This would be more fun as a poll, but I’m too lazy to go to the extra effort this time so…if you want to chime in you’ll have to comment below!
A few weeks ago I did a Top 5/Bottom 5 post about self-care and hygiene tasks and have some follow-up questions.
- In the shower do you use a loofah or facecloth? Both. I use a loofah for washing my body (full disclosure: sometimes I just lather my hands with soap and use them) + a microfiber makeup remover cloth for my face.
- Do you use body wash or bar soap in the shower? I prefer bar soap in the shower (but always pump hand soap beside sinks).
- Body wash/bar soap or shaving cream for shaving? Whatever is in the shower for body washing is what I use to shave – so either body wash or bar soap. Never – ever! – shaving cream.
- Do you sleep on a Double/Full, Queen, or King mattress? King. There is only one correct answer to this question if you share a bed with another human or animal. A Double feels horrific (this what my parents have at their place and I do NOT sleep well there), and a Queen is barely tolerable. A King is perfect. When we were shopping for our current bed – our first King-sized since getting married – another customer overheard us talking. She asked if this was our first King and when we said yes, she immediately replied: It is going to change your life. Truer words have never been spoken.
- Do you prefer to drink room-temperature water or cold water? I’ll drink any water, but definitely prefer cold (but not necessarily ice-cold).
- Do you brush teeth before you eat breakfast or after? After breakfast. The first thing my dad does after waking up is brush his teeth. And then he immediately has a coffee. Ugh!
- Do you put on body lotion after shower – yes or no? Basically never, though I should.
- Do you wear socks to bed – yes or no? Sometimes. My feet can get cold, but I hate the feeling of sleeping in socks.
Your turn: feel free to copy and paste the questions below into the comment section and answer away. Or ask/share any burning personal care questions you might have!
- Loufa or facecloth?
- Body wash or bar soap?
- Body wash/bar soap or shaving cream for shaving?
- Double, Queen, or King mattress?
- Room temp water or cold water?
- Brush teeth before breakfast or after?
- Lotion after shower – yes or no?
- Socks to bed – yes or no?
Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash
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Loufa or facecloth?
Loufa or hands. Facecloth only for quick sink baths.
Body wash or bar soap?
Both–I have a stress relief body wash I use on difficult days and bar soap the rest of the time and for shaving.
Body wash/bar soap or shaving cream for shaving?
Double, Queen, or King mattress?
Queen. We don’t have room for a king but I’d love to try one. Our bed becomes quite crowded when our very large MaineCoon cat decides she needs to join us at 2 a.m.
Room temp water or cold water?
Room temperature usually although I like it cold in the summer. Never iced though.
Brush teeth before breakfast or after?
Lotion after shower – yes or no?
If I’m not wearing tights, yes. It seeps through tights and leaves a residue which I hate.
Socks to bed – yes or no?
No, never. I hate hot feet. In fact, my feet usually stick out all night long unless it’s very,very cold.
Okay, I just LOVE the fact you have a specific soap for hard days. I feel like this is absolutely genius!!! I feel like this is going to work itself into my life sometime soon!
The other people in my family are much more picky about bar soap vs. bodywash, so if I’m in the master bath, I just use whatever soap my husband is using. If I’m in the shower Angie uses, I just use her bodywash- it’s all the same to me!
Now, I DO have a strong opinion about beds. KING. My parents slept in a full size bed for their whole marriage, and I can’t even imagine how they survived.
I brush my teeth first thing in the morning. Then I take my supplements with room temperature water. But then when I fill my water bottle for the day, I put ice in. I guess I usually like my water cold, but not first thing in the morning.
Ah, I sometimes want to wear socks to bed because it feels so cozy- but I always get too hot and have to take them off. I have a weird memory from when I had Covid back in 2022- for whatever reason, for that week I was always FREEZING when I got in bed. But I actually liked it- finally, I could wear socks!
I just hate the feel of socks in bed for some reason. It’s…weird? But my feet get cold so easily, but I remedy that with – say it with me now – MAGIC BAGS.
We are in 100% agreement that King is the only way to go with bed size. I know Engie and Dr. BB love their double and I cannot wait to her to feedback on this topic. I suspect she will have feelings.
I love that in a King I can move over and snuggle with my spouse but when I want to sleep I can basically have a whole bed to myself which is blissful. That said, I know Sarah and Ben have solved this by putting two (Queen?) beds in the same room which is also pretty genius because then you can get the mattress type you want.
Nicole MacPherson
Loufa or facecloth? NO
Body wash or bar soap? Bar soap for washing, just the bar.
Body wash/bar soap or shaving cream for shaving? I use body wash to shave my legs and underarms though, and a little scrub to exfoliate the old bikini line, which I get sugared.
Double, Queen, or King mattress? KING. Lordy, king only please.
Room temp water or cold water? Room temperature usually but if it’s really really hot I will go for cold.
Brush teeth before breakfast or after? Both! My husband was just telling me I brush my teeth an abnormal amount – probably six times a day. I like a minty fresh mouth I guess. I brush first thing in the morning, then before my walk because coffee, then after breakfast which comes after my walk.
Lotion after shower – yes or no? Yes, I love a nice scented lotion.
Socks to bed – yes or no? No, I used to but now I’m a furnace. I put socks on after I put lotion on my feeties at night, and then remove my socks when I get to bed.
King only, please should be a bumper sticker.
I think I brush 3-4 times a day which feels…moderate? I think since we’re both home during the day it’s a lot easier to fit in extra brushings. Growing up I definitely only did morning and night.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
Loofah or facecloth? Hands!
Body wash or bar soap? Generally a bar, but right now I am trying to use up some shampoo, so I am actually using that instead.
Body wash/bar soap or shaving cream for shaving? bar soap or nothing if it for my legs/pits (the nether region needs a bit more care)
Double, Queen, or King mattress? Queen
Room temp water or cold water? I normally just drink it tap-cold. I have found that I am not a fan of ice unless it is a really really hot day.
Brush teeth before breakfast or after? BEFORE! Team Dad all the way. I do not want to deal with the morning breath a second more than I have to.
Lotion after shower – yes or no? What is that? Just kidding, but, like you, I do not really lotion.
Socks to bed – yes or no? No. Yuck. Only if its freezing and then its more life or death, but in a normal situation, no.
Can I just say I’m SO relieved I’m not the only one who uses hands and/or just the bar of soap. I felt like I was going to be the odd one out on this so YAY!
Karen A.
Loufa or facecloth?–Um…I use my hands to lather up and wash? Is that gross? I think the mental load of having to remember to switch out the loofa or cloth in the shower would wear on me.
Body wash or bar soap? Bar soap, Dove sensitive. Anything else is too scented or irritating.
Body wash/bar soap or shaving cream for shaving? Bar soap, or hair conditioner if I’m feeling fancy.
Double, Queen, or King mattress?–We switched from a Queen to a King when I was pregnant with #2, and YES it changed our life. We sometimes sleep in a Queen when traveling and can do it, but a King is just amazing. And now that we have a cat, it means there’s just enough room for him.
Room temp water or cold water?–I keep a (refillable) water bottle by my bed at night so I can chug a thing of water first thing in the morning, so that’s room temp. Then I refill it at least two more times throughout the day, and drink it at varying temperatures.
Brush teeth before breakfast or after?–After.
Lotion after shower – yes or no?–I am usually in such a hurry to go ahead and get dressed and dry my hair, that, no. Lotion sometimes after a bath at night if I feel especially dry.
Socks to bed – yes or no?–Depends. Usually, no. If I’m feeling ill, yes. Or if it’s very cold.
I am unreasonably giddy that I am not the only one to use my hands. It felt…gross? But also very effective and then my hands are so clean (also, to be frank, it’s probably much more hygienic than a loofa being used multiple times).
A king is the best, right?!
I will only answer the bar soap or body wash question… Bar soap, all the way. It could be drying but I feel clean, all psychosomatic, I’m sure.
You cannot beat bar soap for traveling. It’s hard, not a liquid, so easier with security, and after the trip, you wrap it in to paper towel, let it dry out and get on the plane back. I bring ONE bar of soap for the three of us when the kids and I travel. Heck, I even use it to wash kids’ hair. They smell and look just fine.
I agree that I much prefer bar soap! I don’t use it for hair, but that’s not a bad idea for travelling!
Loufa or facecloth? I use a washcloth in the shower. I mostly use just my hands to wash my face when I’m not in the shower, although I do have some microfiber washcloths I’ll use once in a while.
Body wash or bar soap? Oh, I have it all. I have some goat milk bar soap that smells good. I have body oil that’s super hydrating and it’s great to use in the winter because my skin gets so dry. I just bought some exfoliating Dove body wash that was suggested in the comments of my post yesterday to help me with exfoliation because the shower oil builds up. I am HIGH MAINTENANCE and honestly have just realized this in the last year or so. Listen to Jenny who will use whatever is available or Daria who just uses bar soap (FOR SHAMPOO – my hair would fall out). My product need is too great.
Body wash/bar soap or shaving cream for shaving? Shaving cream only. I have strong preferences for the pink Skintimate and always think that other brands don’t work as well and/or smell bad. NEVER bar soap because that’s a recipe for me getting lots of nicks. Someone said they’d use conditioner and I guess I could see that working, but my conditioner is approximately the same price as gold per ounce, so I would not use it to shave my legs.
Double, Queen, or King mattress? Double, as you know. A larger bed would clearly indicate that our marriage is in peril. Also, I don’t know where we would fit the rest of our furniture if we got a bigger bed. ALSO! It’s just the two of us allowed in our bed – no children, no pets. When we go to a hotel and get a king mattress, I hate it. My husband feels like he’s on another continent.
Room temp water or cold water? Ice cold. If it’s even slightly warm, I will add ice.
Brush teeth before breakfast or after? After. (I have a prescription toothpaste and am under strict orders to not rinse it and try to leave it in my mouth for the fluoride to do its work as long as possible.)
Lotion after shower – yes or no? I mean, it’s #lifegoals. I SHOULD, but it’s cold after a shower and I hate putting cold lotion on when I’m already goosebumpy.
Socks to bed – yes or no? Absolutely not. My toes want to be free. I do the same thing you do, Elisabeth. If my feet are cold, I’ll use the equivalent of magic bags.
Engie, I laughed out loud with “I have it all.” This delighted me.
And then I kept reading and tears came to my eyes on this one: “my conditioner is approximately the same price as gold per ounce.”
Re the bed – my marriage would be in peril if we had to do a double long term. I LIKE MY SPACE. Also, why not just both sleep in the middle in a king at a hotel? I for one am a big fan of sleeping on separate continents (we can come together for the fun stuff and snuggling as needed but then GIVE ME ROOM TO SPREAD OUT).
#FreeTheToes – shall I make up the posters or would you like to?
You always have fun posts on the most ordinary things!
Loufa or facecloth? – neither usually, though face cloth when I feel like I need a scrub.
Body wash or bar soap? -bar soap. It’s what my Husband uses and I figure it’s easier just to use it than find space in the shower for another thing.
Body wash/bar soap or shaving cream for shaving? I’ve given up shaving – it just seemed like a lot of work, plus I’m pretty blind without my glasses, so it seemed a little dangerous to be wielding a razor in the shower. Years ago when I did shave, I used conditioner. Though… my 12 year old has asked to shave, so now I have to figure out how to show her.
Double, Queen, or King mattress? Queen. I can’t imagine a King in our bedroom, but I’m sure if we had one we would soon get used to the new footprint.
Room temp water or cold water? Water, as long as it’s water.
Brush teeth before breakfast or after? As soon as I wake up. I have a good friend who’s a dentist and she told me you have to do it right when you wake up because nighttime mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria due to all the inactivity while you sleep.
Lotion after shower – yes or no? Always. I think I’m pretty low maintenance, but this is one thing I always do since my legs get really dry. I use Cetaphil.
Socks to bed – yes or no? Well, sometimes if I’m really cold, I think, “Yes! Keep the socks on!” then inevitably half way through the night I get annoyed and tear them off.
I will admit that shaving is so. much. easier after getting the laser eye surgery.
Hmmm. Maybe I need to rethink my stance on brushing after breakfast.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
Yisssss! Let’s do this!
– Team facecloth
– As a single lady I used bar soap but I gave it up for marriage. When we were dating we went out hiking with the kids and got drenched in a rainstorm and came back to my house for showers. The kids had never used bar soap before – and possibly they haven’t since. That’s why I’m in their lives to give them experiences like this.
– I use regular shower soap for shaving. TMI, but I only shave my legs. I use an epliator for underarms and bikini.
– the correct answer is California King! There is no such thing as having a bed that’s too big.
– I’m not picky about water temp, but I will say that I prefer cold in the summer
– Brush teeth after breakfast, or more technically, after I finish my morning cup of coffee. It takes me quite a while to drink it so some days I only brush my teeth right before lunch. My nephew dated a dentist and she was very adamant that the correct thing is to brush your teeth right after you wake up. I can’t argue with facts but I will argue that I’ve been doing it this way for as long as I’ve been able to brush my own teeth and I’m not going to change now.
– I put on face moisturizer every time that I wash my face and put lotion on my hands, elbows, and feet before bed. I usually don’t need it anywhere else.
– Socks in bed if I’m traveling and it’s cold. At home I have a bag of rice that I heat up before bed. I definitely can’t sleep with cold feet.
That’s why I’m in their lives to give them experiences like this – bwhahaha.
Okay, does the epilator hurt like crazy? I have a friend who exclusively uses an epilator but I am literally terrified. I mean, I pluck my eyebrows no problem. But…yikes.
“There is no such thing as having a bed that’s too big.” Truer words have literally never been spoken. Amen, sister.
I also cannot get to sleep with cold feet. Not a chance.
Karen A.
For the commenter who dislikes cold lotion after a shower…when I was in France, the mom of the family I was staying with would put the lotion bottle in the bathtub to warm up the lotion. It was amazing. Sometimes I do this, fill the sink with hot water and put the lotion bottle in there. It’s nice and warm after a shower or bath.
This is so smart. Why are the simplest solutions the absolute last ones I would ever think of and also the best?
I think you can buy lotion warmers, too? Though I’m too much of an underbuyer for that. I just hate the feeling of lotion so don’t but my heels are literally appalling right now.
Loufa or facecloth? – none
Body wash or bar soap? – bar
Body wash/bar soap or shaving cream for shaving? – don’t shave (I don’t have much hair)
Double, Queen, or King mattress? – King
Room temp water or cold water? – room temp
Brush teeth before breakfast or after? – only brush once a day before bed (i know…sigh. oral hygiene is not my forte.)
Lotion after shower – yes or no? – no, but I’m trying to be yes.
Socks to bed – yes or no? NO!
No judgement on teeth brushing frequency here and once a day is better than never!
Loufa or facecloth? NEITHER. I use my hands for everything.
Body wash or bar soap? Body wash! I have very strong (negative) feelings about bar soap. To the point that I almost always buy a 99 cent bottle of liquid hand soap when we go to hotels/air bnbs.
Body wash/bar soap or shaving cream for shaving? Body wash!
Double, Queen, or King mattress? KING. I adore my husband but he needs to NOT TOUCH ME while I’m sleeping. Before and after sleeping, excellent, yes to all the cuddles, but while I am sleeping I need to be alone.
Room temp water or cold water? Ice cold water!
Brush teeth before breakfast or after? After! Toothpaste makes things taste yucky.
Lotion after shower – yes or no? Yes! Every day! I go through a lot of Eucerin.
Socks to bed – yes or no? Sometimes. I prefer bare feet, but sometimes I wear socks anyway.
I feel so vindicated. I have been so self conscious of the fact I use my hands. I AM NOT ALONE!
I love bar soap.
This: I adore my husband but he needs to NOT TOUCH ME while I’m sleeping. I am not the tattoo sort but if I were, this might be the script I would choose.
Mesh shower puff; hands for face
Only shower gel
I shave every day with shower gel
We have SEPARATE QUEENS– the best
Any temp is fine
Before AND after–
It’s the first thing I do when I wake up but then I brush again before I wash my face/after coffee
I use lotion every single time I shower and have my entire life–works best on damp skin
Nooooooo to socks in bed
Wow! Every single shower you use lotion. Your skin must be the softest thing on this planet! (Mine is not, but then again that’s what I deserve for using lotion once or twice A YEAR!)
Loufa or facecloth? Hands!
Body wash or bar soap? Bar soap! Though I like body wash, too.
Body wash/bar soap or shaving cream for shaving? Uh, water? This survey is making me sound less high maintenance than I actually am. I use a lot of products on my face!
Double, Queen, or King mattress? Twin. This has been a source of embarrassment for me in the past. But as a person who doesn’t share a bed with anyone (yet!!) I prefer to maximize my floor space for yoga AND to spend the money on travel rather than a new bed system.
Room temp water or cold water? Room temp, please. I’m actually trying to get into drinking hot water!
Brush teeth before breakfast or after? After!
Lotion after shower – yes or no? Yes!
Socks to bed – yes or no? NEVER, unless incredibly sick (or on a work trip in Eastern Europe during winter…it was COLD).
The hands are winning and I love it!
Wow – just water on your legs. I should try it. I’ve used conditioner before but feels like it “burns” with just water. Though, I’ll often do a quick second pass with just water so why not the first, right?!
Gah! I should have included twin in the list! I was in a twin until getting married and have zero problem sleeping in one now but if I’m sharing a bed, King. ONLY KING!
Loufa or facecloth?
Neither! Hands
Body wash or bar soap?
Bar soap
Body wash/bar soap or shaving cream for shaving?
Usually bar soap, same as you whatever’s in the shower!
Double, Queen, or King mattress?
King all the way, we started out with a double which was ok when we were in the honeymoon phase haha, but once we got cats it got cramped! King changed our life, and now with kids it’s essential. We will never go back. It actually doesn’t fit in our current bedroom but we’ve sacrificed one of our side tables in favour of the bed!
Room temp water or cold water? Cold!
Brush teeth before breakfast or after?
After for sure
Lotion after shower – yes or no? Yes but only legs generally as they get the driest
Socks to bed – yes or no? Yes in winter, love warm toes in bed
I literally thought I would be the only one with the hands! There is clearly an underground movement here
I can’t sleep if my feet are cold, but also feel like socks don’t warm them up enough if they’re “chilled through” so I just go barefoot and INSIST on a Magic Bag (one on my feet and one I hug into my stomach). Blissful…
Allison McCaskill
Bar soap in shower, no facecloth or loofah. I use shampoo lather to shave my legs.
Pump soap by sink, facecloth for face, Dove soap.
Queen bed – I would love a King but we don’t really have space for that and my reading chair, which I also love.
Ever since I had kids, my water has to be ICE ice cold. I fill the entire glass with ice and then dribble in whatever water will fit. My husband got me an ice machine for Christmas and it is one of my favourite gifts ever.
Lotion after bedtime shower – it gets extremely cold and dry here, so I don’t love putting on lotion but if I don’t I bleed.
I go to bed and read with fans on and no covers until I’m freezing, then put on socks for a bit and pull up the covers, then usually kick off the socks within a couple of hours. Clearly I have thermoregulatory issues.
An ice machine = #ADream
The thought of getting cold – on purpose – before bed makes me slightly nauseous!
I’m here for this game!
Loufa or facecloth? – Mesh pouf thing for the body (but honestly, could probably do just a good of a job with my hands). I don’t “wash” my face in the shower (HATE water in my face) but I’ll give it a quick rinse & dry before I get out. If I’m “washing” my face before bed, I use a cloth now but for the longest time just used my hands.
Body wash or bar soap? – Body wash for me; bar soap for the husband.
Body wash/bar soap or shaving cream for shaving? Cream/gel for shaving. Seems like I get a closer shave and less shaving rash.
Double, Queen, or King mattress? Just upgraded to a King! And for all those saying they don’t have the room, look again. Because we thought we didn’t have the room until we switched our perspective…now we have even more room than we did before and a king.
Room temp water or cold water? Cold-ish? I either get water from the fridge or the water cooler at work. No ice but not necessarily room temp. And, it goes without saying, I need to somehow get more water into my body on a daily basis (how?!).
Brush teeth before breakfast or after? I generally don’t eat breakfast. But definitely after coffee.
Lotion after shower – yes or no? This is new, but yes.
Socks to bed – yes or no? Generally, no. But all bets are off if my toes get cold.
We just changed the configuration of our room – same stuff, just a different layout and I swear it feels almost twice as big as before. Crazy how little tweaks can make a big difference!
Michelle G.
I love it when you ask these important questions!!
Loufa or facecloth? Facecloth. I have microfiber ones that I love.
Body wash or bar soap? Ivory bar soap
Body wash/bar soap or shaving cream for shaving? Shaving cream. And it’s getting more and more difficult to find! Why are people not using it anymore?
Double, Queen, or King mattress? King. I need lots of room to toss about!
Room temp water or cold water? Either. I’m not too fussy.
Brush teeth before breakfast or after? After. After every meal or snack!
Lotion after shower – Yes. I love scented lotions.
Socks to bed – yes or no? No.
Ha – that’s what I’m here for. To ask the truly “important” questions!
I love Ivory bar soap, but just buy whatever is on sale. Right now I think it’s Dove and I’m a big fan!
I love these kinds of everyday questions!
In the shower do you use a loofah or facecloth? Loofah
Do you use body wash or bar soap in the shower? Body wash – Aveeno lavender chamomile after using it while visiting a friend. Now it reminds me of her
Body wash/bar soap or shaving cream for shaving? The Trader Joe’s shaving lotion which is the BEST.
Do you sleep on a Double/Full, Queen, or King mattress? King is the only answer! Agree, any time we travel and the bed is any smaller it’s such a bummer.
Do you prefer to drink room-temperature water or cold water? Ice cold, so I always keep ice water in my Yeti which is pretty much always with me.
Do you brush teeth before you eat breakfast or after? Both! Right when I wake up, I can’t imagine not, but then when I’m done with my coffee for the morning I brush again.
Do you put on body lotion after shower – yes or no? Usually
Do you wear socks to bed – yes or no? Yes! I cannot go to sleep with cold feet and my feet are usually cold when I go to bed. But I take off the socks half way through the night.
Awww. Love how the scent profile reminds you of that friendship. It’s such a powerful sensory experience.
I really do wish we had Trader Joe’s in Nova Scotia. I think there might be a few in Toronto/Vancouver, but outside of big hugs…we’re Trader Joe-less
King IS the only answer.
Loufa or facecloth?
Loofah 100% or simply hands if need be.
Body wash or bar soap?
Body wash. I cannot stand the sliminess of bar soap after it’s been wet. also, can’t stand that it sticks to whatever surface it’s on after it’s been left to dry. I’m skeeved out by bar soap.
Body wash/bar soap or shaving cream for shaving?
95% of the time nothing except for plain water. On rare occasions I’ll use shaving cream. I actually purchased a crystal hair eraser and use that for legs( no need for soap, shaving cream). It leaves my legs way smoother than a shaver goes.
Double, Queen, or King mattress?
King. Husband is over 6ft. I need my space and well so does he.
Room temp water or cold water?
Room temp except if it’s summer and it’s VERY hot then I’ll drink ice cold water.
Brush teeth before breakfast or after? Before. It’s been a habit for years though I do question it sometimes especially after I have coffee lol.
Lotion after shower – yes or no?
Socks to bed – yes or no?
No way. I barely wear socks even in winter. My feet run hot most of the time and I stick them out from under the covers every night.
Bar soap DOES get gross after it’s wet, but I still prefer it. Why? I’ve not really stopped to think about it, but I’m not a fan of body wash for some reason.
Okay – what is a crystal hair eraser? (*Goes to Google*). This sounds amazing!
My feet run soooo cold, but I hate the feeling of socks on my feet in bed. If I do happen to wear them (rare) I almost always kick them off in the middle of the night.
Loufa or facecloth? Usually neither but if I use something besides my hand it’s a facecloth. I had a loufa go mildewey once and it put me off them.
Body wash or bar soap? Body wash
Body wash/bar soap or shaving cream for shaving? Shaving cream!
Double, Queen, or King mattress? Double but we regret it and someday will size up. We stayed in a hotel in NS this fall and it had a “California king” and it was incredible.
Room temp water or cold water? Cold!!
Brush teeth before breakfast or after? After. My grandparents always brushed before and I never understood the point to be honest.
Lotion after shower – yes or no?
Usually and when I don’t in winter I regret it.
Socks to bed – yes or no?
Sometimes yes sometimes no depending on how cold the room is
Ehhh. A gross loufa would be very gross indeed. Ick.
A king is INCREDIBLE! I can almost guarantee you will never once regret the switch when the time comes.
Lisa’s Yarns
Loufa or facecloth? I use a loufa to wash my body. I use a charcoal bar soap to wash my face in the shower. I use a microfiber type of cloth to wash make up off my face at night.
Body wash or bar soap? Body wash except I use a charcoal bar soap for my face!
Body wash/bar soap or shaving cream for shaving? Shaving cream!
Double, Queen, or King mattress? Queen. I would love a King but it wouldn’t fit in our bedroom. I always get a single king bed when traveling. I hate when I get a room with 2 queens which rarely happens.
Room temp water or cold water? I will drink either. I often leave a water bottle out for hours so it’s cold at the start and then room temp eventually.
Brush teeth before breakfast or after? Before breakfast except for the weekend!
Lotion after shower – yes or no? No but I should!
Socks to bed – yes or no? In the winter yes but sometimes I kick them off if I get too hot.
I’m intrigued by the charcoal bar soap…!
I am shocked – SHOCKED! – how many people just use their hands in their shower. Hahaha.
Loufa or facecloth?
Loofah all the way!
Body wash or bar soap?
Body wash. Bar soap just doesn’t lather as well for me.
Body wash/bar soap or shaving cream for shaving?
Nothing? I’ll usually shave while I’m in the bath and the water has softened my skin, so then I’ll do a quick shave at the end of the bath.
Double, Queen, or King mattress?
I have a queen. A king would be lovely but I don’t have the space! (Or the partner to justify, haha.)
Room temp water or cold water?
ICE COLD. The coldest cold! Hurt my teeth cold!
Brush teeth before breakfast or after?
After – typically after I drink my coffee.
Lotion after shower – yes or no?
Socks to bed – yes or no?
Sometimes if it’s cold in the winter, but not usually.
I’m shocked too, but also feel vindicated after years of being self conscious that my preference is just using the bar soap + my hands.
People are fascinating… we’re all living… but completely different lives. Even judging by the bathing habits LOL
Loufa or facecloth? Neither.
Body wash or bar soap? Body wash.
Body wash/bar soap or shaving cream for shaving? None.
Double, Queen, or King mattress? Queen – but I wouldn’t mind a king.
Room temp water or cold water? Room temp.
Brush teeth before breakfast or after? After breakfast.
Lotion after shower – yes or no? Sometimes, not consistently.
Socks to bed – yes or no? – Sometimes.
So true, eh. And the subtle differences are fascinating!