So here’s one of the biggest hassles about losing a blog – you lose the ability to easily link to old content! I didn’t realize how frequently I referenced previous posts until I started writing new posts and wanted to add hyperlinks to old posts…that no longer exist! *Sob*
Thankfully, I have all my text from the old website so I’m going to go ahead and repost my 2023 goals list – along with my progress report notes – for future reference.
Track my visits with Mom and Dad. Done. I had a little notebook stashed in the front pocket of my planner and recorded every single visit/event (location + a quick blurb about what we did together) during their winter stint in Nova Scotia. We “monitor what we measure” and I love having a recorded (written) snapshot of our time together in the winter of 2023.Plan our summer. Done. It was still hard and exhausting, but I think the kids will look back on it as being a really great experience. I think of summer as “their season” since it’s always intense for me and I’m mostly relieved to survive it!Get laser eye surgery. Done (May). This ended up being more of a shemozzle than I expected (I had to have PRK instead of LASIK) but slowly and surely things are getting better.Do some exterior landscaping on our back/side yard. Done! This was a big undertaking. In addition to regrassing a huge portion of the lawn and putting in a paving-stone pad, we’ve added twinkle lights to the storage shed and painted a hand-me-down fire pit. Having friends over for s’mores has been delightful!Go see the summer production by the local theatre companyTwo Planks and a Passion. Done. I took the kids right after our June stomach bug. The show was fine. It was an original musical of the Wind in the Willows story. It was a very short show and I took the kids to the preview performance so tickets were inexpensive. I felt a bit guilty going without John since this was always “our” thing, but in retrospect taking the kids to a preview was the perfect solution. This show wasn’t nearly as epic as their regular productions (I think I would have felt a bit cheated to pay full price and see this show, which only ran about an hour), the kids enjoyed it, and I can cross a goal off my list.Get away – solo with John – to a new destination. Done! Rome was incredible (I’ll get all the other recaps up and back-dated eventually). It was the trip of a lifetime.- Run 10 km. Not done/not going to do it. I was doing so well before my eye surgery and had worked up to running 7 km. I’ve done a few shorter distances in the last few months, but haven’t run at all this month. I’ve been pretty tired emotionally and physically and think walking + yoga will be the most restorative forms of exercise to round out the year.
Hang something over the couch. Done! After five years of a GIANT blank space, we mounted a mirror to the wall.- Get a pedicure. Not done/not going to do it. I invested in a new bottle of nail polish (on sale for $2.99) and have committed to doing more at-home pedicures instead!
Get a duvet cover and insert. It’s complicated…The giant blanket we currently have works fine; it’s a nuisance to wash, but I only do that monthly and it’s not enough of a nuisance that I feel like shopping for a new set and I’ve had issues in the past with duvet inserts sliding inside the covers. I’m going to give myself a DONE, though, since we bought a comforter for our daughter A’s room. After it was updated (see Goal #11), we found a PERFECT blanket at a thrift store (~$12!!) and it pulled her whole room together.Paint/makeover A’s room. Done! I am in love with this space and it’s maybe my favourite place in our whole house to hang out these days. I can’t wait to take some proper pictures for a before/after post. We settled on one accent wall of Tropical Pool, and the rest is in White Dove and it came out perfectly.Enroll L in swimming lessons. Done. In the end, both kids did swimming lessons this summer. I don’t think swimming is “their” sport and that’s okay. I just need them to be able to swim confidently for safety reasons. I’m not sure I’ll pursue lessons another year, but I’m so glad I was able to coordinate time in the pool in 2023.Order my 2022 photobook. Done.Re-read the Lord of the Rings TrilogyORThe Chronicles of Narnia seriesORa trio of old classics. Done. I read Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre and Pride & Prejudice. These were all re-reads for me. I loathed Wuthering Heights the first time and it did not improve with a second reading. Sadly, I had enjoyed both Jane Eyre and Pride & Prejudice the first time I read them (in my teens), but was NOT a fan during my second reading. Win some, lose some. But this was a 0-3 record which = a reading strikeout.Go see a musical. Done. I can’t believe I managed to cross this off THREE times in 2023. Admittedly, they were all local (small) productions, but they were still great. A and I went to see High School Musical at the local high school, then our whole family went to see Newsies together, and then the Wind in the Willows production (see above). We thought we might get to add another entry in this category as Come From Away is playing in Halifax this November but the only tickets left are like $500 each so…no, thanks.Make a new friend. Done. I feel like this has been a really great year for establishing new connections, including someone who feels like a “kindred” spirit a la Anne and Diana.Try three “new-to-me” eating establishments in our local area. Done. One was fine, one was not great, and one was amazing.Take each child on a special solo date. Done. I took A to High School Musical and took L out for lunch + time in the playroom at Mcdonald’s (he loved it, and I 100% consider this a solo date).Buy a new nude bra. Done! Bonus points because I got two high-end, brand-new bras at a thrift store for $3.50 each.Use my fancy dishes. Done? I haven’t made much of an effort here, but I HAVE used my pottery bowls more frequently and I moved all my charging cables into a cute dish in my bedside table. I don’t really own “fancy” dishes…but I have made a bit more effort to use existing, nice serving bowls.- A goal to be added, upon reflection, in March 2023. I added a goal of reaching out to more “distant” friends/family each month via text. This is going well and I’ve kept up with this goal. I will not continue doing this monthly in 2024, though. I think it would really start to feel forced in the long term.
- A goal to be added, upon reflection, in June 2023. My second flex goal is to read the New Testament before the end of the year. I am running behind on this. It’s okay. I’m reading my Bible and that is the only relevant goal (though I would still like to get all the way through the NT before January 1st).
- A goal to be added, upon reflection, in September 2023. Drumroll…
“Spend out” on lunchbox items.
I love to be frugal and that has definitely extended into kid lunchbox territory over the years. Don’t get me wrong…the kids have always eaten “well”, they just don’t always find preferred items in their school lunches. This year I’m being more intentional about what I buy/send and that occasionally translates into spending a bit more at the store. (I realize I am tremendously fortunate to be able to make this sort of financial decision and the shocking price of groceries is having devastating impacts on so many families.)

A few weeks before the school term started I sat down with the kids and we brainstormed their favourite fruits/snacks/main items/cracker varieties/yogurt flavours/dessert options (I didn’t end up listing those in my planner – they basically like ALL desserts).
I aim to always have something from their “favourite” list stocked at all times. I still shop sales, but I’m more intentional about what fruits and veggies I buy, what crackers I send, etc.
In another shift, I am now open to packing slightly different lunches!
For example, A loooovvvess Greek yogurt. L does not. So A gets Greek yogurt, and L gets a yogurt tube. A likes Goldfish; L likes rice crackers. So, in general, I send them the cracker they prefer. A likes ham sandwiches and does not like tuna (you know where this is going, right? – L loves tuna and doesn’t like ham). Previously I would just do the same lunches for both kids. They survived and they did eat what was sent, but it actually feels like LESS pressure to tailor their meals to better suit their preferences. They’re happy, I’m happy.
It’s also interesting that I “thought” I knew what my kids liked but when we sat down to have a dedicated family discussion it was fascinating what things filtered to the top of their “favourites” list. (They both used to always complain when I sent mini carrots, but then both mentioned mini carrots being one of their favourite veggie options?! And cucumbers? Apparently, they love cucumbers and just never bothered to tell me.)
I aim for at least one hot lunch a week which is just leftovers in a Thermos. But, again, we sat down and discussed what hot lunches they prefer to take to school and I plan accordingly.
So far, so good. I know it’s still early in the school term but I’m excited about this subtle, yet effective, change in lunchbox strategy.
Your turn. If you prep a lunchbox for yourself or a child, what are your go-to items, tricks/hacks, or other special mentions? If you set annual goals, how is your progress in 2023?
Header photo by S’well on Unsplash
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WOW. You basically killed it, and there are still almost 100 days left in the year! I like the new upgraded lunch situation. My daughter does not take kindly to “inferior” lunches, and she has some… creative ways of telling me (“Just what were you hoping to accomplish with that ‘lunch’ you packed today?”) The best part though is that she hates all sandwiches. SERIOUSLY? Who hates sandwiches??? Only my daughter. So she gets hot food in a thermos just about every day, but it’s nothing fancy- usually leftovers from dinner the night before. Of course she also likes and kind of chips, crackers, desserts… so that part’s easy.
This has been a great year for my goals list – and I’m proud of myself for calling a spade a spade and abandoning a few that just aren’t going to work for me (most notably the 10K).
Sandwiches definitely aren’t created equal. A good sandwich is one of the best meals…but a bad sandwich is…blech. That said, my kids seem to prefer sandwiches or cold lunches over warm things most days? But I love sending leftovers – it’s easier and it tends to be healthier (a veggie soup, a rish dish etc).
My kids are grade 8 and 6 and this year I have asked them to make their own lunches. I feel a bit guilty as I know they are not taking balanced lunches. Do I have yogurt, fruit, sandwich items available? Yes. Do they chose that? No. One day my daughter took plain bread. That’s it.
I’m trying to stick that out to see if they shift after awhile.
My daughter would love to pack her own lunch but I know that cold cereal would show up almost daily. But we do work together on their lunchboxes this year.
I don’t think you need to feel ANY guilt. If it works for your family, it works! Plain bread is better than nothing and sometimes I’ve sent fruits and veggies but my kids haven’t eaten them (or have traded them to someone else)…It’s food. It’s fuel, and I think you’re right that they will shift their preferences over time once they get used to this newfound freedom.
I also crowd source before grocery shopping and make sure everyone has their faves. I think it is a really small way to make everyone feel loved and nurtured, you know?
Ha – crowd source! What a great way to approach the situation. It really IS a small way to make everyone feel a little bit more special and “heard.” I’ve always done this to a point, it just feels more deliberate this year and I’m loving the result (both in terms of how I feel about preparing lunches – and how they’re raving about what they get to eat at school). Just a reminder that little tweaks can have a disproportionate impact.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
You totally crushed your goals list! Now you can just sit back and watch the rest of the year go by, I guess… 🙂 I think you mentioned the duvet thing in a different post and I am so with you. I tried to be a duvet person and I do like that you technically have less of a hassle washing it, but I was not really into the assembly portion of the blanket. I have several quilts that family members have used and I just use one of those on each bed with a plain blanket on top and I am good to go. I just finally gave my duvet covers away to Salvation Army after holding onto them with hopes but no action for a long time.
I pack my own lunch almost every day but I was never a huge fan of sandwiches (they are easy though, so I can accept that), and now I think that wheat is something that gives me tummy issues, so I don’t eat them. I usually pack a hot lunch, but I have a microwave at work so it is easy to just zap it every day. For my friend’s kids, they pack their own lunches and one just makes sandwiches every day and the other will put anything in her lunchbox. It is a bento and the last time we had beans she wanted to take them and I advised her that it could be a bit messy and maybe something more solid would be better. But she literally doesn’t care if it is supposed to be hot and is not, so she will bring leftover pizza, or noodles or whatever! Then of course the usual fruit, snack (cheeze its etc.) and things like carrots.
Ha! I’m not sure I’ll sit back, but at least with the goals it feels nice to have some major things (like my eye surgery) behind me. Also some other big things weren’t on the goals list but are done: like my ablation, getting a second vehicle, and my current solo retreat.
I wish my kids had access to a microwave in the cafeteria. They don’t always…so if they take a hot lunch I send it in a Thermos but it’s generally lukewarm by lunch I think. They don’t seem to mind, but it’s not the most ideal.
Well done and welcome back!
I looked at my goals and am doing pretty well, I hit 31 hours of yoga and should manage 40 hours in total if my schedule calms down a teensy bit, finished some work projects, some home things, I’ve been to the theatre 4x with tickets booked for 2 more things. I need to figure out artwork above the sofa but all non-essential house spending got put on hold yesterday when we found out our upstairs shower is collapsing through the floor… I cannot even…
Thanks! I’m glad to be back <3
What a great year for theatre attendance. Wow - I'm very impressed.
Sorry to hear about the shower issue. There is ALWAYS something with a house and that does get old after a while. Sigh. Hope that gets sorted quickly and without damage to your lower level AND without exorbitant costs.
Yay for your new blog! I couldn’t get it work on my browser until this afternoon, so I’m so excited I can comment! You have done an amazing job on those goals. Go you!
My husband and I have the exact same things for breakfast and lunch every day, but there are seasonal substitutions. So, right now I’m eating a lot of baby tomatoes and baby carrots, but those tomatoes are not going to be a winter thing because soon they’ll start to taste like nothing. Cucumbers are very good right now, but in another month they are going to be revolting. So maybe consider a follow-up conversation with the kids in a couple of months to see if any preferences have changed?
There are definitely some “kinks” to work out with the new site; slowly but surely I think I’ll get there!
Is there anything better than a perfect sun-ripened baby tomato? No
Is there anything worse than a winter baby tomato? No
Good point – seasonal changes will almost certainly happen. Not to mention they will likely get tired of cucumbers and green beans…
Nicole MacPherson
Well, I don’t pack lunches anymore but I did use to customize them a bit. Mini pizzas made from pitas were always a hit. My son takes a lunch to work every day, and he is great about making things relatively interesting – and I sometimes make a bit extra at dinner so he can take something at lunch too.
I don’t make annual goals, but you are crushing yours!
You dislike leftovers, so sending any extra with your son sounds perfect! I adore leftovers for myself and for the kids, but tend to not send hot lunches very often. I should do it more frequently because it really is easier than prepping a sandwich or cutting up Naan to send with hummus and cheese…
A Thermos of veggie soup ticks many boxes 🙂
I used to think everything in my kids’ lunches had be to healthy or nutritious, but then I was listening to an episode of Didn’t I Just Feed You on packing lunches and one of the hosts said something to the effect that school can be such a slog and they don’t want lunch time to be disappointing to their kids too; it has the potential to be the one thing the one bright spot in their day. That was kind of a light bulb moment for me- yeah, I don’t want my kid to be unexcited about lunch. So now I let them buy lunch when their favorite thing is on the menu, and when we go to the store, I have them each pick a lunch treat for the week, and even though I might internally roll my eyes at some of their choices, I tell myself that it will make them happy and that’s as important as being nutritious.
YES! I used to only send dessert on Fridays and then someone told me that eating packed lunches every day can be such a slog and having something small and tasty and special is a real high point. Now they get a dessert every day.
It’s so nice to see you back on the internet, just in time for NaBloMoPo (this may not be the correct spelling?). I hope there wasn’t a disaster with your blog. One day I was clicking on the link, the next day, it was a sketchy WhatApp conversation link (?!). You and Sara are inspiring with me on the premortem on annual goals with 1/4 of the year left. Looking forward to reading more!
I feel like I’m really winding down with my goals – I know I’m skipping a few and most of the ones I really wanted to get done/still made sense are done. I actually drafted my 2024 goals list this week!
Wow, you’ve been doing quite well with your goals list… how often do you check to see you don’t forget what you put on there and to make sure to plan these things?
It’s funny you mention the lunch box situation as I just listened to a conversation on NPR (public radio) about that exact topic and many people agreed that there is more pressure these days to pack healthy lunches, but that it’s also imperative to involve kids in the decision and maybe even let them pack their own lunches starting at a certain age. I think you’re doing a great job having these conversations with A and L and letting them weigh in.
I check my goals list once/month.
Lunchboxes are a huge part of school for us! It’s 180+ meals of the year, so there is definitely a lot to think through. I think this area of parenting – like every single other area – is constantly evolving. A is far more involved with packing lunches now and I know I’ll pass the baton completely in the near future. I do find it helpful to have some hand in putting things together, but it feels very different this year with the relatively minor change of getting concrete suggestions from the kids. Why didn’t I do this before?! I mean, I knew what they liked, but it was still eyeopening to have them each spell out exactly what they prefer to see in their lunchboxes. None of it was difficult to provide either!
Wow, you have crushed your goals! Way to go!! There are definitely goals on my list I’m not going to complete, but I’m fine with that. I’ll be sharing my list on Monday!
Gah, packing lunches. We got packed lunches when we were in elementary school but started buying hot lunches in middle/high school. I just remember always being so jealous of my friend who ALWAYS got a Lunchable.
Packing lunches is…a nuisance, but our hot lunch program leaves a lot to be desired, so lunchboxes it is (until high school; maybe the options there will be better?)
Tobia | craftaliciousme
You are really smashing your goals. I do love that you have flexible goals that you add every quarter. I think I may want to steal the idea for next year.
I do not have to pack lunchboxes but I hear that is a huge struggle for many. I guess if you need to do it daily it starts to. get annoying. Not sure how long my mom packed lunches. I am sure she did the first grades but we did make our one lunches probably for the longer time we were in school.
As for my own goals list. I think I am doing okayish. Some goals were not meant to be done this year. Some I can achieve partly. Some I crossed off. I didn’t really do great check ins.
I LOVED having the flexible goals this year. It was the first time I “wrote” that into my plan and will definitely be doing it every year moving forward.
Great job with your goals! I love that they run the gamut. So often I fail to add smaller things to my actual goals list because they don’t feel important enough to note, but then I never actually do them so… And that’s brilliant to build in another goal each quarter.
Ah, lunches. My girls started packing their own last year and continue this year, with some oversight to make sure they at least get some protein. They pack far more snacks than I would pack for them and definitely nowhere near enough veggies but I try to make up for that at dinner. They do sometimes request that I make them PB&J “because it tastes better when you make it” 😀 My oldest is fairly picky but absolutely loves certain recipes that are on regular rotation here, so I try to plan one or two of her favourites to make each week. I’ve come to realize that she truly feels loved and cared for when I make something that she likes, beyond just the fact that it’s something she wants to eat. Of course I want her to keep trying foods and hopefully eventually expand her palate, too, but rather than feeling somewhat guilty when I make her yet another grilled cheese sandwich, I try to lean into the love.
I especially loved knowing I could think on some goals throughout the year (also, it meant less pressure because for the final goal, if it’s a habit thing, I only have to keep it up for a small portion of the year!).
I feel so loved when my mom or husband (or anyone for that matter) cook for me. Yes, yes, yes. I think that’s such a gift from God – that food is nourishing for both mind AND body. I love that you’re leaning into it <3
A (Super Awesome) Planning Giveaway! – The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist
[…] space for a lot of different information; one example is the “Year List” where I track my goals for the year. I highlight (and usually date them) when […]