About five years ago we came up with the idea to create a Christmas morning treasure hunt for the kiddos – a series of clues leading to a joint gift. They loved the experience and without really trying, this became a family tradition.
By now the kids know they’re going to get a treasure hunt, but they don’t know what they’re going to find at the end. One year it was a hotel booking for a special post-Christmas adventure; the next year it was new saucers for sledding in the winter, and the following two years it was our booking information for a trip to South Carolina to visit family. So the theme of their gift has definitely been overwhelmingly travel related.
We write the clues in rhyme and it’s a lot of fun for us (preparing) and them (solving). It’s the final present the kids get to “open” on Christmas morning and while I didn’t take pictures of the unwrapping process, this is a box full of other wrapped boxes, so it takes them several minutes to actually get to the teeny, tiny box at the centre which contains the first clue.

1. Find a book on a shelf (right next to our Elf)
Called Famous Modern Artists.
The next clue to be seen, is on page ****teen
This one might be the hardest!
This led them to a page in a coffee table book (downstairs in our home office) that talked about Pablo Picasso. Inside that page, they found their next clue.
2. Hanging on the wall the whole year through
We check this to see what’s next to do.
One month of the year, when school’s about done
We start to look forward to summer fun.
But don’t forget, on the 5th of June, we get to say – it will be “Churro Day” soon.
Their next clue was paperclipped to a wall calendar (in June) and was taped to the back of a picture that said:
3. Bills and letters, magazines and more
Checking it can feel like a chore!
When it’s full we smile, when it’s empty we groan.
On the way we say: Does anyone love us today?
This clue required them to put on shoes and coats and grab the mail key. It is such a hoot to watch them race down the street on Christmas morning. In the mailbox they found a smurf figurine kicking a soccer ball on top of their next clue.
4. Follow the path to some keychains that hang from a bag so neat.
To school they walk each morning, to learn math and science (and eat treats).
One of these chains holds a clue. Which one? We’re not going to tell you!
This clue led back to A’s bookbag. John brings her keychains from all over the world and her school bag is LADEN with them. The next clue was taped to the back of some Spanish phrases:
5. Islands and hockey, football and baking, bingo cards and merry making.
But your favourite part – that you NEVER miss* – is watching characters share a big kiss.
First, head to where we watch these movies – different yet same. Not Disney, Not Netflix, but Plex is its name.
Once the screen is on you’ll find your next clue: of all the ways and places to go, what Tyler would do?
When they turned on the TV, the movie in queue was Next Stop, Christmas. In it, one of the main characters travels to a specific destination over Christmas. They did NOT understand this clue and the layers of hints went right over their head. The next clue was held on with an elastic band to the remote control.
*They make a huge deal about the kisses and dive under the covers and make gagging noises when this happens. It has been a big “thing” in our house this Christmas.
6. Most people call it a wallet, others maybe a purse.
But one Grandfather might say it was insular, cylindrical…or worse.
Billfold, checkbook, handbag galore, find this man to discover more.
My father-in-law is notoriously wordy and also uses VERY BIG words all the time. They knew it was him right away (insular and cylindrical are inside family jokes). In his pocket, he had a Frequent Flyer tag and 10 euros each per child (which read: spending money for L, spending money for A), along with their next clue.
7. We’ve already packed one critical item, in our frequent flyers bag.
The shirt on your back, will help you fit in…
Though we’re sure to come home with some swag.
The final clue led to John’s carryon. Inside, was a FC Barcelona shirt and one final message.
Have you put the clues together, of where we’re going to go?
We’ll eat some yummy churros, and watch a soccer show.
It’s warm and it is Spanish, it’s old and it is new…
……three cheers if you guessed, we’re going to BARCELONA with you.
Yup. We’re going to Barcelona in the spring of 2024. This will be L’s first trip outside of North America, and A’s second. John had some frequent flyer perks that were about to expire. We looked at all sorts of options: Portugal, Florida, Iceland, Denmark, Italy. But the cheapest option for the time we wanted to go was Barcelona, Spain. L is a Lionel Messi fanatic, so we think he’ll love it; A loves sweets, so we had her hooked at churros. All in, round-trip airfare for the whole family cost $383 CAD ($290 USD…which works out to $72.50 per person); without John’s perks and reward miles the same trip would have cost $6,800!!! It felt like an opportunity too good to pass up.
If anyone has suggestions for a trip to Barcelona, please share. Aside from going to see Camp Nou (probably), Sagrada Familia (definitely!), Park Güell (definitely!), Casa Batllo (maybe?), Tibidabo (maybe?), the Picasso Museum (probably?) and the Montserrat Monastery (definitely!), we don’t have too many must-sees on our list. We want this to be a relaxing and HAPPY trip (unlike our big city trek to NYC and Toronto in 2022). We might take the high-speed train to Madrid and do a day at the beach, but hopefully primarily lots of relaxing strolling and enjoying local cuisine.
Your turn. Do you love treasure hunts? Have you ever prepared one for someone else? John and the kids did an EPIC treasure hunt for my birthday during COVID and we still talk about it regularly. Have you ever been to Barcelona? If so – please tell me all your best tips and suggestions.
Header photo by Tomáš Nožina on Unsplash
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Grateful Kae
Woohoo! How did they react?? I think I already told you most of my tips by text but I will think on it and let you know if I have any other suggestions!! I looooved Barcelona and want to go back since we only had 4 full days there and we could have used more!
They screamed!
Thanks for all the tips. I’m sure I will be in touch frequently before we go!!!
Oh yay!!! This sounds amazing! I have never been to Barcelona but have heard it is wonderful.
Love your treasure hunt tradition too! How fun.
It’s a fun tradition; not sure how many years we’ll keep this up (or maybe we’ll have to start decreasing the excitement of the gift – maybe next year they’ll each get nice socks instead of an airplane ticket).
Your treasure hunt sounds wonderful! I can see why it’s become a family tradition. Your clues are so fun, and the card of common Spanish words will be so helpful on your travels. How nice to have a trip to look forward to!
Yes! It will be fun to count down the days and start to plan out our itinerary.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
What a fun tradition! You guys are very creative! The kids are going to love Barcelona; it’s such a fun city with cool architecture and great food! I had a blast just wandering around a lot and getting “lost” in the small cobbled streets. They should definitely try some of the regional specialties like fideuà (paella but with noodles) and crema catalana (similar to creme brulée).
Thanks for the tips! I’m excited to try local cuisine and am hoping the weather is mild (it’s supposed to be about 17C when we visit which sounds PERFECT for being outside).
You had me at creme brulée – yum!
Hello, Elisabeth! I followed you fromNicole and/or Suzanne’s blog(s). I’ve enjoyed reading your blog!
I love your Christmas morning treasure hunt tradition! We used to do that for Easter for my son when he was young — clues to find his Easter basket! So fun; I miss those days of childhood wonder/excitement! My son is 25yrs old now so it’s been a while! LOL
And we are also going to Barcelona — in May. I’m looking forward to reading more about your plans and others’ suggestions on “must dos” there.
Thanks for commenting, M!
I’m not sure how late into life we’ll do the scavenger hunt for the kids; for now, at least, it’s a fan favourite.
How exciting you’re going to Barcelona. We’re going a bit before you, and I’ll be sure to post lots of recaps, so hopefully you get some good tips ahead of your trip.
Lisa's Yarns
What a fun surprise for the kids!!! I have never been to Barcelona. Phil will tell you that you aren’t going to Spain because it is sooo different in the northern part of the country apparently. 😉 It’s kind of his standard comment about Barcelona (this kids of the cousin who hosts Christmas Eve all studied abroad in Barcelona so he teases them about not actually studying in Spain). But I have heard nothing but great things about Barcelona! And the kids are at such great ages – and wow the flight was cheap w/ his frequent flier perks!
My parents did a scavenger hunt one year for Easter and it was super fun. I remember that my basket was in the dryer. We haven’t done something like this before but maybe we would when both kids can read!
I know – the flight was just so cheap it felt like too good of an opportunity to pass up. I’m a bit wary of jet lag with the kids, but I’m sure it will be fine as they’re old enough to be mostly independent about night waking. I’m excited. It seems like a great destination. Now the tickets are booked and it’s time to start planning!
Ohhh…we’ve never used the washer or dryer as a spot for the clues. Making a mental note for next year!
Omg this is so fun and creative AND YOU’RE GOING TO BARCELONA!!! I’ve never been there. But (reading your reply to Suzanne’s comment) I wouldn’t want to be around on the Christmas where they get a pair of socks at the end of the hunt instead of a plane ticket to a fabulous destination!
Ha. I mean…can we keep topping the hunt prize year after year? Sigh. Where does it end?!
Considering I never set foot on a plane until I was 18 or 19 years old (and didn’t leave North America until I was well into my 20s) my kids have no idea what a different childhood they are getting to experience. But I’m glad we’re able to do these special things as a family and it’s hard to beat $70 tickets to Spain!
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
Woo hoo!!!! That’s amazing! Yay for points that are expiring so that you “have to” take a trip. I can’t wait to hear about it.
I’ll admit to feeling a bit “pressured” at having to make a decision so quickly to use up points (a bit like buying something that’s on sale…because it’s on sale), but I’m so happy with the deal we managed to find and this feels like a great spot to take the whole family. A big city vibe, but in a relaxed setting, close to beaches, but also a lot of incredible history.
Now to plan the itinerary!
That scavenger hunt is great! We are going to Cancun in January and I wish I had thought to do something like this!
Your kids will have good memories of figuring out clues.
Cancun in January sounds AMAZING. We debated doing a beach/resort destination, but his flight perks didn’t work with those options.
I hope you have incredible weather and enjoy that trip immensely.
Amazing!!!! You will *love* Barcelona!! It reminds me a lot of Paris but with its own distinctly Spanish/Catalonian flair, of course.
Here’s the recap of our trip there in 2019, which may be helpful for your planning purposes! I highly recommend everything you mentioned. We really enjoyed Rick Steves’ walking tours of the city (available in his travel guides to Barcelona/Spain). And Montserrat is just breathtaking!! If you can catch the boys’ choir singing while you’re there, it would be even more spectacular (they were on school break when we visited).
Rick Steeve’s guides were AMAZING for Rome, so I’m definitely hoping to use them again. And I am so excited to go through your blog recaps of Barcelona. There is so much fodder on the internet, but it’s nice to read “real” recaps from “real” people (if you know what I mean). We’re excited. Let the planning begin!
This is so clever. What a fun tradition! Barcelona will be such a great destination … bonus that it was the most cost-effective. I look forward to reading all about it.
Now it’s time to start planning! A bit overwhelming, but also exciting. And it sounds like a great time to travel weather-wise and shouldn’t be too overrun with tourists.
So awesome!! Love the clues, and wow did you get amazing travel deals or what???
Pretty amazing – too good to pass up, though the thought of travelling overseas with kids is slightly daunting to me.
OMG, that is a STEAL! I’m so glad you are able to take advantage of his miles in this way! Will you be able to use miles or rewards for a hotel or airbnb as well? Travel is so wonderful, and so expensive. It’s wonderful to be able to save some money along the way!
I use credit card miles when I can. I saved about $2,000 on our trip to Alaska this summer, but it was still a lot more than your trip to Spain. I’m so excited for you, I can’t wait to see pictures.
My mom did a scavenger hunt for us once, it was a lot of fun. Our gift was new bikes, and I’ll confess that when we got to the garage, we didn’t even see them because we were looking for a box with wrapping paper and a bow. Stupid kids, huh?
We likely won’t be able to use miles or rewards for accommodations (his priority perks apply to flights only), though he does have some hotel credits from points programs associated with certain hotel chains on his work travel.
New bikes…that is such a fun scavenger prize…and both our kids NEED new bikes, so maybe that’s my solution for next Christmas’ gift idea?
Wow. Just, wow. First, you’re going to BARCELONA! I hit on Spain, and was pretty sure it was Barcelona when you referenced soccer. 🙂 I bet the kids are super-excited!
Also, wow. This is so creative and thoughtful. I love that you do this for your kids. I hope you remember their reactions when you’re in the midst of the latest tween trials/sibling fights/etc. <3
I KNOW! Spain! How exciting, right?
Now on with the planning! Eeks.
Oh wow, I LOVE the idea of a treasure hunt for kids. Did you come up with all the clues yourself or did you have help? That is so fun… and at the end, A TRIP TO SPAIN. Wholy moly, your kids are very lucky (and you guys too ;)).
John and I do the clues together; we do it every year. It’s fun!
And yes, our kids have NO idea how fortunate and blessed they are; I was almost 20 before I got on a plane for the first time…let alone going to Europe?!
What an amazing gift! I went to Barcelona in 2017, my kid was 6. First rec: cronuts at Chök (https://www.chok.shop/en/). I’m still following their insta 6 years later to drool, lol. We really liked the beach, walking La Rambla and l’Eixample (many Gaudi stops), the guided tour of the Sagrada Familia, the Park Guell. We thought the Montjuic castle was a bit disappointing, though we did like the Miro museum. Casa Battlo was great, don’t know if it’s still there but they had something like a “augmented reality” app that our kid thought was really fun. And it just looks fantastic. We actually really enjoyed all the Gaudi spots we visited.
I also really enjoyed first watching this French movie called “L’auberge espagnole” that is set in Barcelona before actually going. It felt great to recognize spots. It’s also a really good movie. There are some sexy parts so ymmv if you want to watch it with your kids!
I just looked up the cronuts place. Wow. Those look amazing. Yum. Our kids love desserts, so I think this will be the number #1 motivating factor in our days. Let’s walk all over the city and sample Spanish pasteries as we go.
It's Time To Talk 2023 Finances (Or, Look At My Pretty Pie Chart!) - The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
[…] vacations. The biggest chunk of this was our trip to Rome, but this also includes our flights for Barcelona since we booked them – and paid for them – in […]