I thought it would be fitting to round out this month of FIG collection by taking a deep dive into the particulars of different gratitude practices. And we’re starting this little series with a…
When Lisa asked me to do a guest post, I jumped at the chance to spend time hanging out in her corner of the internet. Why don’t you stop by for a visit!
This is the third time I’ve reposted this little “essay.” The first time it was new, the second time I wanted to share it again since it really does feel like a pivotal moment…
If you’ve been reading this blog for a few years, you know kids’ parties aren’t my favourite way to spend an afternoon. I find them overwhelming – so much noise! so much mess! -…
Kae and I have been trying to make this guest post work for over a year and today. is. the. day. She’s proving the old adage that good things come to those who wait!