthodontist when her braces were put on). She was faithfully using an electric toothbrush but then slowly slid back to manual which is not nearly as effective at cleaning braces. I don’t micromanage the kids dental hygiene, but finally had to step in and enforce electric toothbrushes again. I can already see improvements in their teeth. So I guess this demerit has slowly edged into gold star territory!
- November weather. It has sucked. The last two weeks have been nothing but rain and wind. It’s so depressing and basically the exact opposite of October’s glorious weather. 0/10 stars.
- The postal strike. I’m not taking sides because it feels like a bit of a hopeless situation for both Canada Post and their workers, but the net result is really crappy timing for not being able to send/receive letters. I will still be sending out Christmas cards (they’re already addressed), but it looks like people will be getting them sometime in the new year.
- Removing the drain stopper. Because we have someone with braces in our house, sinks get easily clogged with chunks of food debris that are stuck in said braces. The sink in the kids’ bathroom was draining very slowly and I was going to use Draino when I decided I should just learn how to remove our stoppered plug. It was a bit of a hassle and it required contorting myself under the sink and I even needed some tools, but I got it done and it was so much more effective to properly clean out the gunk!
- Mom’s food. It was nice to go home and have Mom’s home-cooked food in October. Gold stars to her for so sweetly making many of my favourite dishes during the week. It made me feel extra special and loved.
- Insurance. Our home insurance was up for renewal and I shopped around and ended up moving our home insurance over to the broker who handles our auto insurance and we will save $300/year. It took quite a few phones calls and e-mails and was actually more of a hassle than I anticipated, but it probably only took about 2 hours of combined time (though far too many phone calls for my liking), and I suppose $150/hour isn’t a bad ROI.
- Boy socks. In addition to losing some article of clothing, his lunchbox or his waterbottle at school every single week (and let’s not forget wearing holes in his sneakers and pants is one of his superpowers), Indy is SO. HARD. ON. SOCKS. He wears them until they are threadbare and have holes, but I cannot fathom how a tiny human can so quickly destroy even high-quality socks. The last few sets I’ve bought/he has been gifted have been multi-coloured/patterned. It means that when one sock goes missing or gets a hole, the other sock is practically useless (he doesn’t like to wear mis-matched socks). So I bought him new socks a few weeks ago and they are ALL black with the same ribbing and styling. This means when individual socks wear out, I can set the mate aside and combine solo socks into new sets.
- Indy’s birthday party. I’m so happy with how things turned out and feel like we managed to pull off a simple celebration that was still very worthy of his milestone birthday.
- Christmas gifts. I am almost done buying AND wrapping!!
- October weather. October was basically the exact opposite of November. I can’t remember a more beautiful October…ever. It was warm and sunny with striking foliage that stayed on the trees longer than normal. 10/10 gold, shimmery, magnificent, ginormous stars.
And that’s my recent list of Demerits and Gold Stars. What articles of clothing do you wear out most quickly? Do you ever use coupons? Please tell me your go-to brand/model of sneaker! (I’m relatively flat-footed, have a wide foot, and will use them primarily for walking – based on past experience, Asics has typically been my preferred brand.)
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I’m sorry about your shoes. That sucks. I am a big fan off Brooks and I have my first pair of HOKAs, that I’m told won’t last long but have lasted for a while for me (although I mostly walk in the now, and run and in my Brooks Glycerins). I haven’t tried Ons yet, but probably won’t after your review.
How can you be done buying and wrapping Christmas gifts?! I am so mixed up with already buying stuff during Black Friday sales, even though it isn’t Thanksgiving yet! I keep thinking this is the Christmas break, and not the Thanksgiving break. I do not like “latest it can be US Thanksgiving” at all. I am pretty close to being done buying gifts but am no where near wrapping them. That will happen a could days before Christmas. 🤣
Can I admit I am regretting not waiting a bit because now some of the things I bought are on better sales (though not by much).
I left all my wrapping paper set up by the TV and just picked away at things a few times while watching a movie. I’ve also really leaned in to using decorative boxes for anything that’s not in a square shape (easy to wrap). I still have some things to wrap, but it’s mostly done which is a relief.
I do think it makes a difference that we Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving in October. We don’t have another major holiday between October and Christmas!
Tobia | craftaliciousme
Argh that sucks about the shoes. I used to only wear basics when playing volleyball but that was ages ago. I have nothing to contribute.
November weather here is also more on the grey rainy side.
I may have ordered one or two Christmas presents for the husband as they were on Black Friday sale but I am not sure it is what I want to give im. I guess I can return even though that is not very environmentally friendly. We’ll see.
It isn’t raining today…but it’s going to start later. I cannot believe how gross the weather has been. I think next week it’s supposed to snow, so things could be worse 🙁 Though at least snow looks clean and pretty and rain is just…muddy and depressing.
But I have our twinkle lights on the Christmas tree and mantle and that covers a multitude of sins.
That is pretty poor that the shoes only lasted that long. I’ve had a lot of New Balance shoes and I have bunions so I need a decent size toe box. They also come in wide sizes. At the moment I’m wearing the Rebel to run in and it is particularly wide. For walking I use the Altra Lonepine. It’s their zero drop, natural foot shaped trail shoe. I’ve had it for over a year, used it as my main shoe for general use and it is still looking brilliant with just a little wear of the tread in the heel.
I always tried to buy the kids sets of identical socks for the very reason you mention. They also had school uniforms so school days they had to wear plain white (for the girls) and grey for E. I think I wear out socks and undies the quickest, which remind me, I desperately need to by more.
Well done on the insurance. Such a painful task but usually worth it. I always hand that one over to G. He has often taken a day off work to renegotiate all our insurances and utility contracts in one hit. I do not have the patience for that.
Yes. I was a committed Asics wearer and then found they started not working as well for me when they switched up newer models – I hate when that happens).
I should just go to a local shoe store and try on a variety of styles and see what seems to feel best and then look up their “record” on wearing out.
Various insurances renew at different times of the year which is a bit frustrating because it means I feel like I’m always trying to stay on top of some insurance or another!
Good move on getting the all black socks! For a few years, I had only white socks all the school kids wore ( regardless of age) due to the whole missing/ holey sock issue. How the kids can go through socks like water, I do not know.
I wear out shoes – I find pair I like, and even with gentle wear after a year they’re useless. I can’t wear them for more than an hour without my feet hurting. I’ve been wearing my sneakers to work because my dress shoes cause my feet to ache if I wear them while teaching. But I have a big, wide, bulky foot, so it’s hard to find a new pair without paying a fortune.
I like Saucony sneakers for my wide feet; I just got my husband some New Balance ones that seem to do okay. My daughter loves her Hokas- they seem to be holding up to her active lifestyle.
I’m a sucker for the “buy $50 save $5 ” coupons- at least with the Target app, they’re automatically applied. My husband repeatedly forget to bring his discounts to the hardware store.
Good for you on enforcing good brushing habits- short term pain for long term gain! (I just had a crown put in – I have several due to poor dental habits in my youth- and its big bucks! Healthy teeth are cheap in the long run!)
YES! Going through socks like water is an apt description.
My husband wears out shoes very quickly. I usually have them last a lot longer; and I’ve never had shoes wear out as quickly as my On shoes 🙁
so sorry to hear about On shoes. there’s a new store opened just below us and it has been over a month and still a long line everyday. I am a true kayano fans, also like brooks for easy runs.
Mom’s food is the best in the world, I’ll have some this weekend.
Enjoy home cooking. I know those familiar flavours are such a treat.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
Congrats for saving $300 on your home insurance. That is one of those things that it is probably better to re-shop for each year to get a better deal but barely anyone does. I swapped home liability insurance and it was a lot cheaper. I also canceled my car insurance, but kept the liability so I can drive rentals or other people’s cars and it went from like $1400 to $100! Yay. Next up, health insurance, which will change next year as I will not be in the U.S. (which costs a lot more than international version) for more than 30 days in the year.
I was an Asics girl until brands started to come out with lighter shoes (Asics were a bit bulky) and I swapped to Saucony. I love them and they last me about 900 miles (I know you are supposed to swap them after 300-500 but I think that is a gimmick) before starting to get holes in the toes. I also like Altra, and use the Lone Peak for hiking. It has a nice wide toe box, but it is a zero drop, so I am not sure how that would work for flat feet, probably not great? You tell me. Hokas are okay but they wear out faster than I would like, and they are also a zero drop. If you get a chance to try Saucony though, do it! 🙂
Wow – $100 for car insurance (I mean…it does require no longer owning a car which isn’t currently feasible for me) is awesome!!!
I’ve had Sauconys in the past (and John really likes that brand), but they’ve never held up as well for me as Asics. But I should go into the store and try on a whole bunch of varieties and see what feels the best in terms of drop/toe box width.
McKenzie C
I feel your sock pain. Why? Why??? I feel like I have to buy my 9 and 7 year old socks every 3 months. I do not want to spend my one wild and precious life matching and buying socks, but this is the way it is.
In the last year, my kids have lost lunch boxes, jackets, a snow coat, and GLASSES. I feel like I can’t even complain though because I was the exact same way. My mom called me Anne of Green Gables because of my absent minded dreaminess.
Okay, it makes me feel better that you have the same trouble with socks. I feel like it has a lot to do with how kids go through shoes. My 13-year-old can wear the same shoes for years. Her feet never seem to grow (I have big feet, but she has tiny little feet!), and she is so, so easy on shoes. And I never, ever see holes in her socks. Just like her shoes, she can wear the same socks for YEARS. My 10-year-old can wear out a pair of sneakers in an hour. I’m not quite sure what it is about how they are active, but they are polar opposites. I guess I need to be thankful only one of mine wears things out that quickly – I suppose it could be two!!
Water bottles are tough in our household. Especially for Indy. I buy inexpensive ones at thrift stores because I know he is liable to leave them at some place or another.
Nicole MacPherson
I know we have commiserated about this already, and we probably will more, but the postal strike. Rob said to me “But won’t it be exciting if you get a bunch of mail in February?” and yes, it WILL but also sob. Also, I sent out so many postcards and now I have no idea if they will just get lost or if they will ever make it to their destinations? My only hope is the ones that were going to the States passed the border before the strike, and will get there. I feel so sad because I carefully picked out so many with people in mind. Well. We are powerless in this strike and I guess we have to be happy when it eventually ends. But TALKS BROKE DOWN WAHHH.
Yes, sob. I was pretty bummed to read that talks fell through.
It seems like such a tough situation. Canada Post is having such bad revenues, but this will drive it down even further as more and more people switch to other providers. I kinda feels like no one can possibly win.
I so, so hope your postcards make it through okay. I’ve decided I just have to look at the silver linings (post-Christmas mail excitement!)…but there is more and more tarnish creeping in!
I so felt that toothbrush section. LM should be able to manage her own toothbrushing at this age, but it’s one of the first things that slips for her (not using enough toothpaste, not running through the 2 minutes her electric toothbrush runs, etc.). As the parent icked out by teeth, I feel like I have to think about them way too much, haha! PS: that is such a bummer about the sneakers. 4-6 months is barely worn in my opinion!!
I loathe brushing or having anything to do with anyone else’s teeth. My own? No problem. But I find it so frustrating to brush someone else’s. The kids are in charge of their dental care now, but I also know I wasn’t having quite enough oversight. *Sigh*
I used to wear asics but have used barefoot shoes for the last couple of years. I got a recommendation to try Altra because I needed a little more support. Maybe that brand is something for you? I got my pair this spring and have no complaints, have used them about the same amount you’ve used yours that’s falling apart.
Hmm, perhaps I should buy my kids electric toothbrushes for christmas. Let me tell you, neither of my kids has a wishlist this year. What’s up with that? I guess that means they have everything they need but I know they’ll want to open some gifts on christmas eve…
I think that’s wonderful that the kids don’t have a wish list! That should if/when they get something, they’ll be more than satisfied.
Thats for the recommendation.
So, what happens if I mail someone in Canada, say, a Christmas card right now. Where is that card sitting while you wait out the strike? I guess it’s better to wait until the strike is resolved? This situation truly sucks for you guys! : (
I’ve heard that On gear is great- in other words, everything but their shoes. Sorry you had to learn it the hard way, but your post definitely helped me because I’m looking for new work shoes right now, and I might have chosen On (thinking, I won’t be putting them through THAT much wear and tear, what could go wrong?) My most comfortable shoes right now are Altras, but that’s because I need I really wide toe box.
Yes- the all-black sock thing is a game changer! I did that a few years ago for my daughter and it’s SO MUCH EASIER.
I don’t even know if you mailed a card now if it would even get sent to a Canada Post warehouse somewhere. I HAVE NO IDEA JENNY. It is very frustrating and sad but…perspective.
I DO think On shoes are very, very comfortable and I think that if I had just used them inside/been stationary, they would have been comfortable. I don’t have complaints about comfort at all (they are super comfy), just they haven’t held up well to walking in them. Which is what I need them for…
But for you, on your feet but mostly stationary for the day…they might be amazing?
Happy Fourth Thursday in November!
Since 2020 my most frequently worn out clothing item is my slippers. Who knew that the change from wearing them a few hours a day to all day every day would mean going from buying a new pair every few years to about two pairs a year? First world WFH problems!
Brooks is my go-to sneaker, and I wear the Ghost model for walking/everyday. I have wide feet, so my Big Secret is that I wear men’s sneakers. My wide = men’s normal.
Ha! It took me a minute to figure that you – but, yes: to me it’s just the 4th Thursday in November.
I also have wide feet. I’ve heard a lot of good things about Brooks and Altras from various people lately!
Asics are my one and only running shoe brand. Love them. I think they hold up great and offer good support, but I do wear orthodics in my shoes. Socks. Don’t get me started. Reg is so hard on his socks, but so attached to them that when he was younger he’d wear another pair under a pair with holes in it so he didn’t have to throw them away. Also, my kids (guessing this was mostly Lad) are terrible about keeping track of/losing socks. I think Lad took other people’s socks for years and then we had lots of mismatched socks. I finally tossed out a huge laundry basket of single socks. It felt good to give up on this.
A few times a year I throw out the extra unmatched socks. It is a perpetual issue, though.
I used Asics for years and LOVED them. And then the model I had loved changed enough that they did not fit or feel the same. Why do they always have to change a good thing?
Four months for a pair of sneaks? First of all, that’s outrageous given all you were doing is walking. You weren’t hiking the Himalayas. I wear a lot of Sketchers these days and, so far they do alright. But my longest and best pair of sneakers were Nike. I had them for well over 5 years before they began to look tatty, and they did Europe on foot.
I’ve been thinking of taking photos of everything in our apartment for the very same reason. I need to get the OH to help out over the Christmas holidays seeing how they’re off for 2 weeks. And electric toothbrushes? Are they really that good? I’ve been a toothbrush buyer all my life but also flossy religiously.
Oh, and one colour socks are a god send. Never mind for kids, me and mine do it too. It makes life so much easier.
I do really like my electric toothbrush. It makes a big difference in how clean my teeth feel and my dentist comments on how clean my teeth are! I’m a big fan, but do use a manual brush lots as well (sometimes I’m too lazy to brush for 2 minutes).
It IS outrageous and I am outraged 🙁
I had thought of doing pictures, but was told by someone that video is the way to go because you can open even drawer and cupboard and voice record things about the contents. So I know what I need to do…I just haven’t done it. DEMERIT!
You know what, I think I’m going to ask Santa for an electric toothbrush and give it a go. Why not, right? It’s the perfect time to get one as a gift. Got to practise good oral hygiene.
There are so many brands of sneaker out on the market these days, it’s hard to know what’s good anymore. That’s why I stick to my usual Nike most of the time.
Oh, point taken about doing the video. I didn’t think of that. And I guess, in the end, a video seems more efficient. I might give it a go.
It takes a bit of getting used to, but after a few brushes, I suspect you’ll love it!
I have wide feet and I really like my Hokka sneakers. I think the specific type is called Clifton ( some number. 7 or 8 maybe)
I think Hoka Clifton’s are the ones Lisa loves!
Lisa’s Yarns
I used to run in Mizuno’s but switched to Hokas 3 years ago and have not looked back. The version I have fits my super narrow feet so well. I no longer have to wear orthotics. And I get by purchasing 1 pair/year. I should probably buy them more often but once a year has been fine!!
I did get your Christmas card! I forgot to let you know! I think it came last week! I hope that the strike is resolved. This is an awful time of year t
I have wide feet and it can be such a nuisance (as I’m sure really narrow feet would be, too).
What? My Christmas card arrived? I didn’t think I had mailed one out?
Lisa’s Yarns
Well now we both know I’ve lost my mind since I have confirmed that I did not receive your card yet. Oof. If that doesn’t show how fried my brain is, I don’t know what does.
Ha. I was perplexed but secretly hoping I had forgotten and did manage to get one card into the mail system early enough to make it through.
Lisa’s Yarns
Whoops! Accidentally pushed submit! This is an awful time of year to be without mail!! 🙁
Michelle G.
I hate it so much when my favorite shoes get discontinued or “upgraded.” I used to love Saucony, but they changed them and now I can’t wear them. I have huge, difficult feet, and right now my brand is Orthofeet. They’re as attractive as they sound. I’m so sorry for you about the postal strike. That has to be stressful!
It is frustrating and always seems to happen to my favourite products…
I have no brand loyalty when it comes to shoes. I have arthritis in my feet, which means I need a lot of cushion, and high arches, so I need a lot of support. I’ll find a pair I like, and then they come out with a new model and it doesn’t work for me. So every time I go shopping for shoes, I feel like I’m starting from scratch. I mean, I guess I COULD just buy two pairs when I find something that works for me, but I never know whether they’re going to continue to work for me or if in a month I will regret buying two pairs. This is how my life is, I guess.
That postal strike it ROUGH, and like most strikes, there are no really good endings. Both sides will get something, both sides will be unhappy. I hope it’s resolved soon!
I get so frustrated by new models. That’s what happened with me and Asics. I was brand loyal and then my go-to model was changed and I was NOT impressed.
I seem to wear out running shoes the fastest these days (LOL who’s surprised) and I am currently running Ascis… but I am also putting some serious mileage on them so they don’t last more than 6 months. I am currently running the Novablasts and I like them. They have a bigger toebox.
The Postal Strike is really happening at an unfortunate time of year. I do hope it’s resolved soon.
I love my Asics but I have no idea what kind they are, lol. I always just go into a shoe store and try on shoes because I don’t trust ordering shoes online. I have very picky feet!
The Postal Strike is crazy! I really hope it gets resolved soon. I thought it would be over by now with all of the holiday mailing that needs to happen!
ASICS FOR LIFE. I buy a new pair every year, and the new pair stays inside (treadmill or just wearing to save my back) and the older pair goes outside. I don’t have a favourite style, though – whatever is on sale and a good colour.
Once my son discovered the joy of wearing mismatched socks he never wore matching socks again. That is funny that he wears them out so quickly – I have a habit of wiggling my toes constantly even when I’m sitting quietly, maybe he’s the same? I used to put my toes through tights really quickly (and I keep my toenails clipped short) until I discovered Snag tights.
I am so sad about the postal strike, and I agree – it’s lose lose lose.
That’s so smart to rotate inside to outside every year. Genius.
The postal strike is really starting to make me sad. I’d normally have a growing collection of Christmas cards by now. *Sob*