Hi. I’m Elisabeth with an ‘s’. Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I hope you can pull up a chair, brew yourself a cup of something delicious, and stay awhile.

This blog is part of my attempt to balance a lifelong predilection for pessimism by seeking out (and celebrating) the joys on offer in daily life.

So…who is the Optimistic Pessimist?

DAUGHTER | The most important thing you need to know is I am a Christ-follower. I respect the diversity of faith groups represented in this space. You may agree, doubt, or outright reject the Jesus I love. We all get to make a choice about what we believe and where we put our hope. I’ve made my choice – and all my hope is in Jesus.

WIFE | Awkwardly unfunny, I managed to find and marry the funniest man alive. Seriously. Don’t be surprised if he gets a Netflix special someday. We’ve been married for over 14 years and I fall more in love with this guy every day. He’s awesome.

MAMA | I’m called Mom by two of the most spirited, spunky (read also: loud) and lovable children imaginable. They exhaust me (where do they get all that energy?), but they’re also downright delightful.

CAREER | With a background in Biology, I started by working in environmental monitoring and land-use planning, followed by a decade in the tech start-up space which included co-founding two businesses! I currently work in project management.

Note: raising kids is a full-time job that doesn’t show up as a line item on my CV. It should. I have credentials as a head chef, crisis negotiator, lawyer, doctor, private chauffeur, administrative assistant, and maid. I can also French braid, listen to 30 minutes of Pokemon discussions without understanding a single word being said, and lose eleven consecutive games of UNO to an 8-year-old. #LifeSkills.

LIKES | Lover of good books, art museums, old sitcoms, Netflix documentaries, afternoon naps, and peanut butter & banana on toast, sushi (extra ginger and wasabi please), Twizzlers, and cherry cheesecake. Hmmm. I may be very passionate about food.

I enjoy thrifting and pursue a minimalistic lifestyle in terms of both home aesthetics and lifestyle. My idea of a perfect Friday night is hanging out in comfy pajamas and organizing my sock drawer (feel free to insert other drawer/shelf/closet – I love organizing them all).

Did I mention I’m an introvert?

SUMMARY | If I’m not eating or reading or organizing or writing…I’m likely out exploring this beautiful world with my family.