A number of cool kids (Hi Nicole, Lindsay, Birchie…and more!) have been posting Day in the Life – or Week in the Life – recaps. I realized I haven’t done a single DITL post since setting up this new blog space!
I find the whole behind-the-scenes, how-do-people-actually-fill-the-hours-of-their-day minutiae absolutely fascinating. To that end, I decided I would track Wednesday, 10 April – mostly because when I looked at the forecast the night before I saw it was to offer full sunshine which felt like a good omen after what feels like months of rain and dreariness. Here’s how things shook out.
5:45 am – Awake. I had a great sleep. John recently got back from a work trip to Finland so we’re going to bed earlier than usual while his body readjusts to AST. John’s awake too so we snuggle. He has a call at 6:30, so we have until 6:15 to relax in bed.
[I know feeling good at wakeup depends very heavily on the night before. So even though this is about Wednesday, I recognize the foundation was put down the night before with a long, hot shower, a wonderful massage (Thanks, honey), an episode of Frasier, and reading one chapter of a book. Lights were out at 9:15 pm and I suspect I was in dreamland less than a minute later.]
6:15 am – Once John leaves for our office (in the basement), I spend 10ish minutes doing a quick check of e-mail, approve any outstanding blog comments, and take a look at Feedly.
6:24 am – I open the curtains, make the bed (the last one out makes it; today that’s me), and get dressed for day. Since the forecast is spectacular (cold, but sunny), I put on comfy walking clothes.

6:25 am – I wash my face and discover the sink stopper isn’t working correctly. Isn’t that just great. I spend minutes rummaging around under the sink pretending I have a sweet clue about what I’m doing. I don’t have a sweet (or sour) clue, but I thrash around until I manage to fix the issue. At least temporarily.

Usually I have to wake our teen at 7:10 and there is all sorts of groaning and complaining about how her – and I’m paraphrasing here – Life is so unfair. This is too early. Why are you being so mean and making me get up? Today both kids happen to be awake and are ready to eat when I come out. It happens to be a cereal day which, not gonna lie, is my favourite breakfast day since they do it independently and without complaint.
We chat, I put on water for a cup of tea, and open up the blinds. I love this morning transformation from dark to light.

6:48 am – While the kids eat, I read a short devotion. One child wants me to read an extra entry; the other child says we’ll read through them too quickly that way. They rarely agree on matters like this; why would that change today? Second child gets their way since one day last week I read FOUR.

6:50 am – A tells me her laundry needs doing and wants me to watch to make sure she does the steps properly. I oversee her starting a load and everything goes perfectly.
6:57 am – My tea is brewed and I head to my reading corner. I leave my stack of Bible-reading items out at all times: The Bible Recap, my actual Bible, and a pencil case with highlighters and pencils. The kids have finished breakfast (almost 30 minutes earlier than usual!) and are playing a game of Five Crowns at the table. I put in noise cancelling headphones and do my Bible reading while they are otherwise engaged…

7:15 am – Done reading. I send both kids to brush their teeth and make their beds. You would think this is the first time in the history of their lives they have been asked to complete either of these tasks.
7:20 am – John is finished with his meeting and back upstairs! We work together to finish lunchboxes. Today I’m sending oatmeal waffles – leftovers from Tuesday’s supper – with butter, a bit of cinnamon sugar and a tiny glug of maple syrup. I know I will get complaints from one child that they got “healthy” waffles (with two forms of sugar I might add); life is tragically unfair.

The kids are back to their game of Five Crowns. I can only imagine how thorough they were with their teeth-brushing and bed-making. Good enough is good enough. (Just don’t tell the orthodontist I said that…)
7:30 am – A and I go back downstairs to move her laundry into the dryer – I’ll start it once we get back from school (I never ever leave the dryer going when we’re away). I start the washer for another load of laundry.
7:33 am – I’ve finished drinking my tea. It’s time to brush my teeth and finish prepping for the walk to school. I also start the dishwasher.
7:51 am – I remember to stop to take a walk picture! Day #2 wearing my new Cloudmonsters and I am LOVING THEM SO FAR. The walk to school is perfect. After so much rain, it’s nice to walk in sunshine. It’s quite cold (-4C), but there isn’t any wind, so it feels refreshing not frigid.

8:26 am – We’re back; it’s time to get ready for the no-kids-home part of my day. According to picture time stamps, it took me 4 minutes to do hair, earrings, and makeup. In this area of my life, I am definitely a satisfier! [Since my laser eye surgery last May, I’ve gotten into the habit of wearing sunglasses almost any time I’m outside – this was required for 6 months post-op anyway. I love wearing shades, but it means I have a semi-permanent tan line around my eyes which looks like bad makeup application – could be that, too – but is mostly the result of a sunglass tan lines.]

8:36 am – I wasn’t going to change, but I’m a bit sweaty from the walk home, so I decide to take the time to swap outfits for something dry.

8:39 am – My cup of bulletproof coffee is ready. I’ve cycled through making/not making BP coffee over the years. I’m back on a kick. 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon MCT oil, a sprinkle of cinnamon, a cup of coffee…all blended for 30 seconds. Delish. John brewed the coffee for me, so it’s pulled together in record time.

8:43 am – I’m settled in our office. I really like this space. John and I each have our own corners and work well together. He has a meeting so I put in noise cancelling headphones and work nonstop for an hour. I won’t bore you with details, but I’ve been trying to solve a particular problem for months. The same way. Insanity is, by definition, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I am clearly insane. I take a new approach and solve the problem quickly and easily. I make progress on several projects.

9:45 am – Switching gears. It’s time to update our Family Budget. I download all our bank and credit card transactions for March and update the spreadsheet. I get a notification on my Apple Watch that it’s Time to stand. I hate this notification and I’ve been getting it ever since I starting wearing John’s old Apple Watch over a year ago. It has been bugging me daily for that long. I decide enough is enough. It takes approximately 3 seconds to disable this feature. Why did I put up with the annoyance for so long??? Argh. But now it’s switched off and better late than never.

10:06 am – Time for a break. I switch over the laundry, use the bathroom (when I am reminded that two of our toilets need to be replaced), and head back into the office.

10:20 am – I review my running to-do list and send a variety of e-mails that need sending before coming up against a computer glitch. I give up trying to fix the problem and head upstairs to use my laptop.
10:40 am – Settled in at the table, I text with my sister and receive some fun texts from Lisa! She did her daily walking challenge at the beach and is sending me pictures!
11:00 am – Blog time! I check Feedly and comment, respond to new comments on my site, and start writing up this post (how meta).

11:26 am – I go downstairs to do some planning with John. He has a Priority Reward about to expire. We book a plane ticket for my father-in-law to come visit in October. It costs $95 and some Aeroplan points. I grab the second load of laundry, bring it upstairs, and put my clothes away. I shake out and lay flat anything that belongs to John. He’ll put his things away later.

Then I putter around with various work tasks. It’s the first week of final exams so student requests are almost behind me; it feels odd, but lovely, to have an almost empty inbox.
12:10 pm – Lunch prep. John works on making supper (chili), scrambles eggs and smoked salmon for lunch, and I cut up a very soft avocado. I empty the dishwasher. Technically it’s A’s job, but I’ve been enjoying having it done when the kids come home from school and not having to nag her.

We eat lunch together – it’s delicious; egg, avocado, and smoked salmon in corn tortillas – and chat. It’s lovely. The sun is shining. We talk about different travel adventures that may await us in the future. After the wraps, we split a muffin and clean up the kitchen.
1:00 pm – The kitchen is clean (enough), I’m back in exercise clothes and we’re off.

John needs to go to the Post Office. While he mails a parcel, I suddenly take notice of all the hats surrounding me. This time, Engie, I was very purposeful and took all these photos just for you.
Look at all these hats within a stone’s throw of the Post Office! A kerchief. A hard hat. A fur hat. A baseball cap. An army helmet.
This is a monument to Mona Parsons who has an absolutely incredible story of survival. She was the only female Canadian citizen to be captured and imprisoned by the Nazi’s during World War II and endured four years of life in a hard labour camp, before a dramatic story of escape. She died in Wolfville in 1976 and is buried in a cemetery we drive by regularly.

Next…we walk! It’s beautiful and sunny, but I’m still wearing gloves, a headband and a winter coat. All the layers are a good choice as the breeze is cold. We spot a marmot (or something similar) and a geocache along the way.

I also stop to take a picture of this freshly painted bench. It makes me happy.

We manage to fit in 6.5 km before collecting the kids from school.
3:04 pm – We’re home and I make smoothies for everyone. We have an abundance of ripe bananas; I also use frozen cherries, blueberries and strawberries, a few walnuts and some protein powder. John and I split a smoothie and it’s SO GOOD.

3:15 pm – John heads back downstairs to the office and our house becomes Grand Central Station. L has a friend come over, and then they go recruit two more friends from the neighbourhood. He ends up getting filthy, but it’s sunny and they are having so much fun outside. Every Wednesday, A’s best friend comes over for supper and they go to youth group together. This particular Wednesday, a new friend from the neighbourhood comes over for an hour. A has to make snack for a youth event on Thursday, so the three girls end up making cookies together. For anyone counting, that is 7 kids onsite, including my own.
It is loud. So. Loud. But, I don’t have any responsibilities. I tell the girls there is a Mom tax for printing off the cookie recipe and they bring me a VERY generous dollop of dough. It is delicious.

There is a lot of gossip (“spilling coffee”), but very little required from me. I try to work and am quasi successful.
4:45 pm – John comes back upstairs and I send the neighbourhood kids home, so it’s just our little family + A’s bestie. I retreat to my room for a bit of peace and quiet and read some blogs and do a final e-mail check for the day.
5:15 pm – Supper! John has made everything – chili, rice, and a cucumber salad. It’s delicious. I’m hungry after all the walking. Comfort food at it’s best. We split a Milka/Daim chocolate bar John brought home from Europe for dessert. With five people, it doesn’t go far, so I have two muffins (loosely based on this recipe) but forget how filling they are and feel overfull the rest of the night. Oops. Odd factoid: I rarely feel full. I’d say less than a handful of times in a year do I feel like I’m genuinely “stuffed.” I have to self-regulate constantly because since I can’t usually identify a “full” feeling while eating.

6:15 pm – We leave to take the kids to their respective church youth groups. Tonight, John and I are volunteering with the elementary group. That means we’re partially responsible for wrangling 60ish children – from Primary to Grade 5.
The evening opens with a game where leaders are blindfolded and kids feed them cereal while the adults have to guess what cereal they’re being fed. I’m not one of the leaders involved so it’s very funny.
John and I are assigned to Grade 5s. The upper-elementary kids get to choose between making a craft and going to the gym. I volunteer to help with the craft and it is the highlight of my evening. Only a handful of kids – all girls incidentally – elect to skip gym time for the craft and I couldn’t be happier. A glue stick, colourful circles, and quiet kids. The gym is packed with dozens of hyped up kids who have excess energy. I cannot imagine a place I’d want to be less. But the craft table is divine. This is the choice I would have made as a kid and it’s the choice I make as an adult…

Next up is small group time. More wrangling. We have Grade 5s but they act as if they are…preschoolers? We survive and hopefully something gets through to them? One boy tells me he would never dream of eating breakfast food for supper because he “is civilized.” Can you even? Breakfast for supper is one of the joys of life.
8:10 pm – We’re done and head to the grocery store to pick up a few essentials (namely cheese, yogurt, coffee, and sparkling water).
8:40 pm – Home! John unloads the groceries, and I retreat to the bedroom and flop on the bed.
9:00 pm – I come out and discover John has made lunchboxes for the next day! Glory be. A gets dropped off (her youth group finished 30 minutes later). We all talk. There are hugs goodnight. I wash my face.
10:00 pm – We’re in bed, but I still need to unwind. We put on Frasier and watch a few episodes. As always, I spend most of the time laughing.
10:40 pm – One last trip to the bathroom. I put on lip balm, turn on my white noise machine, pull on my eye mask and the day is OVER.
Your turn. Breakfast for supper – yes or no? Favourite kind a cereal (mine is granola)? Were you more of a “craft” or “gym” type as a kid? What are your grocery store essentials? Last thing you baked? Last crafty endeavour?
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Love it! Rainbow fish! Kid Math working out in your favor! A great, normal day.
A great normal day, indeed! Sometimes those simple “ordinary” days are the most enjoyable.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
Yes! Welcome to the Cool Kids DITL Club! I love getting to see your day unfold in real time.
Breakfast for supper – yes and I need to do it more often
I’ll eat breakfast for breakfast, lunch and supper. Breakfast foods are MY FAVE.
Nicole MacPherson
Wow, what a busy, full day! So much happening on the daily!
Do you use a pot to make tea, instead of a kettle? How do you pour it into your cup without scalding yourself (I’m imagining myself in this scenario, ending up in the ER).
Love that your house becomes Grand Central – loud, yes, but so nice to be That House!
So much fun to read this!
Just a pot. No kettle. Um. I just pour it? I haven’t burned myself yet!!
I LOVE DITL posts! Your day just sounds so… pleasant. I realize this is because John just came home- this day would have played out very differently had he been traveling. I love your relaxed morning- your school start times are so civilized (our high school starts at 7;30, which means leaving the house before 7 to beat the traffic- at least it’s light now when we leave, as it wasn’t for a few weeks after turning the clocks ahead… arg!!!)
I would eat breakfast for every meal if I could, and funny thing- I have a leftover “healthy” waffle for my lunch today.
When I was in 5th grade I would have chosen the gym option- but now I would plant myself at the craft table and never leave. Supervising all those kids in the gym sounds like a nightmare!
Now I’m craving chili : )
I think it is adjacent to being criminal to have schools start that early! Our local high school is even later (I think it’s a 9 am start). All the research points to this being so much better for teens ability to learn. Harumph. So, yes, I am very, very thankful our school starts as late as it does (8:20 am).
Yay for waffles. You know how I feel about waffles…we are co-captains of Team Waffle.
The gym would have fried my brain. The craft table was utter (quiet) delight.
I love reading these posts! What a full day!
This made me giggle: “I send both kids to brush their teeth and make their beds. You would think this is the first time in the history of their lives they have been asked to complete either of these tasks.”
Frasier is on my list for a rewatch! I wish my husband had any interest in it — it’s so good!
That fish is adorable. I think you got a good deal. I definitely would have opted for the craft as a kid and as an adult.
While I do NOT think breakfast for dinner is uncivilized, I don’t even like breakfast for breakfast, so I don’t love it for dinner. What I do love are smoothies, and I ADORE cherry smoothies so I was tickled to read that you put cherries in yours. Yum.
Frasier cracks me up EVERY EPISODE. It’s such a funny show – especially those first few seasons.
I happen to love eggs and oatmeal, but I can see breakfast not being your fave…Cherries are so good in smoothies. An under-rated add-in!
Hats!! Once you start looking, you’ll never stop.
You need a kettle, Elisabeth. They’re cute AND useful. And they whistle. I’m not sure what’s going on with this boiling pot of water thing you have going on. The kettle just lives on our stovetop and makes our kitchen look adorable and it gets used multiple times a day. This is the main thing we took away from your DITL post, Elisabeth. You’re wacky and living on the edge with your teamaking.
Breakfast for dinner way too often. We have frittata at least once a week. I’m not opposed to pancakes for dinner, either. In my single lady days, I had cereal for dinner more often than I should admit!
I will forever look at/for hats differently since you entered my life, Engie <3
I know a kettle would be convenient, but it's also another thing and I like not having another thing. Maybe I do need a kettle, though...?
Breakfast is just SO GOOD!
Michelle G.
I loved reading about your day, Elisabeth! Your home office setup is amazing, and you did all kinds of cool things that are very different from my days. Thank you for sharing! Maybe one day, I’ll have the courage to write a DITL post. The bulletproof coffee sounds very interesting. Does it give you lots of energy?
I’m not sure if it actually gives me lots of energy…but I think I might be a lost cause? I have low energy to begin with, so I’m not convinced any beverage will change that, but I do think I have slightly better mental clarity when I drink it?
I’d love to read a DITL post from you <3
I loooove DITL. Sometimes when I’m in a funk, I pretend I have a blog or a vlog and talk myself through the DITL like someone else cares to know how I spend my time-hah!
We eat breakfast for dinner every Monday. The menu item varies but it gives us a framework. Last night, scrambled eggs, bacon and strawberries…last week, a little fancier with ham, goat cheese, spinach and tomato omelets!
I should do that! What a great way to bolster my energy when it’s flagging – pretend I’m chronicling my day for a DITL post. I love this idea.
Breakfast is just so good it has no business being relegated to mornings only!
Breakfast for lunch or dinner is all good in my book … I mean how would you get through life not eating breakfast for dinner some of the time? I think you made the smart choice manning the craft table, wrangling the chaos of active kids is a bit overwhelming. At school I was a gym rather than craft kid, but I still enjoy crafts. I much preferred primary school lunchtimes because there were plenty of us who would get together and play group games, high school everyone just sat around and talked. Last time I did craft was when I was running Messy Church and that was pre-COVID, but we are going to do some craft with the children at our mainly music group for Mother’s Day. It seems like volunteering at church is a good way to keep up crafting as an adult. I love that fish you made, very cool, and not messy, so that’s a win.
Yes, I should have added the type of craft is critical. I want no part in slime, anything to do with glitter, or paint. The last time I volunteered (a few weeks earlier) there WERE paints involved. But it was still fun, I gotta admit. Whoever comes up with the craft ideas for this weekly youth group is genius!
I love this! It made my day! Your sleep hygiene is #goals. And, all of your food pics look amazing. I love how you and John balance that. What a lovely, real day.
I have a personal goal to take a pic of my CBWC walk while we are on vacation this week.
I’m always up for breakfast for dinner! My favorite cereal is Corn Chex or Raisin Bran. I was a book kid, haha. I baked a Baked Alaska for Easter and am hoping for sourdough scones when we get back.
Trust me – my sleep hygiene is hit-and-miss (though I’m being more intentional in this year of Shmita)!
I’m looking forward to walking pictures.
Raisin Bran. I haven’t had that in years! It was a staple in my house growing up.
YAYYY! I am so glad you did this post. It’s so fun to be taken along on a regular day in someone’s life. You got so much time with John – how adorable is that!!
I love breakfast for dinner, but I rarely make it. WHY?! Blasphemy!
Why? Fix this Stephany. Breakfast for dinner is the best!!!
When he’s home we’re so fortunate to be able to spend a lot of time together. The flip side is when he’s away for work he’s AWAY (usually in a very different time zone), but what a blessing to have the option to hang out during the daytime when he’s home <3
This was fun. I also enjoy the daily minutiae of other people’s lives and I love how detailed you recorded your day. I have questions though: HOW in the world do you “check Feedly and comment, respond to new comments on [your] site, and start writing up this post” in 26 minutes? I clearly need your organizational/writings skills because I can barely write a half-way decent post in 26 minutes, let alone read and comment on other people’s blogs during the same time. What’s your secret??
The other question I have is: How do you eat dinner at 5:15 pm and not be hungry again 2 hours later?
You see I pay very close attention to the timing of your day. Haha.
To answer some of your fun questions: I love breakfast for dinner. I was a craft and gym type when I was a kid (are you surprised?) and my favorite cereal is Barbara’s Oat Crunch (but it’s hard to find these days). Granola is not cereal for me, granola is granola and yes, I do like granola OVER cereal.
My grocery store essentials are coffee, soymilk and yogurt. The last thing I baked was sourdough rye bread
So I tend to READ posts and comment later. I have a good (and fairly specific) short-term memory. So I might read 4-5 posts in the morning, but then comment one after another a few hours later (I flag the posts I want to return to to comment on). I am a fast typer? I definitely did NOT write the whole post in 26 minutes. Not even close
Sometimes I snack in the evenings, but mostly I don’t. I eat a big supper and try to go to bed early. Our mealtimes vary – as early as 4:45 and as late as 6:30; it all depends on the day and the evening schedule. Some nights we can’t eat until after 6 because of A’s drama class. Other days, we have to BE somewhere by 6:15, so it just forces our meals earlier.
I LOVE granola. I don’t really eat other types, though Raisin Bran was a favourite when I was a child and Corn Bran Squares – don’t think you can get these in the US…when my sister was here she took home a whole bunch of boxes because her kids ADORE them – is another one I enjoy, but I probably eat cereal only a handful of times a year (other than granola which I eat weekly, but almost always with greek yogurt, not milk).
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I am with Jenny; breakfast is good for any meal, at any time. Also cherries are my favorite fruit, but I have never had them in a smoothie (that I know of)!! However, I have had much bulletproof coffee, also made in a magic blender; aren’t they the best!!? Not surprisingly, I was a gym person; my grocery store essentials are similar to yours — yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, almond milk, cereal (granola is my favorite, but I often buy cheerios as they have less sugar). And lately, ice cream!
Frozen cherries are delicious – even eaten as-is! They don’t freeze solid, so they’re almost like an ice cream treat straight from the freezer.
I cannot remember the last time I had a bowl of Cheerios. Two decades? My kids LOVE them, though. I’m not a big cereal person, other than granola!
Lisa's Yarns
This was fun to read! But wait – do you know a lot of people who say “spill the coffee” for gossip? We say “spill the tea” or at least everyone I have used that phrase with uses tea instead of coffee! I love learning about little differences like this! Your day overall sounds really nice but your bedtime makes me yawn!! I really need to be trying to fall asleep at 9:30 (emphasis on trying… I’ve been struggling with insomnia lately).
Breakfast for supper – yes or no? We often eat scrambled eggs for dinner and Paul regularly eats “banana pancakes” which are bananas, eggs, a bit of vanilla, and some cinnamon. Taco will no longer eat them which is a bummer. Favorrite kind a cereal is tough because there are so few GF cereals so I will be boring and say cheerios. If I could eat gluten my fave would be cracklin’ oat bran. Were you more of a “craft” or “gym” type as a kid? I was neither – give me all the books. I was not athletic and I am not crafting. Paul takes after me. When we pick him up from the after school program, he is rarely in the gym – he’s almost always in the library where someone is reading a book to the kids. What are your grocery store essentials? Bananas, milk, eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese. The milk is for the boys who drink a ton of milk. The cottage cheese is for Paul but I will typically eat it once in a given week. Last thing you baked? Banana bread with chocolate chips! Last crafty endeavour? NOTHING. I am terrible with crafts and would be happy if I never had to do another craft project in my life.
I wrote you about the whole “spill coffee” vs “tea” thing.
My ideal bedtime is between 10-10:30. I feel like it varies a lot more than the sleep experts recommend. At least once a week I conk out at 9:30ish, and at least one night I seem to be up until at least 11, but it’s the best I can do with fluctuating schedules and energy levels.
I love banana pancakes but haven’t made them in ages. So good!
I was definitely also a Give Me All the Books kid. Namely, Nancy Drew mysteries. Alas, there was no book option at youth group or I would have been allllll over that!
Granola ALWAYS with (plain) yogurt… who are these people who eat it with milk?? LOL
My fav is with vanilla yogurt but the added sugar to flavoured yogurts kinda blows my mind so I go with plain or plain Greek yogurt. At this point, I settle for extra mix ins – like raisins and a few chocolate chips – to bring sweetness.
IF I have it with milk, I still want all the add-ins. Chia, sunflower seeds, walnuts, raisins…I like my granola and oatmeal with all the options
I honestly have no idea how people leave their house after 6pm and do activities – you must either have boundless energy or be exhausted! Your working at home days seem a lot like mine, honestly, but since my husband doesn’t work from home I’m usually alone in the house which is fabulous. I have to go into the office 2-3 days a week now and it is so exhausting and draining, and I haven’t even gotten any laundry done!
I’m mostly exhausted! I try to limit evenings out. This week I had two and that’s hard. Ideally it’s only one. As the kids get older, the night events get later and more frequent and that’s not my favourite…
Happy Things Friday: 19 April - The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
[…] they were not intuitive. I don’t have an after – it looks the same as it did here – since all the magic happened inside the […]
Tobia | craftaliciousme
Oh I loved to follow along in your day. Such a busy and full day though. But I love your midday walk with John.
I’ve been a craft and a gym kid. Early on more crafts than in the teens more sport. Now I am back to a craft one and trying to move to gym… haha so it’s coming in waves.
I kinda want to do a Day in the Life post now too but I usually do them during NabloPoMo. Mhm maybe doing two this year?
Two Day in the Life posts sounds great to me. They’re always so interesting!
This was wonderful to read – I love glimpses into others’ lives. Yours is so, so different than mine. I can’t even imagine! I’d like to do a DITL but a) taking pictures, not my forte, nor is anything around me even close to photogenic, and b) just the sight of my extremely bizarre sleeping/waking schedule would cause most readers to think of me as nutso. So, there you go. Want to do it, probably won’t.
I’m with Engie. Ask for a kettle – whistling is best! – for a gift! They do bring joy.
I’m still on the fence about the kettle. Do I need one? Maybe…?
A Day in My Life: Monday, 7 October 2024 - The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
[…] last A Day in My Life post was back in April! For kicks, I decided to quickly scan how that particular day transpired and the similarities are […]